Thursday, May 24, 2007

Who's Counting

Seems I do a lot of counting these days. One more day until we go see Pirates of the Caribbean. Four more days until I start my new job. Fifteen more days until I take Munchkin to her dad's for the summer. *

So much good stuff to look forward to. I'm telling you, I have so many little details going in my head, you'd laugh if you could see all of my lists. I almost need a master list of all of my lists. How sick is that??

*giggle* Having said all of that, I'm immensely excited - how could I not be? Look at all of the planning I get to do!!!!

I'm going to put off packing Munchkin's suitcase another week. *gulp* Now that I'm not so excited about. I mean, I am because 1. it will be nice to have a little break (remind me of that when I'm crying about it in July, ok?) 2. I will have the freedom to really dig into the new job for the first couple of months 3. Munchkin hasn't seen her dad in a year and I know they are both bouncing off the walls with excitement and I'm excited for them.

I made a list of Munchkin's favorite foods for her dad today and it made me realize what an easy little kid she is. Compared to some really picky little eaters, Munchkin is a total trooper. She rarely turns her little nose up at something and will almost always just try it. She likes totally oddball stuff like fish (real fish like tilapia and not just fish sticks), squash, broccoli, carrots - I mean REALLY! Yes, her life would STOP if peanut butter and jelly were taken out of her diet but that's not going to happen so we're safe.

Now granted there are many times during any random day that I would like nothing more than to lock her outside with the yard cats because she's being so contrary (read stubborn. mule-headed. obstinate. defiant. pain-in-the-butt) but, overall, she's affectionate, well-mannered in public and she loves Jesus. How bad can that be?

Well, friends. I'm going to try and put the finishing touches on a most lackluster newsletter. *sigh* But that's another story.

Is short-timers syndrome fatal?


  1. she's not picky and she loves jesus... wow! what more could a mom ask for!!?!

  2. she's not picky and she loves jesus... wow! what more could a mom ask for!!?!
