Tomorrow's the day! I cleaned the last few things out of my office today, turned in my keys and said goodbye. It was a little sad but I know this is a great move and I am really excited.
I went and peeked in my new office - it's big and has TWO windows!! *grin* I'm going to load all of my boxes back into my car so I can get my office all set up tomorrow. Reminds me that I have to wear pants. I'll save my red suit for another day - even though I just love that suit. Really makes me feel like I'm putting my best foot forward. Not to mention the fact that the gauntlet has already been thrown down as they've committed to "converting" me into a Wildcat. Never. *giggle*
I told them about the picture of Munchkin in her Tiger t-shirt and they all gasped and said, "you can't bring that HERE!" ROFL
The CFO tried to gig me by telling me my office was going to be the "second door on the left." ONe of the girls in the office leaned over and said, "That's the BATHROOM." I said, "ok, two can play at that..." I think I'll make up a men's restroom sign and put it on his door.
This is going to be fun. All of the girls in the office seem really nice.
Anyway, back to my office. My desk is in the corner with the door to my left but not behind me. That's good - I'm pretty easy to sneak up on and then I just FREAK out. Wouldn't do to scream. *grin* On the opposite wall is a long row of cabinets (similar to my old office but without the top cabinets) and a long counter. That will be nice for spreading out projects but if I know me I'll keep it clear because clutter makes me nervous at work. Home is another story but we won't go there.
So, I'm off to bed so I can get up fresh-faced.
I'll be sure and update tomorrow after my first day. ta ta!!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
No Spoilers Here
But Oh Man what a great flick! We went to see Pirates 3 last night and it was SO awesome!!!
I fully intend to see it at least two more times in the theatre - there is just so much to digest. The level of detail ensures that the DVD version with all the extra features should just ROCK.
The storylines that the first two movies have set into motion all culminate in this movie. It's just shy of three hours long and it needs every minute of it to cover so much ground.
But you aren't left wanting. The music is perfectly expressive, the action scenes are so large I can't imagine how they made them, the storytelling is perfectly masterful - oh it's just fantastic.
Anyway, for what it's worth, I give this movie two thumbs WAY up...

I will say, though, that this is DEFINITELY not kid-friendly in MANY scenes. And, if you haven't watched the other two, you should plan on doing a little homework before you go. The third installment in the Pirates tale assumes that you're familiar with the characters and what their goals are. I can't imagine trying to keep up with all of the storylines otherwise.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Copper Buckets
My Visual Arts Director commented that my outfit (all black) looks like my "death of a job" look. She asked if I planned on wearing all black for the next three days.

The folks around here are taking this pretty hard and that really touches me. Not that I'm glad they are unhappy or anything but that they care so much. I kind of see myself as a bit of a grouch. I like to be in charge of a project - I am certainly NOT a team player when it comes to work. I generally like to handle a project on my own because I don't like waiting (depending) on other people when, almost unfailingly, they'll drop the ball and I end up doing it anyway. So, the way I see it, it would have been faster if I had just done it all myself in the first place. Then, I could have planned for the extra work.
Oh well.
Anyhoo. K and I are going wedding scouting today. Today's targets are flowers. Oh, and copper buckets.

I think white and jade roses, white and green hydrangeas, some sort of green leaves and green berries. I would love to use Lily of the Valley or Lady Slipper Orchids or maybe even cymbidium orchids but those are harder to find so they'll be a lot more expensive. AND, I don't know a thing about handling orchids.
So, we're starting to get some details together. I love it!!
Have a happy Friday, y'all. Don't work too hard. Find something fun to do tonight!
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Yes, I know the movie opens tonight. But I'm a Friday night movie-goer so there.
I am SO excited. I've watched all of the videos, featurettes and any other clips I can get my hands on and they have all be really well made. They just tease you but don't really explain anything. It's AWESOME!!!
I. am. a. dork. Yes, I know. *GRIN*
Who's Counting
Seems I do a lot of counting these days. One more day until we go see Pirates of the Caribbean. Four more days until I start my new job. Fifteen more days until I take Munchkin to her dad's for the summer. *
So much good stuff to look forward to. I'm telling you, I have so many little details going in my head, you'd laugh if you could see all of my lists. I almost need a master list of all of my lists. How sick is that??
*giggle* Having said all of that, I'm immensely excited - how could I not be? Look at all of the planning I get to do!!!!
I'm going to put off packing Munchkin's suitcase another week. *gulp* Now that I'm not so excited about. I mean, I am because 1. it will be nice to have a little break (remind me of that when I'm crying about it in July, ok?) 2. I will have the freedom to really dig into the new job for the first couple of months 3. Munchkin hasn't seen her dad in a year and I know they are both bouncing off the walls with excitement and I'm excited for them.
I made a list of Munchkin's favorite foods for her dad today and it made me realize what an easy little kid she is. Compared to some really picky little eaters, Munchkin is a total trooper. She rarely turns her little nose up at something and will almost always just try it. She likes totally oddball stuff like fish (real fish like tilapia and not just fish sticks), squash, broccoli, carrots - I mean REALLY! Yes, her life would STOP if peanut butter and jelly were taken out of her diet but that's not going to happen so we're safe.
Now granted there are many times during any random day that I would like nothing more than to lock her outside with the yard cats because she's being so contrary (read stubborn. mule-headed. obstinate. defiant. pain-in-the-butt) but, overall, she's affectionate, well-mannered in public and she loves Jesus. How bad can that be?
Well, friends. I'm going to try and put the finishing touches on a most lackluster newsletter. *sigh* But that's another story.
Is short-timers syndrome fatal?
So much good stuff to look forward to. I'm telling you, I have so many little details going in my head, you'd laugh if you could see all of my lists. I almost need a master list of all of my lists. How sick is that??
*giggle* Having said all of that, I'm immensely excited - how could I not be? Look at all of the planning I get to do!!!!
I'm going to put off packing Munchkin's suitcase another week. *gulp* Now that I'm not so excited about. I mean, I am because 1. it will be nice to have a little break (remind me of that when I'm crying about it in July, ok?) 2. I will have the freedom to really dig into the new job for the first couple of months 3. Munchkin hasn't seen her dad in a year and I know they are both bouncing off the walls with excitement and I'm excited for them.
I made a list of Munchkin's favorite foods for her dad today and it made me realize what an easy little kid she is. Compared to some really picky little eaters, Munchkin is a total trooper. She rarely turns her little nose up at something and will almost always just try it. She likes totally oddball stuff like fish (real fish like tilapia and not just fish sticks), squash, broccoli, carrots - I mean REALLY! Yes, her life would STOP if peanut butter and jelly were taken out of her diet but that's not going to happen so we're safe.
Now granted there are many times during any random day that I would like nothing more than to lock her outside with the yard cats because she's being so contrary (read stubborn. mule-headed. obstinate. defiant. pain-in-the-butt) but, overall, she's affectionate, well-mannered in public and she loves Jesus. How bad can that be?
Well, friends. I'm going to try and put the finishing touches on a most lackluster newsletter. *sigh* But that's another story.
Is short-timers syndrome fatal?
Monday, May 21, 2007
The Final Countdown
The closer I get to the end of my tenure at the Center, the s-l-o-w-e-r time seems to go. I have several projects still dangling, at least two of which do not appear to be near conclusion. *sigh* I hate leaving things unfinished but feel like I have done all I could possibly do, under the circumstances, besides tar and feather the other party to force a reasonable conclusion.
So, at least two things may be left undone but I have promised to make time to meet with whomever they hire to replace me so I can bring them up to speed. I figure it's the least I can do.
Things on the homefront are good. I've rearranged the house now that K has moved out and I've pretty much settled in to a nice little routine.
Munchkin has begun to realize that she's about to go to her dad's for the summer. I know she's excited but I also know that it's been a year since she saw him and so, understandably, she's a little anxious about such a big and VERY exciting trip. I wish there was a way to soothe her little nerves.
She is so like my brother in that. You couldn't tell J anything for fear that he'd make himself ill with excitement. Mother would tell J we were going to San Antonio (a favorite family vacation spot) when we were ON THE WAY.
I guess Munchkin is just going to be the same way.
*YAWN* Well, kids. I'm beat. I guess I'm going to get in the tub, try and soak these tight muscles away and then go to bed. Maybe even a little early tonight.
So, at least two things may be left undone but I have promised to make time to meet with whomever they hire to replace me so I can bring them up to speed. I figure it's the least I can do.
Things on the homefront are good. I've rearranged the house now that K has moved out and I've pretty much settled in to a nice little routine.
Munchkin has begun to realize that she's about to go to her dad's for the summer. I know she's excited but I also know that it's been a year since she saw him and so, understandably, she's a little anxious about such a big and VERY exciting trip. I wish there was a way to soothe her little nerves.
She is so like my brother in that. You couldn't tell J anything for fear that he'd make himself ill with excitement. Mother would tell J we were going to San Antonio (a favorite family vacation spot) when we were ON THE WAY.
I guess Munchkin is just going to be the same way.
*YAWN* Well, kids. I'm beat. I guess I'm going to get in the tub, try and soak these tight muscles away and then go to bed. Maybe even a little early tonight.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Getting the Wheels Turning
It happens even to the best readers from time to time… you close the cover on the book you’re reading and discover, to your horror, that there’s nothing else to read. Either there’s nothing in the house, or nothing you’re in the mood for. Just, nothing that “clicks.” What do you do?? How do you get the reading wheels turning again?
From Booking Through Thursday - this week
When I am out of books *gasp* I usually reach for one of my "stock reads." You know the ones I'm talking about - the ones you read at least twice a year, books that never get old. They usually get the wheels turning again. Or, if that fails, I'll go to the library and just pick out a few random books, solely based on what the cover art looks like or if the title is catchy.
I know that's a horrible system but sometimes I've discovered the most intriguing tales that way. Take for example, how I discovered Judith Merkle Riley. One of these random library searches and I discovered In Search of the Green Lion. Turns out, she's a WONDERFUL writer with a fun style. Do I care if her books are particularly historically accurate? Not a whit. I like her b/c she's fun.
Anyhoo, I love to read and, thankfully, don't generally have a problem finding something to read.
Speaking of, I'm off to dig through the bookshelf and see what I come up with.
'night, friends!
From Booking Through Thursday - this week
When I am out of books *gasp* I usually reach for one of my "stock reads." You know the ones I'm talking about - the ones you read at least twice a year, books that never get old. They usually get the wheels turning again. Or, if that fails, I'll go to the library and just pick out a few random books, solely based on what the cover art looks like or if the title is catchy.
I know that's a horrible system but sometimes I've discovered the most intriguing tales that way. Take for example, how I discovered Judith Merkle Riley. One of these random library searches and I discovered In Search of the Green Lion. Turns out, she's a WONDERFUL writer with a fun style. Do I care if her books are particularly historically accurate? Not a whit. I like her b/c she's fun.
Anyhoo, I love to read and, thankfully, don't generally have a problem finding something to read.
Speaking of, I'm off to dig through the bookshelf and see what I come up with.
'night, friends!
He was right
Malachi 3:10 - "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."
I am overwhelmed by the awesome works of His hands and how much He can do in a short amount of time.
In the last few months, He has drawn me closer to Him than I have been since childhood. He draws me out of my comfort zone and teaches me to depend on His provision. He places people and situations in my path that require me to depend on Him for patience, because I have none.
He brought me EG - through this relationship, He teaches me to trust and to love; without reservations and without fear.
He pours out His blessing with a new job, a romance that meets the needs of my heart (and spirit) in all ways that can be met by another person, a child that stretches my heart to grow even bigger every day, an ex-husband that teaches me to forgive and to love others in their suffering, friends that challenge me to balance out work with play and a mother that keeps me pointed toward the level path. There are so many other ways God has poured out His blessing.
The greatest of these is the promise of restoration. On Tuesday night, EG asked me to marry him (and I said, "yes!"). 10 months from now, we will stand before our family and friends and exchange vows. We realize that, like Abraham, God gave us the promise of each other while He was still working on making us into the man/woman, father/mother, husband/wife that He desires us to be. That's why we're waiting until March. We will work to continue growing together, becoming the picture of a sacred marriage*.
We both have issues trusting others but we are both free in being completely open and honest with one another about our fears, our insecurities and whatever else is rolling around in our heads. This level of transparency absolutely terrifies me but, at the very same time, it frees me to just be me. To let the Lord transform me. It is truly a humbling experience.
So, my friends, be in prayer for us. If He can do all of this in six months - think of what He can do with 10. WOW.
Goodnight, friends.
*If you've not read Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas - I STRONGLY recommend it. Even if you aren't married. There are other books in the series - I'm working on Sacred Parenting right now. The entire premise is that, "what if marriage was not intended to make us happy but, rather, to make us HOLY?" It has changed the way I look at every situation in my life. Instead of bemoaning being unhappy in any given situation, I try and look to see how I can strive to learn holiness in the situation. It has really revolutionized my life. I challenge you to read it and see for yourself.
ps. can I pray for you? if there is something I can pray for, please send me an email. I would love nothing better than to pray for you. fri_night_girl at yahoodotcom.
I am overwhelmed by the awesome works of His hands and how much He can do in a short amount of time.
In the last few months, He has drawn me closer to Him than I have been since childhood. He draws me out of my comfort zone and teaches me to depend on His provision. He places people and situations in my path that require me to depend on Him for patience, because I have none.
He brought me EG - through this relationship, He teaches me to trust and to love; without reservations and without fear.
He pours out His blessing with a new job, a romance that meets the needs of my heart (and spirit) in all ways that can be met by another person, a child that stretches my heart to grow even bigger every day, an ex-husband that teaches me to forgive and to love others in their suffering, friends that challenge me to balance out work with play and a mother that keeps me pointed toward the level path. There are so many other ways God has poured out His blessing.
The greatest of these is the promise of restoration. On Tuesday night, EG asked me to marry him (and I said, "yes!"). 10 months from now, we will stand before our family and friends and exchange vows. We realize that, like Abraham, God gave us the promise of each other while He was still working on making us into the man/woman, father/mother, husband/wife that He desires us to be. That's why we're waiting until March. We will work to continue growing together, becoming the picture of a sacred marriage*.
We both have issues trusting others but we are both free in being completely open and honest with one another about our fears, our insecurities and whatever else is rolling around in our heads. This level of transparency absolutely terrifies me but, at the very same time, it frees me to just be me. To let the Lord transform me. It is truly a humbling experience.
So, my friends, be in prayer for us. If He can do all of this in six months - think of what He can do with 10. WOW.
Goodnight, friends.
*If you've not read Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas - I STRONGLY recommend it. Even if you aren't married. There are other books in the series - I'm working on Sacred Parenting right now. The entire premise is that, "what if marriage was not intended to make us happy but, rather, to make us HOLY?" It has changed the way I look at every situation in my life. Instead of bemoaning being unhappy in any given situation, I try and look to see how I can strive to learn holiness in the situation. It has really revolutionized my life. I challenge you to read it and see for yourself.
ps. can I pray for you? if there is something I can pray for, please send me an email. I would love nothing better than to pray for you. fri_night_girl at yahoodotcom.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
So thankful to still wear red flowers
Today is Mother's Day. One of my favorite holidays of the year. It is an opportunity to say a special thank you to the wonderful woman that raised us.
Five years ago, this June, my mother was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. There were many times in the following months that we really thought this was it - that Mama wasn't going to be with us much longer.
Munchkin was born after Mama had already begun her treatments and so we were all worried that Munchkin might have to grow up never really knowing this wonderful lady who would later come to be known as, "Nana."
But the Lord's hand stayed on Mother and she has been cancer free for five years. Every day with her is a gift because I really didn't know if I would get any more of them.
She is full of spit and vinegar sometimes but she's got a heart of gold and she makes the BEST Thanksgiving dressing (and potato salad and humpty dumpties AND chicken & dumplings) this side of Heaven.
So, for all those times, Mama, when you knew I needed and "out;" for all of those THOUSANDS of times where you just knew that something was eating me so you'd put me in the car and drive around for three hours before I'd spill it; for all of the times that you held me in your lap, with my face in the Mama crook of your neck and sang to me - Thank you. I'm so glad you are still here, with us.
I am so thankful that Munchkin knows you. I am so thankful for Another Day with you.
Happy Mothers Day, Mama.
your girl
Five years ago, this June, my mother was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. There were many times in the following months that we really thought this was it - that Mama wasn't going to be with us much longer.
Munchkin was born after Mama had already begun her treatments and so we were all worried that Munchkin might have to grow up never really knowing this wonderful lady who would later come to be known as, "Nana."
But the Lord's hand stayed on Mother and she has been cancer free for five years. Every day with her is a gift because I really didn't know if I would get any more of them.
She is full of spit and vinegar sometimes but she's got a heart of gold and she makes the BEST Thanksgiving dressing (and potato salad and humpty dumpties AND chicken & dumplings) this side of Heaven.
So, for all those times, Mama, when you knew I needed and "out;" for all of those THOUSANDS of times where you just knew that something was eating me so you'd put me in the car and drive around for three hours before I'd spill it; for all of the times that you held me in your lap, with my face in the Mama crook of your neck and sang to me - Thank you. I'm so glad you are still here, with us.
I am so thankful that Munchkin knows you. I am so thankful for Another Day with you.
Happy Mothers Day, Mama.
your girl
Friday, May 11, 2007
The Reason Blood is Red
Sarah, in response to your comment.... *gigglesnort*
I was telling Mother that, somewhere in my office, I'll have to have a sign that looks something like this:

Once a Tiger, always a Tiger.
Trust me, I have already received quite a bit of ribbing about going to work "over the river" by my friends and family associated with Belton ISD.
For those of you not familiar with our particular brand of silliness here in Central Texas, let me tell you it's just like any other small town rivalry. Belton and Temple have always been rivals. Even before Belton played 5A football, they STILL were rivals.
When Belton began to grow and more and more builders were building homes located in Temple but falling under Belton schools and using that as a selling point, the rivalry became more heated.
Having said all of that, it has come as a shock to some that I would be, seemingly, betraying my own "roots" as a homegrown Belton Tiger by going to work for Temple ISD. *giggle*
I, jokingly, told my mother that, "the best decision they could have made was to hire a Belton Tiger." There will be some things to which I'll have to become accustomed but seriously, folks - I'm really excited about the "new" Superintendent and think he's got a tremendous vision. In the year and a half that I've been associated with Temple ISD through work, I have met more OUTSTANDING teachers and students than I can keep track of.
I can't wait to start the new job.
I just don't know how I'll ever get used to wearing Temple Wildcat gear. Maybe I'll take a page from Mother and wear my Belton Tiger shirt underneath. *giggle* And I'm NOT going to the Belton-Temple game. I consider it a conflict of interest.
Just kidding, folks. I hope all of you realize that I think both Districts are outstanding. I would never have accepted a job with Temple ISD if I didn't absolutely believe that. Being the natural smart alek that I am, I'm going to have a ball with this rivalry business. It's just too easy.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
A New Adventure
I know I've been hinting around at something "big" in the works for at least a month now but could not say more because of the nature of the deal. It's all out in the open, though, so I can announce it on here.
On June 1, I will start a new job. I have accepted a position as the PR Director (or Public Information Officer) of Temple Independent School District. It is an amazing opportunity and I'm thrilled at the offer.
I have visited with the new Superintendent and I am excited about his vision for the District and am tickled simply pink about the possibilities.

Instead of wearing six hats with six hundred tasks each, it will be nice to wear one hat with all of the associated tasks. Oh, don't get me wrong, I won't be putting my feet up any time soon. I'm going to buy a new pair of running shoes because I predict being just crazy busy. What I AM so stoked about is knowing that I won't have to shift gears mid-stream to put on one of my numerous other (and vastly different) hats.

I have loved being at the Center and have no intention of not being around. After all, I'm still on the planning committee for two other organizations who have their annual fundraiser at the Center, I've committed to helping with Hands On China this fall and, maybe most of all - I helped pick the new season so you KNOW I want to go to the shows!
So, posting may be a little scattered during the transition, but I'll get on as much as I can. Hang on, y'all - Crazyville just got a little crazier!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Today's the Day!

After months of planning, K's wedding is today! Last night's rehearsal was funny - the wedding coordinator was a little militaristic, but we stayed on schedule and got everybody in place so good for her.
EG had to stand in for one of the groomsmen who wasn't at the rehearsal (shame on him) and I can't tell you the feeling that tripped through me as I walked down that aisle and looked him in the eyes.
I love the direction we are headed and, while I feel an almost giddy sense of excitement, I feel amazingly calm about the entire affair. I am content to wait on God's direction and His perfect timing. THIS - from a woman who wholeheartedly confesses to be one of the most impatient people ALIVE. Amazing! Miraculous!
But, back to K's big day. The candles are out, the flowers are being delivered, the dresses are waiting.
So, my dearest friend, this day is for you. You and Z. I am so excited for you. I am praying for you and Z today - the most exciting day of your lives so far. God bless you. May your marriage be a testimony to God's grace. Stand together as couple saints - seek holiness, rather than happiness, through your marriage and you'll never regret it. I love you, little sister.
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