Sunday, March 5, 2006

So much Sunday left and no time to Nap

Today is one of those days that makes you want to lay on the couch and watch movies all day. Kiddo is with her dad for five days. Yesterday the hand-off went really well. I rearranged half of my house (with a LOT of help from my friends) and I'm SO excited! The color that I HATED in the living room looks terrific as a bedroom and the colors in my bedroom of which I was so tired look FANTASTIC as a living room. Imagine that...

I have another event today, at work. I LOVE my job. I hope it's a successful show. It is the start of our family series. I hope we have LOTS and LOTS of kids. Then, I'm going with a friend to look for pillows (or covers) for my sofa. Then, we have church again tonight and, after that, some meeting for coordinators/directors. UGH. I wish I could skip it. Maybe we'll just go and say hello and then come home. I want to call in sick tomorrow. hmmm... That might not be a bad idea.

My ads are already running for the next show; the press releases aren't due until Tuesday and I don't have a cover to worry about..... Maybe I could be sick tomorrow. I am SO tired. I haven't slept well in two months. I know it's because of all the (good) stress at work but it is still starting to wear me out.

Not to mention that my house is still in a state of chaos. Let's think about that a little more.