Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Believe! (Devotional)

Passage Romans 10:8-17
Dear Father,May the word of Christ always be on my lips and in my heart. May I make known to everyone in every place that Jesus is Lord and that you have raised him from the dead. Remind me continually that I have no cause to be ashamed of my faith.Grant not only that I myself should believe but that I should also become partners with others in sending them to proclaim the Good News to the world.Thank you that Christ is preached. Thank you for the belief you have put into my heart. Thank you for the salvation that comes from this.In Jesus' name. Amen. #Bible

It's been a really hectic few months and my blogging has slowed down to a crawl.

I need to blog about Annie, the recent show I was just in. I need to give an update on the never-ending adventure in parenting.  You get the picture.

For this morning, though, I really connected with this devotion and thought I'd share.

It is my prayer my words and actions would always reflect Christ. I know they don't but that is the sweet promise of the cross;  despite our countless failings, we can rest safe in the arms of Redemption.

Have a great day! Be blessed!

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