Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ah, Saturday

The day when my list of things to do has NOTHING to do with school, students, boards, teachers or parents.  The only camera involved is mine, if I take pictures of Munchkin.  And a nap is almost always somewhere on the list. 

I voted this morning, cleaned all the junk out of the car and had lunch with a friend (I need to come up with a nickname for him.....).  Now, Munchkin is watching cartoons and I'm here.  And now you are all caught up on the day. 

*yawn*  I'm sleepy.  I need to put together the chairs we bought at the same time as the blasted shelves but I just can't bring myself to make that much noise when I'd really like to lay down for a little while. 

"I fought the nap and the nap won..."


  1. OH...LOL. I should read the blog backwards and then I'd get the first post as it relates to the previous entry. LOL!!

    Please don't call anyone Bathtub.


  2. At least you didn't shoot the deputy!
