Monday, October 30, 2006

Why Does He Do That?

I said to my mother today, "God must really want me to make this banner because I SOOOOOOO do not want to do it." Why does He do that?

The more pertinent question is, how do I always get myself into these projects that I then struggle to finish? Why am I such an overcommitter? Where is that little voice of reason that says, "hey MORON, when are you possibly going to have the time, patience and the funds to create a 6'x4' banner made out of only the best fabrics and the best effort?" YOU CAN'T EVEN SEW!

*deep breath*

Now that I've ranted, let me explain. Our church is doing a Christmas program. One of the ladies of the church has a vision to do a banner program and needed people to do banners. I had planned to do the banner over the summer while Munchkin was gone but King and I became all-encompassing far sooner than I imagined it would have. On top of that, I drew a blank every time I would sit down to seriously think about what I wanted to do. For months I had no inspiration. The church lady would ask, "what's your banner?" My dumb look must have alarmed her because she kept asking about it - EVERY TIME I SAW HER.

Of course, here I am, scrambing at the very last minute to get this thing done. I'm frazzled because I have a terrific inspiration (the burning bush "I AM" Exodus 3:14) but I CAN'T SEW. DUH. Wish me luck. If it looks like anything other than a cat put it together with masking tape and pipe cleaners, you can give all the credit to the Almighty.



  1. You could always glue everything down with spray adhesive and run fabric paint along all the edges. And maybe splatter it all with accent colored fabric paint as well. Reminiscent of those horrible "ribbon shirts" we all wore in high school.... LOL!

    Good luck!!!!

  2. You could always glue everything down with spray adhesive and run fabric paint along all the edges. And maybe splatter it all with accent colored fabric paint as well. Reminiscent of those horrible "ribbon shirts" we all wore in high school.... LOL!

    Good luck!!!!

  3. Oh ick - I had forgotten those AWFUL shirts. Thanks for the memories. *giggle*

  4. Oh ick - I had forgotten those AWFUL shirts. Thanks for the memories. *giggle*
