Thursday, July 15, 2010

yes we CAN!

TXU found the house!  We've scheduled electricity!  Now we can move!  Today, I'll get the lease and let Coach go down to the City and set up the water account and the two critical items will be done.  Yes, yes, we'll schedule Time Warner Cable but seriously, folks, these people are clueless.  Yesterday, they told me I couldn't move service from one zip code to another without starting a whole new account and that we would get a credit but we'd lose the rest of the MLS Direct Kick package we bought. 

Does this sound like good business practice to anybody?  This entire summer, TWC has been irritating us with their sloppy billing errors, multiple mixed messages about our service and, in general, the poor quality of service.  And then to tell me I can't move two miles away from this apartment in 76504 to a house in 76502 (in the same city) without basically starting all over again - just about takes the cake. 

I told the gal on the phone yesterday DirectTV was looking better and better.  (not that I really want satellite, mind you, but I'm just about at the end of my patience with our current set-up.)

In other news...

Wait, there isn't other news - we're in full moving mode.  I'll spare you today. 

Work is good.  The great thing about summer is that I can pretty much focus on one task at a time.  It's such a nice change from the hectic pace of the school year when 20 things are happening or due at once. 

I'm working on the website today and getting some letters out and order thank you notes for our new donors.  I might go in a little early so I can get started.  After cereal, of course, Oscar...  No, sweet kitty, I won't forget your milk.

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