Friday, September 16, 2011

The Urge to Cut

I'm growing my hair out. Yes, I know it looks nicer, more professional, etc at a chin-length, stacked bob. BUT. I'm planning to audition for Oliver at the Temole Civic Theatre in (I guess) December and I don't think chin length was "in" back in Dickens-era England. The growing process is EXCRUCIATING. I have a lot of hair and this fluffy mess is very tedious to get together in the mornings. I know this is the worst part. I will survive. Speaking of musicals, Munchkin made the Honor Choir at her school! YEAH, Munchkin! Now there will be even more singing in the house. And dancing, too since she's taking dance. Now before you go all over-scheduled on me, dance is thirty minutes, twice a week. In this awful, unending heat, it gives her a way to get active in a way she loves and it furthers HER goal to be a Kitten at Temple High School. She still has plenty of time to do homework, play and relax after school. Coach was invited to work with goalkeepers in the local clubs and thats a huge win for him. He's been working on that a while now. So to be invited to a regular gig is a huge success. He talked about, maybe in the future, taking on a team but he's got a lot of after school responsibilities with Yearbook that sometimes just pop up so having a regular gig outside of school isn't really possible right now. So Munchkin is watching Jem and the Holograms. It makes me laugh to see her watch a show I enjoyed so much as a girl myself. *laugh* Ok, it's time to get everybody corralled for the morning. Have a great day!

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