Munchkin is sitting in the tub, singing at the top of her lungs about her Snow White bubble bath that she got for Christmas. The cats are vying for their turn atop the Christmas boxes that are all filled and waiting to be carried upstairs but are, for the time being, sitting in between the kitchen and my bedroom. I am sitting in my dark bedroom, at the computer, knowing that I'm further exacerbating my increasingly poor eyesight and I should turn on a light. Sounds like a lively Saturday night in Crazyville, huh?
Oh, she's done in the bath....Be back in a bit....

[insert elevator music]
Ok, I'm back. The great reorganization is complete. In addition to the advent wreath, the putting up and the taking down of decorations, the reading of The Night Before Christmas and all of our other holiday traditions, I have learned to anticipate a great reorganization within a week after Christmas. Munchkin, you see, makes out like a bandit every Christmas and, therefore requires more space to store her beloved toys. Because I stubbornly refuse to give over my already cramped living room to the Disney Princesses, a little creative storage and decorating is required. So, we inventory every barbie shoe, every bangle and every Care Bear for "downstairs worthiness." If a suitable home can be found, the item can stay. If, however, it is one of the trillion or so plastic eggs still cluttering up Munchkin's room from Easter, or some other mostly ignored toy - upstairs it goes. (And then, in the spring, we have a garage sale.)
Whew. Luckily, this time it wasn't such an onerous task, as we just did one after Munchkin came home from her dad's. She is now happily playing with her barbie castle and one of the cast of thousand barbies that she has. Thankfully, she didn't get any of THOSE from Santa.
Being that it's almost 2007, I've been thinking about making my resolutions. Knowing full well that I'll either 1. forget I made them and, therefore, utterly fail to carry through on them or 2. make them so unrealistic as to require some sort of divine intervention to get them done, I'm keeping things real. Here are some ideas that I'm throwing around:
1. paint the living room
2. start saving money (like grownups are supposed to do)
3. find a mentor-type person to help me wait out J's deployment.
4. get that @#$% flowerbed in the back yard cleaned out
5. tear the carpet out of the upstairs loft
6. paint the kitchen
This list is made up of lots of home improvement, it appears. *grin* I might actually get these things done.. I'll let you know what I come up with on Monday.
Church tomorrow and we're back from a week off from Sunday School. Funny, isn't it? A few months ago, I was complaining about teaching 20-month olds. Now, I go two weeks without seeing them and I miss them. *shrug*
Night, y'all. I'm off to wrangle Munchkin into bed.
my darling damien's stuff stays in his room- i have simply made peace with the fact that i cannot see his floor!
ReplyDeletei make only one resolution every year- not to make any other plans till after damien's birthday in april... i know, it sounds corny, but i never keep any resolutions so making them and breaking them just frustrates me terribly!
my darling damien's stuff stays in his room- i have simply made peace with the fact that i cannot see his floor!
ReplyDeletei make only one resolution every year- not to make any other plans till after damien's birthday in april... i know, it sounds corny, but i never keep any resolutions so making them and breaking them just frustrates me terribly!
Happy New Year!