Saturday, January 27, 2007

Running Around Like...

Well, you know the phrase.

It's been quite a week. Work this week has been totally nuts because our annual fundraiser was tonight. We've all put in some extra hours getting ready for it and here it was. It was beautiful. The girls did a fabulous job and everything was fantastic. I can't wait to see how much was raised.

Rehearsals are getting intense. Every night this week until 10:30pm. I'm beat. It's coming along, though.

I haven't heard from J since the 21st. There have been a staggering number of casualties and we're still waiting on the Army to release the names of seven JUST FROM TODAY. *gulp*

Oh, Lord, I hope he's safe. All this worrying about him (which does nothing but give me a headache) has worn me out. I remind myself that God is in control of this situation and He already knows the outcome. I ask myself if I believe that God is who He says He is or not. If I do, then I have to trust Him to know what's best. If I don't, then I have bigger problems than worrying about J.

I'm beat, y'all. I know this is a terrible update and promise to do better this week. Now that Gala is over, I can breathe again at work. Later, folks.


  1. This is a very scary time, and I hope that you hear from J soon. I've been in a very similar position, and it is a difficult one to be in. Keep yourself busy (although that doesn't sound like it will be a problem), continue to pray and think good thoughts, and hopefully soon you will get a phone call or email.

    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  2. This is a very scary time, and I hope that you hear from J soon. I've been in a very similar position, and it is a difficult one to be in. Keep yourself busy (although that doesn't sound like it will be a problem), continue to pray and think good thoughts, and hopefully soon you will get a phone call or email.

    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.
