Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I have laughed more in the past months than, maybe, in my entire life.  Life is happy.  Life is good. 

I'm reading a crazy book called Good Omens.  It's by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett.  It's taking simply FOREVER to get through.  I mean, sheesh - I bought it two weeks ago and I'm STILL not finished.  I think that means I am just not into it.  I'm ready to be finished with it so I can move on.  I have a new book that I want to dig in to. 

Hey, I can add a poll?  How cool is that?!  Ok, a poll. 
[polldaddy poll=1000206]

Ok, that was random.  *laugh*  dinnertime!

1 comment:

  1. aren't the polls fun? it's about time wordpress brought the polls into their format! lol!
