Feeling a bit touchy about touchy-
feeley today, apparently.
This was in my
MySpace bulletins this morning. (yes, I am completely hooked now) I've added my commentary to each of these points. What does this say about me?
Hmmm...something to ponder. *grin* either way, I thought you might like this.
21 ways to keep a girl
1.DON'T FORCE HER TO DO ANYTHING.[Oh, I don't know. Sometimes it's nice to know that somebody has a stronger will than I do.]
2. Grab her hand when you walk next to each other.[Holding hands is terrific - I'll give 'em that much.]
3. When standing, wrap your arms around her.[Depends on the situation. In a private, home setting, sure - but we're not teenagers. Let's keep things dignified for the most part when we're in public,
4. Cuddle with her.[Again, all fine and good unless I'm trying to get things done or I'm working or I'm asleep.]
5. Hug her from behind[I love hugs - just don't be surprised if you scare me - it's easy to sneak up on me.]
6. Write little notes.[It's nice to know that you are thinking about me, that's true.]
7. Compliment her Honestly.[No girl likes a liar and no girl likes a person who lies about it when you compliment her] - Ah, now that is true but a man who compliments ALL the time makes a girl vain. Save your best compliments to surprise her. Then you'll get the most bang for your buck -- literally. *wink*
8. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.[Negative. Loving me means loving my almost constant motion. Being held too long is a sure way to suffocate me. The ONLY exception to this is when you KNOW I've had a rough day and could use the physical reassurance of your presence.]
9. Be super sweet to her. = ) (All girls like a super sweet guy)[Not all girls. When someone is super sweet to me, I begin to wonder why. I would rather have someone be honest with me, even when it is sometimes not so sweet.]
10. Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams.[I'd have to say that's a no. Send me a text message or
IM. - some nights I go to bed at 1am and some nights it's 8:30pm. Because I'm a mother, I am a fairly alert sleeper (most of the time) and a phone ring at 10pm if I'm already asleep will just wake me up very very cranky. Not a pretty voice on the other end of your sweet wishes, I promise.]
11. Comfort her when she cries.[Ask if there is anything you can do to help. If I say no, leave me alone. Sometimes I just have to get it out. I also cry when I'm really REALLY angry so just tread lightly.]
12.Wipe away her tears[see above. If I'm angry, touching me in general is dangerous. Putting your hand that close to my face is likely to get your fingers bitten off. *giggle*]
13. Love her with all your heart.[If you are truly the man I'm seeking, then you love the Lord with all your heart. I'll fall into the right place and I don't need all your heart anyway. Save some of it for your parents, your siblings and any children that we might have.]
14. Pick her up and flirt with her (she'll scream and say put me down but really she loves it).[NEGATIVE. I don't like being picked up.]
15. Be a gentleman (hold the door for her).[It's so sad that we have to say this. It is true. But don't be a jerk about it, either. If I get there before you or you have something in your hands, I'm just as likely to grab the door for you. A true gentleman is one who is also gracious.]
16. DON'T let your friends talk trash about her, it'll get back 2 her[No girl likes to be talked about. Be a stand-up guy and stick up for your girl. Having said that, I'm always interested in feedback and I have been known to get in a snit about something or other and stay bent out of shape longer than is necessary. Stick up for me but then, if they have a point, tell me about it (in private) and let me fix it.]
17. Take her for a long walk at night![Negative. Let's go for a drive.]
18. When it's cold outside hold her close[Ooh, this is a good one. I like this.]
19. Draw on or rub her back as she is
trying to rest or sleep[Negative. Once I am seriously trying to sleep, I don't really like to be messed with. Now, an arm draped around me is great but if you are going to complain about how much I move around, get out of my side of the bed. And, for goodness sakes, don't DRAW on me or rub on my back. MAYBE EVER.]
20. Most importantly be yourself
don't be fake, if its a true kind of love she'll love you for you not for what you have of the type or material items you can give. [Well, it's not about gifts, if that's what this is referring to. BUT, true love doesn't keep the lights on and you'd better be financially holding up your end of the bargain or it doesn't really matter how much love you have to give. Want my love? Be dependable. Dropping the ball and letting me struggle to carry the weight of full
responsibility for the family pisses me off (excuse the coarseness). Having said that, yes, be real. Don't pretend to be something you aren't, feel something you don't or do something you can't or won't. You may not be the hero lover of the day but I guarantee you I'll respect you for being honest. End of lecture]
21. Kiss her on the forehead , it makes her feel like a princess. :)[Oh, this is good. I like this one.]
Like I said, a total drivel post, but it's still pretty funny. Some might say it's the closest thing to really spelling out "the Rules of
fridaynightgirl" I've ever done. *shrug* Happy Friday!!
We are doing NOTHING tonight. NO-THING. I am so excited. It will be the first night in a week that I've not had some other activity or something at night and I can actually just go home and relax. I miss J and wish I could say I'll get to see him this weekend but I haven't even talked to him in a week so I'm not holding my breath.