Friday, January 12, 2007

The Benefits of Messiness?

According to THIS St Louis Post-Dispatch article, there may be benefits to being messy.

I found this article interesting and certainly validating because, hey, sometimes things just pile up. Especially working all day and then having church, community, events at work and then the play vying for my time. But, as I've talked about here, a tidy house just makes me feel better. Things are straight and orderly. The house may not always be uber-clean but stuff is put away, cabinets have been wiped down and the floors have been swept. *sigh* Ah, happiness.

What do you think? I'm interested in your opinions on the article. Go read it and then come back here and leave your comments.

Yes, I'm a dork. I know. Hey, every once in a while it's nice to de-lurk.. Don't you agree? After all, it is still National DeLurking Week (who made that "National" anyway? Probably Google - they are taking over the world.).


  1. i'm going to send this article to my mom!

  2. Hey, I am actually reading that book right now! It is interesting although I don't agree with much of what they say.

    I found you through Shannon's geography project because I am in Austin and my Dad lives in Belton, so I thought I'd check it out. Looks like we're all melted down now. Stay warm...

  3. Hey, I am actually reading that book right now! It is interesting although I don't agree with much of what they say.

    I found you through Shannon's geography project because I am in Austin and my Dad lives in Belton, so I thought I'd check it out. Looks like we're all melted down now. Stay warm...

  4. Kim, I Love, Love, LOVE Shannon's blog! I grew up in Belton - it's a great little town. Thanks for visiting!

  5. Kim, I Love, Love, LOVE Shannon's blog! I grew up in Belton - it's a great little town. Thanks for visiting!
