Wednesday, October 12, 2005

SSSHHHH!! He'll Hear You!

So, the ex calls this morning and says that he likes my blog. No, I don't make a habit of publicizing my blog, but a while back I was teaching myself about feeds and all of that techno-garble and updated my yahoo profile to pick up feeds from here. Well, I forgot all about it until this morning. Nice reminder, huh?? *grin* Oh well.

I re-read the posts and am anticipating a few catty remarks. Nobody likes to hear/read things about them that aren't very flattering, albeit true.

On the subject of my ex, he's actually been pretty nice lately. With the exception of yesterday, which was every bit as much my fault because I have been rather stressed out lately about this whole lack of a job thing, we've gotten along pretty well.

He's stepped up and picked up a few things for Baby Girl's school that, all together, probably would have stretched me a little thin. I thought that was very kind of him, and I've told him that, too.. (see, I'm not a total man-hater)

Anyway, enough about that. Wouldn't want anybody to get any ideas that I might be playing nice. Can't have that. *laugh*

Ok, so I didn't have to stay for jury duty. They excused me on account that I have a three year old and don't always have somebody readily available to see to her. I was a little disappointed that I didn't stay, but reality is reality. I'll have more chances, I'm sure.

On another note, I've just started a new book. Well, two if you consider that I'm also reading another book at the same time. Kooky, huh? Well, I'm reading Son of a Witch by Gregory McGuire; it's the sequel to Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. WONDERFUL stuff, folks. Really entertaining. Can't wait to really get into it.

The other book I'm reading is an inspirational book. It's called, Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands. It's about how EVERY Christian is called into ministry. Every few paragraphs, I have a "WOW" moment. That's where you put the book down and go, "WOW!!" because you've just read something so prolific that it turns your brain inside out. Consequently, I can only read a few pages at a time because there is so much to absorb.

Anyway, I'm going by the hospital to apply for yet another job. I'll get their attention ONE of these days. *sigh* But I'm not going to let myself get into a case of the "pout, pouts", as Big H calls it. *giggle* That's what he puts on his voicemail because that's what his church kids call him. Isn't that cute?? What a great friend. I was in such a horrible mood last night, when he came by, but he really helped cheer me up. That's what a friend is. I'm so lucky to have him around.

Well, the coffee pot is calling my name in the kitchen. I am helpless to resist it. Later y'all.

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