Sunday, August 24, 2008

insomnia...but I'm ok with that

It's 1am.  I'm awake.  But I had a nap earlier so I'm ok.  I'm starting to get sleepy so I'm going to bed soon. 

It was a good weekend.  Bought school clothes for the kiddo.  She starts kindergarten Tuesday and, if that weren't enough to give me a serious case of the Mommies, she lost her first tooth today. 

She's growing up so fast and I can't stop it.  Not that I really want to...  I don't want her to stay a baby.  I'm loving getting to know this big kid.  She's a really cool kid. 

Tomorrow night is Meet the Teacher Night.  I'm terrified I'll do something dumb like cry.  I don't want to embarrass her but, golly, she's really starting school.  *gulp*  I've been able to not think about it all summer but here it is. 

Last year, she was in Pre-K.  Pre-K is practice for kindergarten.  This is the real deal.  Before I know it, she'll be driving, wearing lipstick and wanting to try on kitten heels. 

Ah....I made myself a little sick with that last sentence.  *laugh*  I think I'll go to bed while I'm ahead.


  1. I wish I was there for the next few days!

    "I’m terrified I’ll do something dumb like cry. I don’t want to embarrass her but, golly, she’s really starting school."

    Crying isn't dumb - this is a huge step for her! Instead, cry over the cost of car insurance (and a car - and gas while we're at it) and the thought of our kiddo having evil boys call the house!

    Take lots of pictures! See y'all in a few weeks!


    Will - I'm going to give you KUDOS on this comment.

    Now there's a first! hee hee
