It occurs to me that there are people in this world so wrapped up with themselves that they will use anything or anybody to get what they want. There is no such thing for these people as a selfless love; they are unable to give that freely of themselves because they are slaves to their own malcontent.
So hung up on making sure everybody else "does the right thing" they inexplicably miss the fact that they so egregiously overlook good decisions in their own life. They go on the warpath when they perceive some slight against them, with no thought to their own offences against others. Content with pointing fingers instead of fixing themselves, they are a trial to every human being in their world. They draw in others for the sole purpose of borrowing from their resources, rather than find their own. They suck the life out of those around them, they belittle and demean those with more strength, more character and more life because they themselves are a very small person of strength and character.
I am a survivor of such an attack. I look in the mirror today and see the battle scars but I also see a restoration of spirit only possible through the grace of God.
Tonight, when we celebrate the birth of our Savior, I will remember that He came not only that I might live an abundant life through His saving grace, but also that those miserable souls that inhabit this world in a haze of unhappiness, sorrow, regret and anger might also be saved.

i hope your christmas was a blessed and happy one (i'm still going to read the posts to follow this one 'coz i start at the bottom wen i find a new site i like). god bless you and yours!