Wednesday, September 23, 2009

a post about reading

  • Reading something frivolous? Or something serious?

  • Depends on my mood.  I'm currently reading The History of Love by Nicole Krauss and it's touching and beautiful and poignant.  It is laced with a lot of humor but it's not the side-splitting "har har" stuff... 
  • Paperbacks? Or hardcovers?

  • doesn't matter
  • Fiction? Or Nonfiction?

  • fiction - definitely.  non-fiction generally loses me somewhere after the lengthy acknowledgements... *yawn*
  • Poetry? Or Prose?

  • Prose
  • Biographies? Or Autobiographies?

  • biographies - generally somebody on the outside looking in is not as defensive
  • History? Or Historical Fiction?

  • historical fiction
  • Series? Or Stand-alones?

  • You know, that's a funny one because I say it doesn't matter but then find myself REALLY disappointed to come to the end of a WONDERFUL read only to realize that's it... 
  • Classics? Or best-sellers?

  • Best sellers.  I find the classics demand a more dedicated pursuit than I am able to commit most of the time.
  • Lurid, fruity prose? Or straight-forward, basic prose?

  • fruity, baby!  I like the juicy details that paint the picture for me.  Stark prose doesn't pull as much. 
  • Plots? Or Stream-of-Consciousness?

  • definitely plots.  stream of consciousness makes me dizzy. 
  • Long books? Or Short?

  • depends on how good it is.  You know what I mean by this too - good books you want to go on forever.  Bad books, you're thankful when they are short. 
  • Illustrated? Or Non-illustrated?

  • I love the trend toward the graphic novel.  Affirms those pictures in my head. 
  • Borrowed? Or Owned?

  • Owned.  I dread loaning my books out (even though I do it all the time) and am terrible about becoming attached to a story or characters and assimiliating a really good find into my collection.  As a result, I very rarely borrow.
  • New? Or Used?

  • doesn't matter AS LONG as they aren't written in.  I can't STAND writing in books!!!!  (yes, I've done it but it makes my heart ache to deface a book; even if it's mine and it's a wonderful non-fiction resource)


    1. Are you saying that you dont like when I write in my books?


    2. Honey, they are YOUR books. Write away!
