Monday, April 30, 2007

golly, that's a lot of bible studies

I just realized that I'm working on Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby, starting Lead Like Jesus by Ken Blanchard (at the office) and looking forward to going through Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren with EG.

It was a great weekend. Munchkin grew another inch, I think. Clothes that seemed to fit last week are too short now. *laugh* She gets hiccups and then grows an inch. I knew she was about to have a growth spurt when she fell out of the car last week. As a kid, any time that I got really clumsy all the sudden was a sure sign that I was about to shoot up another inch (or two). Looks like Munchkin got that from me, too.

Waiting on the official word on a really exciting new project - still can't say anything here just yet but I hope the wait is almost over. As EG reminded me this morning, when my sciatica started to act up because the expected phone call for still hasn't come (no, I don't really have sciatica), God's in control of this project and has been since the beginning. If He's brought me this far, He'll take care of these little details too. He advised me to stay out of it. So, I'm doing a lot of deep breathing this morning. *laugh*

Saturday, April 21, 2007

About all the fun I can stand

We went down to Austin tonight for K's bachelorette party. Boy, that was fun. Kinda. It was certainly a reminder of how much I am thankful I've outgrown drinking.

I spent $30 on a meal that consisted of a salad and a coke because somebody got it in their head to split the ticket six ways. And that wasn't even the full amount of "my part." I put my foot down though and said that I wasn't about to pay out $43 for an $11 meal. No thank you.

Amazingly enough, they all drank (lots) and I didn't. I was driving, you see. Not that I will ever return to the days of drinking lots - those days are LONG gone. Lost my taste for it, you might say.

I love paying for other people's booze. My favorite thing in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD. K was one one thing but everybody else? What a great idea. *rolling eyes* I would much rather have been at the game with EG.

But enough about that.

I'm tired now and a bit grumpy. (cantcha tell?) I think I'll crawl into bed and look over my sunday school lesson for tomorrow.

'night, folks.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Betcha Thought

Bet you thought I wasn't comin' back, huh? Nah, my computer had a very bad cold and needed several days in Dork General Hospital to recuperate.

Things are bopping along and, while I have a whole slew of things to update, I just don't have time at the moment. I'll try and get on tonight on my newly recovered computer and update.

Otherwise, I'll update tomorrow.

Hugs and Kisses!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Closed Doors

When you acknowledge that some paths truly are dead ends - regardless of how appealing they may look. It's time to close the door.

Naturally, I'm disappointed. Nobody likes to invest time and energy into a project and then realize it was really just a learning experience. A growing opportunity.

But, as a wise man once said:

“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” - Walt Disney

We saw an awesome movie on Saturday: Meet the Robinsons. What a great flick. I HIGHLY recommend it for parents with young(er) children that tire of the same old Shrek potty humor or understated innuendo. This is fun movie.

Anyway, back to closed doors - it's not like he isn't a terrific guy. He is. Just not for me. Sure, parts of our romance fit together just great but you can't build a long-term thing on parts. It's got to be a mutual agreement of compatibility, investment, team-building and cooperation. It's HARD work to pull off a successful partnership, no matter if it's business or personal. And I just didn't see our goals lining up. It has to be built on trust, faith, prayer and time together.

So, it was time to close the door. Here's to opening new doors and boldly walking through them, feeling secure in the promise of God's blessing.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Two Roads

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
Robert Frost
But how to know which is the road less traveled? So here I sit, where the two roads diverge, waiting for a sign. *sigh*

Monday, April 2, 2007

Big Bands are loud?

The Season is over. My OnStage shows are finished until September. YEAH!!! Friday was NUTS. Trying to get everything created was WOW, crazy. But I got it done. The show on Sunday was great. We didn't sell out the house but, then again, we didn't get the coverage in the paper that I'd hoped. But I don't want to talk about them because they really did a nice job covering a couple of other things last week and I don't want it to sound like I'm overly complaining. Even with the less than dazzling paper coverage of that particular show, the house looked pretty full (except those pesky side wings - I've GOT to get the auditorium pictures up on the website) and everybody had a great time. My visual arts director and her husband got up and danced in the aisle - it was AWESOME.

*laugh* Apparently, somebody commented to my boss that they thought the band was a little loud. Well, it's a BIG BAND, folks. You sit in the second row in front of four trumpets, three trombones and four saxophones, a drummer, bass player, piano player and a clarinet and it's going to be loud. *gigglesnort*

I'm ready for a vacation... Oh, J.....

Now I shift into budget planning. Joy. I know boring myself blind over budget numbers is exactly what I want to do. At least this year I'll know what I'm planning rather than just going in blind like I had to do last year. I know what works and what doesn't in this little town of newspaper readers.

We have our big kids art exhibit opening tonight and I'm really looking forward to it. The galleries look AMAZING and we always have a big crowd for it. That reminds me that I need to make some new email forms for it.

Life otherwise is good. I missed J by 30 minutes the other day but I saw he was online so that means things are ok over there.

Well, I'd better get back to it folks. Later, gators!