Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Response from the Senator

Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting me to share your concerns about our economy.  I agree strongly that our economy is failing too many hard-working Americans families right now.

This is the fight of my life.

The situation we face now in many parts of the country isn’t so different from the one that brought me to Chicago in 1985.  The old steel factories had shut down and the neighborhoods were dying.  The schools weren’t preparing the children for the few new jobs that were being created.  So I came to Chicago to be a community organizer.  I learned about the neighborhood by listening to anybody who would talk to me – laid-off workers and teachers, priests and pastors, small business owners and retirees.  And then I fought alongside them.  I organized with them to create the changes the community wanted and needed.

America needs a president right now who sees eye to eye with workers.  You can’t look out for workers and fix our broken trade laws if you’re taking money from Washington lobbyists and special interests, and you’ve promoted trade deals that hurt American workers.  And you can’t take on the establishment in Washington if you can’t rally the American people behind a legislative agenda of change.

I have developed that detailed legislative agenda, and I hope you’ll take a look at it by clicking here:

Or for an overview, please click here:

These plans build on laws I’ve passed in over a decade as a legislator.  Together, they provide a path to financial security for every American family by stimulating the economy, restoring fairness to the tax code, protecting home ownership, strengthening workers’ rights, and renegotiating trade deals like NAFTA to make them work for American workers.

America’s economy is changing. We can no longer provide every member of our workforce the security of lifelong employment, but we can ensure that every American has lifelong employability. 

I hope you will join me in that fight.


Barack Obama

Paid for by Obama for America

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