Saturday, April 7, 2012


I can't imagine the stunned shock of the disciples. Even though they'd been told this was coming, how many of them really understood? And now, He was gone. They'd watched their friend and teacher - the Savior - beaten, mocked and, finally, crucified.  They watched, with finality, as the Roman soldiers sealed the tomb with an enormous rock.

Judas had betrayed him to the priests and, now, he was dead. Peter, the Rock, had denied him - three times. Not one of the 12 had come to his aid.

And now, they were in hiding. Afraid for their very lives. I imagine the room where they gathered was as silent as the very grave itself.

They had to be exhausted from their grief and terror. It wouldn't be until later they would be filled with courage. Today, all was uncertain.

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