Sunday, December 16, 2007

Enough with Tow Trucks!

Fortunately, it's not my car this time.  Mom has a pretty, red Monte Carlo that she just LOVES and is, apparently, going to love to death.  It may be sooner than we think.  Thursday night, it wouldn't start back up when she stopped by for a quick visit.  It's been sitting, lifeless, in my driveway ever since. 

Having just gone through the nightmare that is car trouble, I am totally sympathetic.  She had it towed over to the shop today when they tried to replace the battery without success.  Meaning it wasn't the battery, not that they couldn't change out the battery.... 

Things around the house are messy but good.  It seems like I can never get laundry finished and these hard floors are always dusty.  It's amazing.  Since we did all that work over the summer, the house just stays dusty - it's really irritating. 

I pre-leased my new place the other day.  I'm really excited about a new place.  Talk about re-arranging furniture!  I'm probably going to get rid of my big desk b/c I haven't the faintest idea where I'd keep it in a littler place with only two bedrooms.  I can't remember if there is a little nook or anything - I need to go see the floorplan again. 

It will be nice not having a yard to keep up and the only exterior space being a balcony.  Munchkin doesn't really play outside because she doesn't have other children to play with.  She used to have a little play house but, being an outside toy, it stayed dirty and became a lovely home for spiders and other insects and she just WAS NOT digging that.  (a bit like her mother, that one)

With sweetpea's help yesterday, we hung the Christmas lights. Problem is, I think we hung them backwards and so the extension cord isn't long enough to plug them in!  (it's always something)  Since it's such a pretty day, I might hazard back up on the ladder and straighten them out so we can have our lights on tonight. 

Last night I succumbed to a rare case of the pitifuls.  I am not, by nature, a crier.  I don't like to cry and, therefore, will resist crying at all costs.  Last night was one of those nights though, when I was tired and it snuck up on me.  I found myself helpless to resist the oh so girly activity which is a good cry.  Ugh.  I think I cried myself to sleep.  I couldn't tell you what I was crying about which tells me that I've probably had this coming for a while so it could be any number of things. 


Well, I think I'll return to the playstation for a while.  Later, gators!


  1. Perhaps a trip to "Ikea" may be in order!

  2. When are you moving? Make sure you send me your new addy - you know for all that postal mail we send each other! LOL! I loved the Christmas Card, btw - thanks so much for sending it - it was a great treat to see your lovely smiles when I opened the card! It always makes a house feel more like a home when there are photos of friends and family about.
