Still no word from J since last week. You can't see it but I'm pacing. God has these patience lessons planned in spades, apparently. I trust he is safe and sound and will be home any day now.
I really should take up yoga. Or some other mind-altering drug. Then I wouldn't mind it so much. Of course, then I'd be a skitzo but that's going to happen anyway if I don't hear from him soon. *grin*
We did almost nothing on Saturday and it was very nice. After the rush of the past two weeks it was great to have a day to relax and spend with Munchkin.
And play Playstation. My. Turn. Finally. *giggle*
Sunday was the blessed Open House. It was a smash success much to the credit to our new friends. They did a great job getting the acts and making personal invitations. We estimate that there were around 300 in attendance which is pretty darn great for a Sunday afternoon event the weekend before Christmas.
I have a list of about 230 things that have to be done before we close so I'm going to sign off and get ready for bed. Goodnight, friends.
congrats on your success!