Monday, May 21, 2007

The Final Countdown

The closer I get to the end of my tenure at the Center, the s-l-o-w-e-r time seems to go. I have several projects still dangling, at least two of which do not appear to be near conclusion. *sigh* I hate leaving things unfinished but feel like I have done all I could possibly do, under the circumstances, besides tar and feather the other party to force a reasonable conclusion.

So, at least two things may be left undone but I have promised to make time to meet with whomever they hire to replace me so I can bring them up to speed. I figure it's the least I can do.

Things on the homefront are good. I've rearranged the house now that K has moved out and I've pretty much settled in to a nice little routine.

Munchkin has begun to realize that she's about to go to her dad's for the summer. I know she's excited but I also know that it's been a year since she saw him and so, understandably, she's a little anxious about such a big and VERY exciting trip. I wish there was a way to soothe her little nerves.

She is so like my brother in that. You couldn't tell J anything for fear that he'd make himself ill with excitement. Mother would tell J we were going to San Antonio (a favorite family vacation spot) when we were ON THE WAY.

I guess Munchkin is just going to be the same way.

*YAWN* Well, kids. I'm beat. I guess I'm going to get in the tub, try and soak these tight muscles away and then go to bed. Maybe even a little early tonight.

1 comment:

  1. wow- to her dad for the summer... thats a long time! so what are you going to do while she's gone?
