Sunday, May 20, 2007

He was right

Malachi 3:10 - "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

I am overwhelmed by the awesome works of His hands and how much He can do in a short amount of time.

In the last few months, He has drawn me closer to Him than I have been since childhood. He draws me out of my comfort zone and teaches me to depend on His provision. He places people and situations in my path that require me to depend on Him for patience, because I have none.

He brought me EG - through this relationship, He teaches me to trust and to love; without reservations and without fear.

He pours out His blessing with a new job, a romance that meets the needs of my heart (and spirit) in all ways that can be met by another person, a child that stretches my heart to grow even bigger every day, an ex-husband that teaches me to forgive and to love others in their suffering, friends that challenge me to balance out work with play and a mother that keeps me pointed toward the level path. There are so many other ways God has poured out His blessing.

The greatest of these is the promise of restoration. On Tuesday night, EG asked me to marry him (and I said, "yes!"). 10 months from now, we will stand before our family and friends and exchange vows. We realize that, like Abraham, God gave us the promise of each other while He was still working on making us into the man/woman, father/mother, husband/wife that He desires us to be. That's why we're waiting until March. We will work to continue growing together, becoming the picture of a sacred marriage*.

We both have issues trusting others but we are both free in being completely open and honest with one another about our fears, our insecurities and whatever else is rolling around in our heads. This level of transparency absolutely terrifies me but, at the very same time, it frees me to just be me. To let the Lord transform me. It is truly a humbling experience.

So, my friends, be in prayer for us. If He can do all of this in six months - think of what He can do with 10. WOW.

Goodnight, friends.

*If you've not read Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas - I STRONGLY recommend it. Even if you aren't married. There are other books in the series - I'm working on Sacred Parenting right now. The entire premise is that, "what if marriage was not intended to make us happy but, rather, to make us HOLY?" It has changed the way I look at every situation in my life. Instead of bemoaning being unhappy in any given situation, I try and look to see how I can strive to learn holiness in the situation. It has really revolutionized my life. I challenge you to read it and see for yourself.

ps. can I pray for you? if there is something I can pray for, please send me an email. I would love nothing better than to pray for you. fri_night_girl at yahoodotcom.


  1. aaaw- congratulations! thats wonderful!

  2. WOW!!!! Email me all the details!!! I'm so excited for you!!! Oh I'm going to cry! I wish I could give you a hug - I know the road has been long and full of many times for your faith to grow (the encouraging way of saying hard..). I'm so proud of you, R. I love your blog too - keep writing - it's always refreshing and encouraging and uplifting to my spirit. Many congratulations. I'm putting it on my calendar now and I definitely want to be there (and I might even give you a wedding gift for real this time!)!!!
