Sarah, in response to your comment.... *gigglesnort*
I was telling Mother that, somewhere in my office, I'll have to have a sign that looks something like this:

Once a Tiger, always a Tiger.
Trust me, I have already received quite a bit of ribbing about going to work "over the river" by my friends and family associated with Belton ISD.
For those of you not familiar with our particular brand of silliness here in Central Texas, let me tell you it's just like any other small town rivalry. Belton and Temple have always been rivals. Even before Belton played 5A football, they STILL were rivals.
When Belton began to grow and more and more builders were building homes located in Temple but falling under Belton schools and using that as a selling point, the rivalry became more heated.
Having said all of that, it has come as a shock to some that I would be, seemingly, betraying my own "roots" as a homegrown Belton Tiger by going to work for Temple ISD. *giggle*
I, jokingly, told my mother that, "the best decision they could have made was to hire a Belton Tiger." There will be some things to which I'll have to become accustomed but seriously, folks - I'm really excited about the "new" Superintendent and think he's got a tremendous vision. In the year and a half that I've been associated with Temple ISD through work, I have met more OUTSTANDING teachers and students than I can keep track of.
I can't wait to start the new job.
I just don't know how I'll ever get used to wearing Temple Wildcat gear. Maybe I'll take a page from Mother and wear my Belton Tiger shirt underneath. *giggle* And I'm NOT going to the Belton-Temple game. I consider it a conflict of interest.
Just kidding, folks. I hope all of you realize that I think both Districts are outstanding. I would never have accepted a job with Temple ISD if I didn't absolutely believe that. Being the natural smart alek that I am, I'm going to have a ball with this rivalry business. It's just too easy.
ReplyDeleteThat was funny!! It's so true isn't it.
I bet if anyone looks for you closely enough we'll find you at the Belton-Temple game. You may be incognito...but you'll be know you can't help it!!
ReplyDeleteThat was funny!! It's so true isn't it.
I bet if anyone looks for you closely enough we'll find you at the Belton-Temple game. You may be incognito...but you'll be know you can't help it!!
teehee, i enjoyed that! it makes me think of the sharks/bulls rivalry thats currently going strong in south africa. with the super 14 rugby tournament final coming up on saturday, the emails, arguments and articles are flying thick and fast!