Coach and I had engagement pictures done last weekend. I am happy. Truly at peace. There is a bliss that defies definition and yet I am grounded and content to walk this level path - with him. We've set a date and the planning has begun in earnest.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
the look of happy
Coach and I had engagement pictures done last weekend. I am happy. Truly at peace. There is a bliss that defies definition and yet I am grounded and content to walk this level path - with him. We've set a date and the planning has begun in earnest.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
squeals of adolescent estrogen
K & I went on a girls' night out Friday. A little dinner, a lot of laughing and....twilight. It was finally here and it was pretty good. Oh, it's no Harry Potter. Pirates of the Caribbean beat it hands down. But, it was very fun to see the adaptation of the books we devoured.
We laughed at the hoardes of young adolescent girls lined up at the ticket counter an hour before the theatre opened. All text messages were off as their little eyes (and hormones) were glued to the screen. When Edward appeared on the screen for the first time, the hoard squeeled with delight. (yes, really) When Edward and Bella kissed the first time, collective sighs and applause were heard throughout the room. It was HILARIOUS.
I thought the Edward character was played pretty well by HP-veteran, Robert Pattinson. Bella, on the other hand, was played a little too wispy and waif-ish. I thought Bella carried herself really well in the books. Yes, she was reserved and a little self-depricating. But the on-screen teenager was a little breathy; like she was about to have an asthma attack every time she had to talk to Edward. Oh, before you berate me for soundng so grown-up; yes I remember that breathless first crush. That feeling of just not knowing what. to. say. when. HE.....walks in the room. *squeel* You could say I really got in touch with my inner middle schooler this weekend. *laugh*
I will say this, though, the dramatic tension between the Edward and Bella characters was GREAT. The ratcheted up the tension until you could cut the air with a knife. IT was great. That part got an A+.
I thought the movie, overall, was a little predictable. They spelled it out a little too clearly. They didn't give the audience enough credit. It was as if they KNEW 96% of the audience has already read all four books so they didn't have to bother with that little thing called suspense.
Eh...not bad. Don't know that I'll buy it. I certainly don't think HP should have delayed the release eight months for THIS. I think the death of Dumbledore, the revelations about Snape and Voldemort were WELL WORTH a little healthy competition at the box office. I think everybody would have won. And, we'd have a better holiday movie season to look forward to.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
where have all the christmas decorations gone?
*sigh* Not a good start to the holiday shopping season. On an up note, I did find a really neat learn to draw Tinkerbell book for Munchkin.
She's waving her pom-pom and doing a cheer. ah, noise. *laugh* Last night, she cheered on the field with the cheerleaders. She didn't go to cheer camp but she was able to make it up and still cheer at the game. She loved it. She told me she'd like to try cheerleading in the spring. I told her let's finish out the year with ballet (they have a holiday recital at the end of November) and then I'd find out how much (and how often) cheerleading would be, after the new year.
I need to have the carpets cleaned before I drag out christmas decorations. And what to do with the table? So many decisions. *laugh* Maybe we'll get a smaller, live tree this year and save the fuss of dragging the big artificial tree out. That tree is six feet tall and about four feet wide, so it takes up a large space. If I turn the table, I could probably fit either possibility between the table and the patio door. Not like we go out there anyway. *laugh* (you can tell that by the dead mums out there - poor things)
Well, I'll wrap this up for now. Later, gators!
Monday, October 27, 2008
America. Love it or fix it.
Belton - Bell County Courthouse Annex, 550 E. 2nd Ave
Killeen - Bell County Annex, 301 Priest Drive
Killeen - Killeen Community Center, 2201 E. Vet Memorial Blvd
Temple - Bell County Annex, 205 E. Central Avenue
Salado - Salado Civic Center, 601 North Main Street
Harker Heights - Parks & Recreation Center, 307 Millers Crossing
No excuse. You either step up and take action or sit down and be quiet. Know this, though - nothing hurts this country (or any effort, for that matter) like apathy. Abdication of responsibility does not make it any less your fault when the wheels come off.
"My vote doesn't count anyway" is not a valid excuse. Lots of time has been spent proving how many close races have been decided by just a few votes.
I was raised to believe that civic involvement was not only a right; it was a RESPONSIBILITY. Just letting things be as they will be is for people who live in dictatorships or monarchies. NOT AMERICA. It drives me absolutely up the wall when people stand on the sidelines and gripe but DO NOTHING ABOUT IT (other than gritch, that is).
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'm reading a crazy book called Good Omens. It's by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett. It's taking simply FOREVER to get through. I mean, sheesh - I bought it two weeks ago and I'm STILL not finished. I think that means I am just not into it. I'm ready to be finished with it so I can move on. I have a new book that I want to dig in to.
Hey, I can add a poll? How cool is that?! Ok, a poll.
[polldaddy poll=1000206]
Ok, that was random. *laugh* dinnertime!
Monday, October 6, 2008
cold and chills; then hot and clammy. It made my morning meeting REALLY great. NOT.
I'm going home in a few minutes to be officially puny.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
some people
Nothing in particular. I listened to a man so full of his own self-righteousness today until my head hurt. I watched another person posture on a platform; more interested in being seen than SEEING. And another person strike out in the hopes of wounding another just for the sake of doing it.
Well, anyways. Enough time spent on people who waste their energy being hateful. I will NOT allow it to spoil my joy.
There was a glimmer of hope today. I've recently encountered a character in my daily travels that has captured my attention. I can see potential behind his facade of apathy. Lots of it. Maybe I'm a fool to hope (there's that word again) but it's a foolishness I'll take any day to hopelessness. Well, I checked on him today and I think he was surprised to see me. Suprised maybe that I really do care? Maybe it's too early to go that far. I'll keep at it, though, just to see what happens.
Yes, I'm being vague. I can do that. *laugh*
Good night, friends.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
short sentences
Work is good.
Munchkin is getting taller by the moment.
I need a bulldozer to dig out of the paper in my office.
I'm in love.
I'm hungry.
I think that about covers it. *laugh*
Happy Wednesday!
little things
Tucker Jeremiah Corley
Piper Abigail Corley
I don't know why, but those names have been rolling around in my head today. Crazy hormones.
Little feet, little ears, little hands - little things
Breathe, Regina - it's a long time until July.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 collapse?
But perhaps I should begin socking money away in a mattress; just in case.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
thinking about christmas
I started thinking tonight about Christmas. Namely, where will the tree go? I think we'll have to take the dining room table out and store it until "The Holidays" are over. LOL I can't imagine where it would go, otherwise. As it is, we'll move the couch all the over to the window and nestle it in the crook of the living room/dining "nook."
Of all the apartments and houses I've lived in, this one will be the trickiest, I think. Probably because we're already pretty cramped in here. I was telling ... hm... what shall we call him?
[insert tangent here]
We've referred to him as Coach and Munchkin called him Bathtub a time or two in the beginning, just to be awnry (spelling, anyone?). His yearbook girls call him "cor-cor" but that's a little ... well, nevermind. *laugh* Coach it is...
[returning to the topic at hand]
Anyway, as I was saying - I was telling Coach tonight that I wish I could just snap my fingers and have a third bedroom on this apartment. I don't want to move again but may have no choice - we just need more space. I don't have enough closets and I WANT an office! I really want my scrapbooking stuff out of my closet. If I had a 3 bedroom, I'd have a dining room and I could bring back my glorious pedestal table that's sitting in storage right now because it's too big, even without the leaves, for the living room.
ANYWAY - Christmas. (sheesh, I'm rambling tonight) Well, suffice it to say that I'm excited. I think it's going to be the happiest Christmas yet.
*yawn* Ok, I have a bath of not-so-hot water waiting for me (oh, I am SO ready for them to fix that).
'night, friends! Have a great week!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
cold showers
The hot water in the complex is ALWAYS messed up. I mean, I take more lukewarm showers than EVER - I HATE it. I haven't taken a decent hot bath in a month! I hate showers!
Ok, I'm finished. Time for my *cringe* cold shower.
I can feel my teeth start to chatter already.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
a weekend for magical movies
WHat a remarkable movie. THe story was fantastic, the music was great (james horner, of course) and the overall experience was spectacular. I don't think I blinked six times during the movie - I didn't want to miss anything.
THe second, tonight, was:
I wept. It was one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen. The story broke my heart. His complete faith that he could be found. Yeah, I definitely want that one.
It was a good weekend. Munchkin's birthday was yesterday and it was a great day. SHe got to be the center of attention all day; which is always a good choice for her. *grin*
I can't believe she's six. Already. Where did it go? And if time goes faster as we get older and it's already going this fast...
'night, friends.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Not enough hands
Life, otherwise, is going really well. I'm seeing a man who I think is the greatest thing since sliced cheese. He was right in front of me the entire time and I can't believe I didn't see it before. I guess I wasn't ready to see it. I had to realize the depth of the fictional story created by my "relationship" with the army before I could really grasp the extent of what I was missing.
Not one to gush, I find myself smiling those quiet smiles a lot. Like I know the punchline to a joke and I'm not quite ready to tell it because it still makes me laugh too much.
In other news, Munchkin loves school. We've made good contacts with her teacher and she seems to really adore her school. Saturday is her birthday and I think we're going to Chuck E Cheese. Yes, really.
*laugh* Nah, I think it will be ok. We are going to invite one of her friends (and her mom) to go with us and then we'll invite the little girl to stay the night for a first slumber party. She IS six now.... well, almost.
Anyway - the list isn't getting much shorter, so I'd better get at it.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
She (and I) did it!
Yesterday was the first day of school. It was GREAT! She had a great day. She's making new friends; seems to really like her teacher and, overall, came home calm and happy. Her Principal is a JEWEL, the school is adorable and the atmosphere is calm but everybody working. We made the right choice.
I didn't even cry as I left her. It was a great Day 1.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
insomnia...but I'm ok with that
It was a good weekend. Bought school clothes for the kiddo. She starts kindergarten Tuesday and, if that weren't enough to give me a serious case of the Mommies, she lost her first tooth today.
She's growing up so fast and I can't stop it. Not that I really want to... I don't want her to stay a baby. I'm loving getting to know this big kid. She's a really cool kid.
Tomorrow night is Meet the Teacher Night. I'm terrified I'll do something dumb like cry. I don't want to embarrass her but, golly, she's really starting school. *gulp* I've been able to not think about it all summer but here it is.
Last year, she was in Pre-K. Pre-K is practice for kindergarten. This is the real deal. Before I know it, she'll be driving, wearing lipstick and wanting to try on kitten heels.
Ah....I made myself a little sick with that last sentence. *laugh* I think I'll go to bed while I'm ahead.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Look What I Found!
Remind anybody of this.......?
Perhaps I've found the way to Hogwarts - right in the High School!!!
*tee hee*
Carry on.....
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I'm back!
Whew! It's been a wild few weeks (as indicated by my total absence from blogging) but we're finding our rhythm. Munchkin is funnier, tanner and blonder than when she left. She's also sassier but that's to be expected - she's two months older. I mean, like, how could I totally not get that, MAAAHHHMM.... *insert rolling eyes*
*giggle* Actually, she's great. Her dad did a great job and she came home happy and healthy and like she had a terrific time. It's great to have her home.
Work has been a total roller coaster. The new boss and I are finding our groove so that's good. She dances to the beat of something along the lines of Rush so we're all running to keep up with her. It's an adventure.
I've started dating again and, eh, it's about the same as it's been before. Lots of one or the others... KWIM? Lots of lookers but no substance or - at the other end of the spectrum - lots of great energy, enthusiasm and wit but no chemistry. *sigh*
There are a couple of stand-outs but I'm not putting a lot of effort into it. At this point, I'm a little weary of the entire process so I figure he's going to just have to find me.
We've redefined the boundary lines between me and work. I went and bought a new cell phone last weekend so I could turn my work phone off when I was out of the office. Only my boss and the assistant superintendent who deals with safety and crisis situations have it. Considering there were only about a dozen times, the entire year, when something would happen that required after hours attention; I think this is a good plan.
Things are good. I am tired and it's been a little rough readjusting to a non-show sleep schedule but that will resolve itself in time.
I'm growing my hair out. No, not long again - I'm pretty sure those days are over. The last time I got it cut, she cut it in that awful Posh Spice stacked in the back; long in the front look. I hate it. I'm letting the back grow back out before I chop the sides off to match it. Right now, it's still too short and I don't want my stylist cutting it until it's ready.
Boy, I'm sleepy. I think I'll hit the sack.
What a great day. :)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
What were they thinking?
Saw this in the Newark airport. I have to say I think it certainly accomplished one goal - get them noticed. But at what cost? Why on earth would you mail a baby? I know they don't mean this literally but sheesh, just to infer that you could put a stamp on an infant and do whatever they think you might do once stamped is outrageous.
Another woman and I laughed at the same time and wondered if there was some greater cosmic meaning that, at midnight, escaped us.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Tired but Excited!!
Then, tomorrow evening, I'm going to get skeeter. I can't wait...
But first - sleep. Desperate need of sleep. Then, scrambled eggs, toast and bacon. And COFFEE. YUM.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
of all people
This morning, he called me and said, "I'm hungry - are you hungry - let's eat." So, we had a snack while we talked on the phone. He said he'd call me back if he needed to; to make sure I was eating lunch. Silly man.
Rehearsal is chugging along. We open on Friday. Invited dress is tonight. I can't wait to get people in the audience. We are all experiencing fatigue and several of us have injuries (not that you'll be able to pick us out during the performances). Having people in the audience (starting tonight) will revive our energy and enthusiasm for the show.
It has come together and we're going to pull off a great show. I think everybody will be pleased.
For you trivia hounds, here is a Wikipedia article on the origins of "break a leg."
Saturday, July 19, 2008
songs in my dreams
As I've gone through scores and song collections, I have reveled in memories from high school and college - from the first aria I ever heard Io son l'umile ancela from Adriana Lecouvreur to the first aria that ever made me cry Tu che di gel. I've listened to dozens of arias from dozens of singers tonight; each one touching the piece with her own individual gift. Some were not good; others simply divine. Some I've sung; others I've dreamed of singing.
I've come up with the beginnings of a list. Most recitals I've been to feature between 11-14 songs. So, here it is.
Song/Aria Tu che di gel | Work/Opera Turandot | Composer Puccini |
Winter Song | Lee Hoiby | |
Crucifixion | Hermit Songs | Barber |
Allerseelen | Strauss | |
Si, mi chiamano Mimi | la Boheme | Puccini |
Vissi d'arte | Tosca | Puccini |
Dupuis le jour | Louise | |
Ebben? Ne andro lontana | La Wally | Catalani |
Io son l'umile ancella | Adriana Lecouvreur | Cilea |
I know I need some happier songs in there - most of these are pretty dramatic. Deciding the order is going to be tough because several of these are grand finale caliber; Tosca's prayer; Mimi's sweet introduction or Butterfly or Liu's death arias are exquisite and certainly worthy to finish the evening. Tosca is the obvious choice because it is the most dramatic. I mean, goodness, she kills a man with a steak knife after singing Vissi d'arte. Chilling. But Butterfly's death aria is magnificent.
I saw a staging once of Butterfly, in Dallas, that completely stunned me. Butterfly is not one my favorites because it feels so long. But Un bel di vedremo was sung to her very young son. The sight of the very small child on stage was my undoing. When they took the child away and she commits suicide, I just wept. And the B flat at the end is fabulous. Who could go wrong ending a recital that way?
I love opera. (can you tell?)
Friday, July 18, 2008
it's great - if you don't mind cop funerals
Heath Ledger was scary. I mean crazy scary. They did that high pitched horror music in several of his scenes - as if you aren't already tense enough. Ug.
And the dead cops everwhere was WAY more than I really wanted to deal with on a Friday matinee. Thank you but I think I'll be passing up this one on my "to buy" list.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
This part of the rehearsal process
Still, it's fun and I'm having a really good time.
Things are good at work. Busy but really good. I'm getting projects done and checked off my list and I feel like I've got a better handle on how to tackle some of the projects that snuck up on me last year. I've applied to be a presenter at next year's PR conference. I don't know if I'll be chosen but I'd never know if I didn't apply. So, what the heck, right?
My office is a mess but I'm making progress!
Monday, July 7, 2008
cat picking her toenails
Sunday, July 6, 2008
A Rich Life
How bad could it be?
It's been a good weekend. The 4th of July was super fun. Super hot and humid but lots of fun.
Tomorrow is Monday and now that we're into July, I'm officially on a six week countdown until the teachers are back on campuses and things gear up again. I've got to get my back to school stuff planned and ordered so it will be here before the middle of August.
The show is good. The gal playing the lead, Nellie, is on vocal silence which is concerning. I know she's talked about the part being so low and having some concerns about all the belting; I really hope she doesn't hurt herself. Many wishes going her way for a speedy recovery.
I miss my little crackerbox. I'm ready for her to come home. She sounds SO good on the phone, though. I know she's having a ball with her dad. I'm so glad. I find it difficult to tell him in a way that doesn't sound patronizing how much I appreciate his consistency and how much it pleases me to hear her using her good manners this summer; a departure from behaviors that surfaced last summer. I credit that all to his stronger influence this year verses last; when she was pretty much given free reign (not by him, mind you, but by others around her). Still, while I know she's having a great time and this time with her dad is critical to their relationship, I miss that little girl something fierce. I guess knowing he reads this blog from time to time is a roundabout way of telling him without having to actually tell him; risking sounding foolish.
Having said that, I still have no idea what it's like to miss her 10 months out of the year, like her Dad. I wish there was a way I could help him move back to Texas. I really would, if I could. It would solve so many problems. But I know he's built some semblance of a support system there, in New Jersey, and it becomes harder to leave once you get that established. If he's taking care of himself, he can be a good dad to M and that's what counts. *sigh* It's all so complicated.
Well, it's midnight and I really should be in bed. I'm going to be hating life at 6:30am. 'night, y'all
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
4th of July
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The other box contains my antique books. I dont want to cram them onto my existing bookshelves because that would mess up the casual chic feel I've got going on already.
here's my problem: I have one shelf and two brackets and I need TWO shelves and EIGHT brackets. So, unless God pulls some loaves and fishes act, I think I'm going to have to make another trip to IKEA in the near future. That just means that my dear friend, the Soccer Coach, is going to get to help me hang two more shelves. *big grin* We're pros at it now, aren't we, Coach?
I've been in this apartment since March and so STILL having two @#%^ boxes sitting around, upon which I now habitually stub my toes, is REALLY ANNOYING.
A trip to the storage unit is definitely in order. Maybe this weekend I'll FINALLY get all of this stuff DONE!
I took the day off today to spend it with my brother, who drove into town last night. We had a great time today; picking up Mom's birthday present, shopping, waiting 45 minutes for TACO CABANA (WTHeck) and, in general, laughing until our sides hurt. We did a little swimming this afternoon and all went out for dinner. I'm pooped. I bowed out of evening visiting because I really want to come home and relax but what do I do when I get here? Start cleaning.
So that brings us back around to the beginning of the post... Don't you love a tidy ending?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
No New Mail
- Maybe he's assuming it was a Rush Limbaugh tactic
- Maybe he's assuming I will just go ahead and vote Republican in the big show in November.
Maybe somebody on his staff should tell him what happens when you assume.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I did my pilates earlier and I can already feel it in my arms. I hate fitness.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I'm Going BLIND
Rehearsal last night was...interesting. It reminded me a little of high school, where we would watch the choreographer figure out what she wanted us to do DURING rehearsal. There was a lot of standing around but it was still fun. I think it will look really cute once it's finished, once we know what the heck we're supposed to be doing (besides kicking invisible sand at each other) and swinging towels around.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Thursday here
Workin' on the website today. Making minor changes to content; sprucing up by adding more graphics, hotkeys and a few more bells and whistles to our pretty site. I REFUSE to make it look like a myspace page so you won't see any rolling banners, flashing icons or tickers, for gawd's sake.... *barf*
*giggle* (not that I have any opinions about that)
Y'all have a happy day!
Monday, June 16, 2008
summer hours
*laugh* I slept on the couch last night. No, not on purpose. I fell asleep watching this show on History Channel called the Naked Archaeologist. It's kind of looney but still interesting. This guy takes theories that have been abandoned or rejected by "traditional academia" and has a look at them from another angle. He is entertaining AND instructive - satisifies the Two Purposes quite nicely, I think. Anyway, I woke up around 4:30 and figured it wasn't worth getting up and moving into the other room. So, I slept fully clothed with LIGHTS on, on the couch. *laugh*
Well, I should finish getting ready for work so I can hurry and get to the office - where they have COFFEE.
Have a happy day, y'all!
Ah, what a weekend
Rehearsal was fun tonight. We didn't actually get to the part that the nurses had been called for but we bonded amongst ourselves and that was GREAT fun. We acted up, laughed, supplemented dialogue with our own whispered commentary and, in general, acted like silly fools. It was terrific.
I really like the girls in the cast and we're having a good time getting to know one another. I wish Paige would come over and play with us - it would make it more fun.
Quick update to my politics experiment: Senator McCain's camp has STILL not emailed any response and I have received nothing from either Senator Hutchinson or Senator Corwyn's office about the Energy Bill inquiry I sent last week. It's only Monday, though, so I've not given up totally. *grin*
Why does my cat lick the bottoms of shoes? Doesn't he know how GROSS that is?!
I think I'm tired now. Goodnight, friends.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
My newfound interest in politics
I don't know that I'll blog about all of it but, at least for now, it's pretty high on my radar.
Yeah, because the media NEVER runs rumors...
*laugh* I like this.
Here's the full article.
Follow up to the Senator's Letter
I like the phrase, "this is the fight of my life." It is very impassioned and I can certainly see why he has such a huge following.
I think, for the sake of political debate, I will write a similar letter to McCain's camp and see what response I receive from it.
A Response from the Senator
Thank you for contacting me to share your concerns about our economy. I agree strongly that our economy is failing too many hard-working Americans families right now.
This is the fight of my life.
The situation we face now in many parts of the country isn’t so different from the one that brought me to Chicago in 1985. The old steel factories had shut down and the neighborhoods were dying. The schools weren’t preparing the children for the few new jobs that were being created. So I came to Chicago to be a community organizer. I learned about the neighborhood by listening to anybody who would talk to me – laid-off workers and teachers, priests and pastors, small business owners and retirees. And then I fought alongside them. I organized with them to create the changes the community wanted and needed.
America needs a president right now who sees eye to eye with workers. You can’t look out for workers and fix our broken trade laws if you’re taking money from Washington lobbyists and special interests, and you’ve promoted trade deals that hurt American workers. And you can’t take on the establishment in Washington if you can’t rally the American people behind a legislative agenda of change.
I have developed that detailed legislative agenda, and I hope you’ll take a look at it by clicking here:
Or for an overview, please click here:
These plans build on laws I’ve passed in over a decade as a legislator. Together, they provide a path to financial security for every American family by stimulating the economy, restoring fairness to the tax code, protecting home ownership, strengthening workers’ rights, and renegotiating trade deals like NAFTA to make them work for American workers.
America’s economy is changing. We can no longer provide every member of our workforce the security of lifelong employment, but we can ensure that every American has lifelong employability.
I hope you will join me in that fight.
Barack Obama
Paid for by Obama for America
Monday, June 9, 2008
Hellos and Goodbyes
I've thought a lot lately about the hellos and goodbyes in my life.
Today, I waved goodbye to my five year old as she left on her two-month vacation with her dad. They were bubbling with excitement.
I think about the times I say goodbye to my brother on the phone. In his line of work, there is always that very small but distinct possibility that, well.... But that's not something on which to dwell - it's just there.
I think about saying hello to new bosses and friends. Who could have forseen the bond that would form between a girl six years my junior and myself almost three years ago? She's like my sister - I can't imagine my life without her in it.
I think about goodbyes that have broken my heart; the death of my grandparents, a failed marriage, disappointed hopes in later romances, etc... Those kinds of goodbyes reveal the true character of a person. It's not always pretty but it's always real.
I'm exhausted. I'm SO looking forward to melting off the face of the planet for a few days this weekend. I'm going to turn my phone off and disappear for a couple of days. I need it.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Almost ready
Follow up
Like many Americans, I'm tired of worrying about money. Frankly, I'm sick of an agenda that seems to leave average Americans completely out of the picture. I'm tired of a Republican candidate that panders to the ultra-conservative when he is much more moderate. I liked McCain a LOT more when he wasn't sucking up. Call it like it is, John.
It is June and I still don't know who I'm going to vote for in November....
Open Letter to Senator Obama
a long-time registered Republican, politically moderate, evangelical Christian, single mom, in Texas - now, a registered Democrat
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Call the Nurse
Well, actually the director did. Last night, around 9:30pm. He "can't" offer me Nellie but wants to know if I'll be in the show anyway. Well, of course I will. And not even be upset or disappointed about it. I don't know who he cast but I'll find out tonight, at the read-through.
So, I'm a nurse!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Deep Sighs All Around
Friday, May 30, 2008
The Joy of a Checked off List
Anyway, last night was the Staff Recognition Banquet. I've been working on it for several months now. Plans finally came together and last night was the night. It turned out pretty great, actually. Oh sure, you can't please everybody but, mostly, people seemed to really like the new format. Folks were home in time to watch the end of Lost. *laugh*
I'm so tired. I wasn't planning on working this weekend but I find our website and email is down so it is a good thing, huh?
I'm going to see if Mom can watch the midget so I can go to the show at the Theatre on Saturday. I think it's going to be important to be there. AND, my very dear friend George, from She Loves Me is going to be there. It would be great to catch up with him and hear about his adventures since the show. He's found love, he says, so I can't wait to hear all about it.
Tonight, though, I would love nothing more than laying down and sleeping until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. I know the chances of that happening are slim but a girl can hope. I know Munchkin will be up at the crack of dawn, like she always is.
She acted like she wanted to get sick earlier but I think she's doing better now. I think she's just overly tired and she was out in the grass all morning so her allergies may have just stopped her up. She's perked back up this last hour or so. She's laying in the floor of the living room, watching Tom and Jerry.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Completely Exhausted
not really a bad day; had some really nice parts, actually. but i'm just beat down tired. i can't shake this tiredness and that worries me. it's like a run down kind of achy; almost like a flu except i'm not sick.
i have got to rest soon. please lord, get me through the next two weeks.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
What fun! (thank goodness it's over!)
What a fun day! The weather was fantastic, her friends were cute and I think everybody had a really good time. I only put up a couple of the pictures but I'll put everything on the flickr account.
We made paper hats (they were a hit, once we figured out how to make them work), played tweedledee/tweedledum freeze tag (we even got Nana and Mommy to run around a little), pin the tail on the cheshire cat and had lots of turns on the swing. The biggest hit of the party was decorating their own cupcakes - boy, they dug that. What a mess! I'm so glad we were outside! They painted little canvas bags that they took with them (thanks SIL - that was a TERRIFIC idea) and Nana told a story.
We ended up not using the teacups because up until the very hour before the party, I had no idea how many children were coming. Fearing leaving somebody out, we just passed on them. I am going to teach Munchkin how to use them - we'll have a tea party with her little girl friends.
It rained after the party but not during. Whew! Now, I'm totally beat and ready to crawl into bed. Thank goodness it's over. We had SUCH a fun time, though....
Today is the Day!
Well, I'd better get at it - so much to do this morning! I'll post pictures tonight!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I have a headache
I don't know why.
My head hurts.
I took the hottest bath my skin could stand and that didn't help. I so wanted to get sleepy (ok, sleepier) so I could lay down but nope - my head hurts. I can feel my brain thumping in my ears. That's never a good sign.
Thank goodness for Advil.
Is it June yet?
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Ah, Saturday
I voted this morning, cleaned all the junk out of the car and had lunch with a friend (I need to come up with a nickname for him.....). Now, Munchkin is watching cartoons and I'm here. And now you are all caught up on the day.
*yawn* I'm sleepy. I need to put together the chairs we bought at the same time as the blasted shelves but I just can't bring myself to make that much noise when I'd really like to lay down for a little while.
"I fought the nap and the nap won..."
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Pushing Through
Yesterday, refusing to be distracted by my own frustration, I pushed through and tackled a very big item on my to do list: ordering the awards for the employee banquet. I slept a peaceful sleep last night. I woke up, ready to get back at it - for the first time in more than a month.
Today, for the first time in a while, I'm ready for the day - filled with clarity - I know what I want to accomplish today. It's going to be a busy day but I'm determined to continue to push and make it a good one.
Similarly, I've been experiencing a self-caused drought in my faith life. I haven't wanted to pray, haven't wanted to read the Word, haven't desired that close worship with God. But today, I woke up and felt that sweet tugging at my heart. For the first time in a long time, I got down my Bible and read from Isaiah. Isaiah 25:9-12 is where I stopped this morning and, boy, did it speak to me. "God will bring down their pride despite the cleverness of their hands." That's so true - I'm REALLY good at what I do but admit I've gotten cocky about work. It took this time of total ineffectiveness to humble me and remember that under my own strength, my job deteriorates into chaos. But you know the amazing thing? At no time did God desert me in my own stupidity - He always had His hand on me.
So, today my prayer is for clarity of thought and purpose. More than serving children, I am there to serve the Kingdom. As my pastor said this week, THIS is my mission field. I remember a conversation I had with my mother once - it was right about the time End of the Spear came out. I told her I was afraid to read it because I didn't want God to call me into the mission field. To leave all I knew and go into the wild and be a light. *shiver* But, as my pastor pointed out, that's exactly what happened. I didn't grow up where I am now. I didn't go to school here - my school was the next town over but it was MILES apart in difference - still is, actually.
I can choose to stand on the sidelines and shake my head b/c "they" don't look like me and they act in ways that baffle my sense of propriety and logic. OR, I can roll up my sleeves and get in there with the other kindgom workers and see if we can't bring THE Light into such a dark place. THIS IS MY MISSION FIELD.
You know what I've discovered so far? I am so in love with my job. I love serving these children - I'm in love with them. I don't care what they look like - I want to make them smile. I want to hold God's mirror up to them and show EVERY. SINGLE. ONE of them how precious they are.
A lot recently, I've been thinking about Jonah. (usually a sign that God's about to take me to the woodshed)The fact that Jonah's story isn't finished in scripture has ALWAYS bothered me. That can't be a good thing. There is no evidence that Jonah was restored to a place of trusting God's provision, that he was filled with a sense of grace and understanding and LOVE. Two days ago, I was sitting there thinking, "what if I'm like Jonah? What if I make the choice to close my heart against these people, just go in and do my job and leave? Will my story be left incomplete and unsatisfying for those that follow me?"
That's NOT going to be me.
Monday, May 5, 2008
the saga that is dating
I feel guilty even entertaining any ideas right now because I'm so busy. The nature of my work is project based. That's the mind-set I get in and, unfortunately, it spills over into my personal life as well. I see this dating thing as a kind of project. While there aren't set deadlines (the kind of project I hate - I'm a structure kind of girl), there certainly are goals and objectives to be met. And, like the open records act, once a step has been taken, the clock begins to tick before the step becomes stale and disintegrates. I just haven't had any energy left over to really pursue anything.
The good thing is that I'm not stressed about it. I figure I'll have time one of these days. Maybe he'll show up in one of the stacks of paper I'm always shifting around on my desk.
(hey, at least I can laugh about it, right??)
Singing for my Supper
Today will be a perfect example of this. I'm so glad they've asked me to be curriculum chair. I dislike the way the program is structured in the way of projects. I want to look and see if we can change the format to better utilize the groups' talents, interests and experience in a more collective way.
Currently, we are a group of 21; split into "teams" of 4 and 5. We are each given an area and we must come up with a project befitting that area (Economic Development, Community Development, Education and ... Social Services - I think).
What usually ends up happening to at least one of the groups is that they lose a member (or two) at some point during the class and this tanks their project because the synergy is lost.
Another frequent scenario is that nothing really is accomplished in these groups because they are randomly assembled and the team-members may not necessarily have any expertise or (frankly) interest in their category. I don't mean that to sound harsh; it's just my opinion.
So, at the end of the year, after all class members are thoroughly exhausted from the extra work OUTSIDE of their normal responsibilities - we all come together to present the findings and results of our labors.
That's today.
Suffice it to say that, if I'm up at 5am, cleaning the kitchen, I'm not excited about it. Ours is one of the projects that didn't get finished. Not for lack of effort or research on our part - basically what we found was that there is not a sufficient funding source to establish capital and there is not enough demand for the services currently in the market (we'd have to attract the majority of our businesses IN). While bringing businesses in is a great thing for the City and that's part of what eco dev hopes to accomplish, we felt like we needed to be able to put a little more on the table.
Furthermore, we discovered - through the course of the class days (the endless field trips that were, for the most part, VERY informative and even a little fun) - that industry in this area is exploding in the fields of technology and bioscience. We've been given the state designation as a bioscience district or corridor. This is great news for the area; not so great for our project.
We also ran into a lack of funding opportunities through grants and government initiatives. Oh, sure - if we'd picked technology or bioscience, state and federal monies are flush. We know that NOW but we didn't know it back in September and October when we started looking for a project.
So, today is going to be a summary of our research and our findings and the conclusion that expanding the capacity of the business incubator is a great idea - just not with a commercial kitchen.
Back to the issue of how to fix it for next year. Could we split into two larger teams of, say, 10 people and work more collectively on something with measurable results? I'd love to see all the talents and creativity of 20 people come into synergy for a BIG project each year but think that would be counterproductive.
The folks enrolling in this type of Leadership class are, by nature, leaders. Too many chefs, you know....
I don't know what the right combination is. I'm going in with some ideas but I'm open to hearing reasons for why things are done the way they are (probably a political thing - what if eco dev was NEVER chosen by a class - it certainly wouldn't have been MY first pick - I'm no entrepreneur. My brain just doesn't work that way.). There may be some things that can be done, such as taking a list of projects in progress that might be stalling for lack of resources (ex. what's TEDC already working or is on a short-list of upcoming projects) - something that could benefit and maybe actually get accomplished when you add the leadership of the industry experts along with the resources and manpower of four community "leaders."
I'm excited about the new project - just not yet. *laugh* Let me get today over with.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Gorgeous Weather
I'm not, generally, a big shopper. Hours and hours shopping is very tedious - even if I have a list.
I'm so tired. But I need to work on my Leadership Temple project. *yawn* Yes, that's exactly how I feel about it too.
Forget it, I'm going to bed. I'm going to back up Alice in Wonderland to the beginning of the tea party and then go to sleep.
'night, folks.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Sunny Day
Today was a great day. Munchkin and I went to her school for the Spring Workday. We pulled weeds, filled sandboxes, pulled toys over to be power-washed, chased the kiddos, tasted a concoction of snowcone syrup that only MY five year old could come up with (yuck) and lots of other stuff. My shoulders are sore from lifting 50 lb bags of sand. But it's a good tired.
After the workday, we went over to Miller Park where they were having a festival for the "week of the early child." They had little games (which were cute), a bounce house and free hotdogs. It was mainly daycare centers and churches. It was fun.
The weather was gorgeous. Not a cloud in the sky. It was warm and breezy. A very nice spring day.
I met the mom of one of Munchkin's school friends. They met us at Miller Park and it was nice to have another mom to talk to while the girls played.
I'm thinking of having a party for Munchkin before school is out. It's so hard to have birthday parties on her birthday b/c she just started school and she didn't really know any of her classmates yet. So, I think we'll have an Alice in Wonderland "Unbirthday" party. A teaparty, of course. Here is a wickedly clever blog with some amazing pictures of a similar party.
I talked to Munchkin about it today and she went NUTS. Thought it was the coolest idea she'd ever heard of and so I'll start planning. It will probably be at my mother's house b/c she's got that incredible yard and now she's got wonderful flowers. How much fun would that be???
I think we could do this for a couple hundred dollars. I'm going to start looking at thrift shops and salvation army for china teacups and saucers. The girls can take them home. We'll serve little sandwiches and petit fours; play little games (I saw these ladies doing paper garden hats - they decorated them with ribbon brims and flowers - they were ADORABLE and how easy that would be!) and take LOTS of pictures. It'll be great fun. And, who knows, maybe somebody will see Alice or the Cheshire cat....
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Taking a Personal Day
And the list goes on and on and.....
Ok, in the spirit of full disclosure - whether they like it or not, here is the list. For the sake of their own identities, I'll nickname them.
1. The Rancher - Very cute. Shows lots of promise. Met during planting season so we are moving r.e.a.l.l....y slowly. But nothing (so far) to make me think this guy is an idiot or a jerk. In fact, I really like him. Provisional Maybe.
2. The Sheriff - Cute. Limestone County. Wants to stay near child. Has a great voice and a neat sense of humor. I just wished he lived closer. Unsure.
3. Smiles - As his nickname suggests, he has a great smile. Told me last night to "stop being so serious and have fun." Meaning - he wants somebody to play with. He's out.
4. Mr. "My head is spinning" - We spent a really fun afternoon together. I'm thinking definitely maybe. Then I get an email from him yesterday afternoon that he's met a girl and he thinks she's his "soulmate." Well, ain't that a kick in the head. *laugh* Whatever. He's out.
5. Lines in the Sand Guy - Lerd this guy is handsome. Like, take my breath away good looks. Side by side, he has EVERYTHING I'm looking for. BUT - he doesn't like cats. He's allergic AND he said animals in the house is like a barn. He suggested I enjoy their company for another year and then get rid of them so I could marry him - oh, of course, while I'm in the sacrificing business, I'd have to uproot my daughter and move to Fort Worth. He wouldn't even consider Central Texas because "God would tell him to move." Lerd, does this sound like somebody we know? When I very kindly explained that I don't do well with ultimatums - that they smack of self-righteousness and making decisions for God and that I was going to walk away from this, he suggested I look for Celebrate Recovery because I'm obviously still damaged from my first marraige. He's out.
6. Aggieland - He has a smile that you just want to smile back at. Don't know a lot about him yet - we're taking the guided communication track through eharmony. Provisional Maybe.
7. Mr. ER - really nice man. I laughed and laughed when we went for coffee. He's super busy with work and his two (super cute) little girls. We had a good time but I think "he's just not that into me." He's out.
8. Mr. "I want to be Kenny Chesney" - Charming, funny, great singer... No second date b/c I wouldn't stay that night. Give me a break. He's out.
9. Others not worth mentioning - oh, there have several but for whatever reason, they didn't even make it off the starting line.
Sheesh, this is tedious. I know you have to throw a bunch back before you find the one you keep but this is ridiculous. I had forgotten how mind-numbing having the same conversation over and over is.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Spring Tea
While I would love to have a job where I could just blow off during the day to run around in Belton, that's not really an option three days before we announce the finalist for Superintendent.
Oh, speaking of, it's driving me nuts. The stress around the office is incredible. I am putting all my Hebrews 11:1 faith in this process. I can't see the Superintendent; all I can see is an Interim that most of the district and community has fallen in love with. The new Superintendent will need a lot of help and have to have a lot of determination and willpower to woo a heart-sick district.
Oh, I hope this has a happy ending.
Well, I've got to get ready for the tea. Ta ta, y'all. I'll be back later.
Dating - one word - ug.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I wish I'd made coffee earlier. It seems dumb to get up and make a pot just to drink one cup before bed. I'm such a dork.
I didn't get shelves hung last night. The drill I borrowed from Mom wasn't powerful enough to get through the shelves and I stripped a screw. This frustrated me so bad, I started to cry. What a girl, right? Well, turns out it really wasn't about the shelves at all but a combination of being over-tired, the trial AND my general feelings of total inadequacy about construction projects.
Dang it, my throat is itchy!
I'm going to bed. It's 10pm. Must sleep.
You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor. Take her away!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
I am so tired of being alone. Why can't I find him? He has to be out there. This is really getting to be unbearable. I didn't cry over Paige. I didn't cry over Joseph. I find it increasingly difficult to cry at all. Oh sure, I can cry at songs or sad movies but real life? Not a drop. I feel more and more closed off. My cynicism has reached an all-time high. What if I finally find him but find it impossible to let my guard down? What if I have done such a good job locking my heart away that I can't find the way back out?
I started to watch Law & Order - one of my very favorite shows. They described a gunshot wound and the detective mentioned stipling and I saw Goldsin's autopsy photos in my head. How long will it take to make those go away?
My throat hurts. I'm going to be seriously angry if I can't shake this stupid sore throat soon. I drank water all afternoon, begging the hydration to ease it some. I'm going to take some tylenol and hope for the best. I can't be away from the office any more. Now I'm going into crisis mode for the employee banquet. Again. *sigh*
Well, I guess I'll try and sleep.
Midnight. Again.
Dang it - I knew I forgot something.
I am so tired. I worked my hiney off today, folks. I didn't get the shelves mounted OR the chairs assembled but I think that's because I'm afraid to try. I'm not mechanically inclined and it's bound to irritate me to try and discipher the instructions, written in every language but one I can read.
I'm laying here and my shoulders are sore from all the lifting I did today. And that's not even counting the six boxes of shelves waiting down, in the car! Ug.
Munchkin is a total chatter box. Normally, this wouldn't bother OR surprise me but after a week of near silence; where I was allowed to speak for 10 minutes every three hours or so all week and then she was with her dad the week before - my ears are out of practice. I can't think with her CONSTANT conversation. I find myself looking for a mute button.
It's back to the office tomorrow. I wonder if they've forgotten about me. Maybe they've given my office to somebody else. *laugh*
*yawn* I think there is still coffee in the kitchen. 'night, folks.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
A little better today
I have TV again! You never really realize how much you've grown to love the incessant drone of bad tv until it's gone. *laugh* I mean, I totally missed the season finale of "America's Best Dance Crew" and I have NO idea who's been eliminated from the house on "Rock of Love 2." Sheesh. I hate admitting I even entertain that second show. It's SO stupid. The only thing I could even stretch to imagine I have in common with the people on there is that we are all HUMANS (although there is enough silicone to really push that on their part).
Anyway, back to today... We went to IKEA this evening and picked up chairs for my dining room table and shelves for my bedroom. Hopefully, before the end of the weekend the boxes of books will be empty and broken down; their contents resting peacefully on the newly installed shelves. God help us - I'm going to assemble something.
Dating is stupid. Have I said that? *laugh* On again, off again. I think my enthusiasm for the project waxes and wanes with the cycles of the moon. Right now, on a scale of 1-10 on the dating enthusiasm scale, I'd say I'm at about a 4.5. Not quite enough to throw my hands up and commit to old maid-dom, but not enough to really shake the trees to see what kind of apples fall out.
I'm tired. I am not prepared for sunday school tomorrow and I think I'm teaching the entire dang lesson. Which, had I found out BEFORE today would have been great but I only read her email (sent at 4pm yesterday) today. I know she has my phone number. So, now I'm scrambling to come up with more activity and structure for 12 rambunctious 1st graders.
I quit - I'm beat. I can barely keep my eyes open to type and I still have to take a bath and figure SOMETHING out for sunday school tomorrow. 'night
Friday, March 28, 2008
All of that aside, my heart is heavy at the knowledge that we have stripped you of your freedom and liberty. We have declared you for the rest of your natural life a murderer. We have branded you a convicted felon. We did that.
Please know that we did not make either decision lightly or without great care and consideration. All 12 jurors weighed the evidence very carefully; searching for reasonable doubt. Many of us are parents and we spoke at length during the punishment deliberations about your age and how tragic it would be to give up on you; to lock you away and throw away the key.
I hope that, while you are probably angry and deeply grieved at this outcome, you will come to understand and appreciate the position we were in. I hope you are able to see the opportunity to take the next 20 years to learn how to be productive and successful without the false "help" of drugs or gangs. I hope that your life will be changed and you will emerge from prison a reformed man.
The decision was not fun and tears were shed before concensus was achieved. I hope in some small way this letter reaches that place in your heart that is still young. Don't give up hope. The end of this story doesn't have to be a tragedy. Your life CAN be changed for the better from this experience.
Know that I will pray for you every day, Rigoberto. I will pray for your family and for the jail staff around you. I will pray that, if you do not already, you will come to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I will pray that you will be protected from harm while in prison and you will make good choices and learn good behaviors. I will pray that you emerge from prison able to be successful and productive. This is my promise to you.
God bless you,
A member of the Jury
It's Over
It was the right decision.
It was a hard decision.
I remember, as a child, when my mother would spank either my brother or me. She would pull us into her lap after she spanked us and, usually with tears in her eyes, talk to us about why she spanked us. She would always say to us, "I never want to do that again." She communicated very clearly that spanking us was not her first choice. It was an unpleasant necessity that she would not choose if it were not the appropriate consequence for our behavior. And she would always communicate how it grieved her to spank us - even though it was justified.
I can sleep tonight knowing that, to the very best of my ability, I helped that young man have his day in court. The verdict rendered was based solely on the evidence presented and not on any bias or pre-arranged assumption any of the jurors had. His punishment was achieved by concensus between all 12 jurors.
Hopefully, this young man will recognize his part in the events surrounding this horrible affair and see the next years for what they were intended: a consequence for his crime, a deterrent from future crime and an opportunity to learn how to change his behavior so that he can become a successful member of society.
While we have denied him forever more the basic freedoms that we, as Americans enjoy; we have by no means denied him his life.
I imagine his face and name will be forever burned into my memory. I imagine the tear-streaked face of his brother and the soft spoken voice of his mother will stay with me long after the trial leaves the headlines. I imagine the testimony of the dead man's broken-hearted father will echo in my mind for many years to come.
It was one of the hardest weeks of my life but it's over and I think I'm a better person for it. I know that we were diligent in considering the aspects of the case and subsequent punishment for the crime.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Hebrews 11:1
I feel drained of energy. Part of it is the trial. Part of it is a lack of productive work. Part of it is this dang itchy cough at the back of my throat.
Have you ever driven in the fog? You know the cars are right in front of you but you can't see them. You strain your eyes with every bit of energy you have to see what is around you; only to question your own sight. Landscapes that are familiar become hazy and mysterious places. Fog is totally disorienting.
So too is my life these days. So very little is clear and it wears on me.
I guess I'm feeling a little emo tonight. *laugh*
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The midget is in bed but she's STILL not asleep. I fear a week of late bedtimes has taken hold and now we're going to have to wrangle her into bed all week. 6:30am is going to come REALLY early tomorrow.
I have jury duty tomorrow - have I mentioned that? I'm a little curious as to how the process will work but I've got SO much to do - sheesh - what a day to get called.
On the dating front - *yawn* Oh, nevermind. I have several prospects but I swear the process itself is a bore. So, nothing to report.
Well, it's 9:40pm and I have a decent chance of getting into bed and going to sleep before 1am so I think I'll give it a whirl.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Why am I awake?
I know that's strange but it works. Here's hopin'. 'night, folks. No, really. I'm going. Now.
Ok, now I'm going.
What a Trip!
Let me back up and give you the highlights of our trip:
1. Visited major museums:
a. Metropolitan Museum of Art
b. The Cloisters (the Medieval Art collection of the Met)
c. Museum of Modern Art
d. American Museum of Natural History
2. Saw the Sights:
a. Statue of Liberty
b. Ellis Island
c. Wall Street
d. Ground Zero
e. Grand Central Station
f. Radio City Music Hall
g. Times Square
h. Macy's
i. Broadway (no, we didn't see any shows this trip - I'll explain below)
j. Central Park
k. Empire State Building
l. St. Patrick's Cathedral
and LOTS more!
3. Rode every form of transportation (airplane, NJ Transit train, subway, bus and good old walkin') available EXCEPT a taxi - Mom didn't want to. *laugh*
I am a total mass transit pro now. I can tell you that, if you want to get to times square, you should take the N. 1 train uptown to 42nd Street. I can tell you that, if you are at Grand Central Station and you want to eat lunch and then go to the Cloisters and then go back to Penn Station to get back to the hotel (in Newark), you need to take the subway shuttle over to Times Square and then walk the underground tunnel to the A Express Train WAY uptown (190th). Then you can walk the path through Tryon Park to the Cloisters or catch the M4. To get back, catch the M4, get off at the first stop, take the A BACK to Penn Station and then catch the train (NJ Transit) back to Newark. Thank goodness for the Metro Pass. It had unlimited bus and subway rides while we were there so I didn't have to worry about picking the wrong train or missing a stop. We could double back - which we only had to do once. (we took an express train rather than a local and we missed our stop for the Museum of Natural History)
Mom's favorite was the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. I told her Ellis Island was fascinating but it felt like a sad place. My favorite thing we did was the Cloisters. It is WAY uptown on the very tip of Manhattan but it is WELL worth the trek if you like Medieval art and architecture. The weather was perfect for the occasion, too.. It was cold and drizzling so a trip to a place that felt like a 13th century monastary was really fun.
We didn't go to any shows and this is for several reasons: 1. the only show I am foaming at the mouth to see ON BROADWAY is Wicked. We did go to the Gershwin Theatre but they were sold out except the premium seats ($250/each) so we couldn't go. 2. I didn't want to give up a bunch of sight seeing time seeing musicals that I know by heart and may have already seen in other places.
My solution to the Wicked issue is that I am going to ride the train into New York when I come to get Munchkin in August. I always stay the night in New Jersey so it makes sense that I use that time to go into the City with my new subway expertise and go to the show. *grin*
Anyway, it was super fun. Watching Mom discover NY pizza, bagels and cream cheese and other food that you can't really have here, laughing together, taking pictures and walking 602 miles across the island of Manhattan. The locals were super friendly (well, not Texas friendly but they were very polite and very helpful to a couple of Texas hicks). Like you always hear about folks in Europe, they appreciated our attempt to respect that it is their home not just a tourist trap. We tried to speak their language, walk faster than normal so we weren't in the way, move to the right if we were going to walk slowly or stand still on the escalators and try not to hold conversations with complete strangers when we were standing in line (I hear that makes them nervous). *giggle*
I'm glad to be home and anticipate taking lots of naps to recover from that marathon trip home.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Spring Break Trip
This is the first blog post of our Spring Break trip to New Jersey/New York.
We’re in the air and my ears are popping. I had the foresight to bring gum this time, thank goodness, so hopefully I won’t be near screaming in agony halfway through the flight.
Madison and Mother are a joy to watch. They are so happy together and are having such fun, looking out the window and teasing each other. I have given in to the excess of excitement and I am now feeling a bit giddy myself.
What an adventure to be going to New York City. I feel a little like Alice in Wonderland – never quite certain what I will find next but still excited at the adventure.
We’ll go to the hotel and sleep tonight then get up in the morning and plan our attack on the city over breakfast. Since tomorrow is St Patrick’s Day, I imagine we’ll sleep in and then head to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island first, rather than come up out of Penn Station and fight the parade crowd. I like people but not that many at once.
I have met a man. A rancher. He is born and raised in Texas. He’s a volunteer firefighter and fulltime rancher. (does this remind anybody of the man who adopted me?)
Speaking of this rancher. We talk at least twice a day, most days. I like him. I feel a familiar comfort, like we’ve known each other a long time – rather than a measly week. We haven’t met in person yet so we’re still in that blissful shopping phase. We’re still looking through the IKEA catalog – everything looks so good on paper and in the showroom. The test will be getting all the damn pieces in the same room and trying to figure out if we can put the furniture together with nothing but a set of irritating allen wrenches and elmer’s glue.
Lord this flight is bumpy. We’re passing over that spot between the east and west where it is always bumpy. It’s almost like this is the crossing place between home and, as Munchkin put it to her teacher – a different land.
There’s this Sara Bareilles song “Between the Lines” that reminds me of J. She talks about living between the lines – having to read truth into every word. His lies don’t coat my mouth the way they did a couple of weeks ago. “I can’t continue pretending to choose…”
leave unsaid unspoken
eyes wide shut unopened
you and me always be
between the lines
He made my decision easy with his silence – his choice had been made for him. Even if there was truth in his promises, his silence damned him for the liar he is and it closed the door on whatever might have been.
I’m getting melancholy at this altitude. *laugh*
Munchkin is sitting next to me, playing Mahjongg on my mother’s computer. Spell check recognizes mahjongg? How funny is that? Anyway – she’s really good. I mean, she got within 20 pairs
I think this is the most random post I’ve written in a while.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
follow up to last night's post
Last night I had a singular bout of feeling sorry for myself over J. It lasted about 10 minutes and then I went to sleep. I woke up this morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed - none the worse for wear.
Hormones are fun, aren't they girls?
So, tomorrow we leave for the Big Trip. I'm taking Munchkin to New Jersey to spend Spring Break with her dad and his family. They are both so excited - it's a little exhausting. *laugh* I'll be excited once we get there. The entire process of travelling with a young child is NOT high on my Top 100 Most Fun Things to Do.
If we can get there with no significant delays it will be wonderful but I'm not holding my breath. Yet.
Work this week was good. Crazy busy but good. I consider it a personal triumph that yesterday, I climbed a very tall ladder up onto the roof of one of our elementary schools to shoot some photos with the principal who, as the reward for the kids at his school reaching 10,000 Accelerated Reader points, spent the entire day up there. It was great.
The weather the last few days has been wonderful. It snowed last Friday and it was 91 degrees yesterday. You HAVE to love Texas.
We won't be getting any bluebonnets this year. We didn't get a good freeze so they could germinate and then it's been too dry. We needed rain in January and February but we didn't get enough. So, we'll have boring highways - like the rest of the country. Blah. *laugh*
I should finish packing my suitcase for the trip but I just can't bring myself to get off of the bed. It's so soft. Last night I fell asleep with the laptop in my lap. How funny is that?
Speaking of packing, I got a little tickled when I realized that I'm packing mostly Temple gear to wear. I kid you not, I have four Temple tshirts and two Temple hoodies. Every picture from this next week is going to have a Wildcat in it. Won't my brother LOVE that? *laugh*
Well, folks. I guess I'll end this. I'm taking my laptop with me (of course I am) so I can download pictures at the end of the day. I'll be sure and blog about the trip when we come back to the hotel each night.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
It started b/c of the move. Everything was packed and I didn't want to dirty dishes just to wash and rewrap them. So, we've been eating takeout for three weeks. YUCK. Thus the unhappy tummy and waistline. It'll come off this week - hide and watch.
It's been a good weekend. Got some rest that I desperately needed and now I'm ready to attack the week. Kind of. *laugh*
'night, friends.
So, as soon as Munchkin quits messing around in her room, I'm going to turn a movie on in the living room and do my thing. Cutting the sodas out and replacing them with water will wash most of that grossness out. I don't have a scale b/c I'd obsess over that number in a VERY unhealthy way so I just have to go by how my clothes fit.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Well, it happened again last night. I'm sitting there, listening to her say her prayers with these sweet little songs in the background and I actually teared up. She's getting so big.
It's been a good weekend. But I've got to get ready for church, so I'll blog later.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Moving Day
For reasons that continue to baffle human understanding, the person formally known as "J" (not my brother) has been banished from our universe - never to return. I will spare you the gory details but, in short, I made a very disturbing discovery on Thursday that precipitated a complete severance.
Anyway. It's not like there was much to go on anyway - he'd been gone 15 months and we "dated" sporadically prior to his departure. He never met my family and for that singular reason, they never liked him. Fair enough.
My brother said the entire saga with he who must not be named is like a really long historical novel. You spend a lot of time on this really indepth story that appears to be at least partially based on true events. But you get to the end and it's crappy. (well, he used another word but you get the point.) Rather than get really bummed out about a fictional story, you put the book back up on the shelf and go get you another book.
*laugh* So, I guess I'm single. *sigh* Whatever.
The move was good. Hardest work I've done in a VERY long time. I'm already getting sore. Tomorrow, I'm going to be hating life. *laugh*
Goodnight, friends.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Relief and Nerves - all in one big package
Man, what a week. I have never worked so hard. Well, truthfully, a lot of weeks are like that at work but I guess this one felt particularly hectic. Perhaps it was that we had 22 visitors to the District this week; many of whom are supporters of other school districts. Perhaps it was coordinating several media inquiries on the same day, all the while swerving to avoid a particularly unfortunate item. Perhaps it was the push to get everything done before I went out of town. Whatever it was - it was busy and I was glad for the Friday bell. (ok, so we don't literally have bells in the office, but you get my meaning.)
Nerves for the week ahead.
I'm going to my first School PR Conference. Brand new brochures in hand and a list of questions for other district PR Directors, I'll be in Houston until Wednesday. I'm excited to see what other districts are doing, interested to stack our PR Plan up against bigger districts and learn new things that my "baptism by fire" at the district hasn't covered (yet). I'm always a little nervous driving to a place I'm not familiar but I'm excited anyway so I'm really looking forward to this.
My baby brother is graduating from police academy on Friday and it is not possible for me to be any prouder of him. I think I'm going to take a suggestion from the Ex and get him (my brother) a gift card to Dunkin Donuts. *tee hee*
My mother's One Act Play kids go to competition this weekend. I'm nervous and excited for them - I want them to do well and am proud of the work they've done.
We're moving next weekend! The packing is almost done. One by one, cabinets and drawers are emptied, floors and walls are bare and boxes are stacked up in every room. I'm excited about decorating a new place and getting settled in. There is a little sadness at saying goodbye to this sweet little house that has been our home for three and a half years but it's only just a little. Mom's moving back into the house so we'll be here again. It will be neat to see how she puts her touches back into the house.
There are, of course, the mundane chores like going to planning meetings, returning phonecalls and digging out from under four days of email when I get back that I'm not looking forward to.
I have another surprise in the works but mums the word, for now. I'm afraid to jinx it. If everything works out, I'll be back to tell you all about it. Well, maybe not ALL but certainly some. *giggle*
While I am nervous and excited and relieved - all at the same time - I am also incredibly grateful. Grateful for the chance to have a job that I love. Grateful for the chance at a sweet romance. Grateful for a child who loves to turn my world on its end, just to keep things fun. Grateful for the renewed health of my brother and mother. Grateful that God is so good - even when I'm nervous. *grin*