Saturday, March 29, 2008

A little better today

Today was better.  I slept to a non-offensive hour of 8am and felt better for it.  I got up, expecting the cable folks to arrive before noon; only to call and learn that they'd entered the ENTIRE day as the window.  *sigh*  He finally arrived around 4pm.  Oh well.  He was very nice and he hooked the cable up in about 20 minutes. 

I have TV again!  You never really realize how much you've grown to love the incessant drone of bad tv until it's gone.  *laugh*  I mean, I totally missed the season finale of "America's Best Dance Crew" and I have NO idea who's been eliminated from the house on "Rock of Love 2."  Sheesh.  I hate admitting I even entertain that second show.  It's SO stupid.  The only thing I could even stretch to imagine I have in common with the people on there is that we are all HUMANS (although there is enough silicone to really push that on their part). 

Anyway, back to today...  We went to IKEA this evening and picked up chairs for my dining room table and shelves for my bedroom.  Hopefully, before the end of the weekend the boxes of books will be empty and broken down; their contents resting peacefully on the newly installed shelves.  God help us - I'm going to assemble something. 

Dating is stupid.  Have I said that?  *laugh*  On again, off again.  I think my enthusiasm for the project waxes and wanes with the cycles of the moon.  Right now, on a scale of 1-10 on the dating enthusiasm scale, I'd say I'm at about a 4.5.  Not quite enough to throw my hands up and commit to old maid-dom, but not enough to really shake the trees to see what kind of apples fall out. 

I'm tired.  I am not prepared for sunday school tomorrow and I think I'm teaching the entire dang lesson.  Which, had I found out BEFORE today would have been great but I only read her email (sent at 4pm yesterday) today.  I know she has my phone number.  So, now I'm scrambling to come up with more activity and structure for 12 rambunctious 1st graders. 


I quit - I'm beat.  I can barely keep my eyes open to type and I still have to take a bath and figure SOMETHING out for sunday school tomorrow.  'night

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