Saturday, December 31, 2011
In This House
All in all, it was a pretty good meatloaf - if you don't mind yours a little charred. *giggle*
Ok...on to goals.
We stuck a big piece of paper on the wall and divided it into two vertical sections. The left side was for goals; activities and things we'd like to accomplish this year. The right side is an adaptation of the My One Word project where you list all the characteristics you'd like to have then you choose one of those words on which to focus your efforts for the next year. We adapted it to list the type of family we'd like to be. We'll leave our list posted a few days then come back to it mid-week and decide on our one word.
Then, as our conversation continued, we split the One Word side into half and drew three smaller boxes below for individual goals (goals specific to one person). We also wanted to remind ourselves of our family core value: LOVE. L-Listen | O-Overlook | V-Value | E-Encourage. Thanks to our beloved pastor, Charlie Robinson, for such a beautiful acrostic.
2012 is going to be a great year!
Happy New Year, friends. What are YOU focusing on in 2012?
ps. Incidentally, if you are interested in trying out our worksheet, help yourself to the PDF. Enjoy!
Christmas is over - thank goodness!
*whew* Thank goodness that's over!
Christmas IS my favorite time of year. It is an amazing opportunity to rest, recharge and reconnect with family and friends. It is a time to celebrate the birth of our Savior. It is a time to enjoy good food, the cutest decorations of the year and PRESENTS! *giggle* (sorry, channeling my inner 9-year old)
Monday we go back to work; the kids are back Wednesday. On one hand, I'm ready to go back. The kids are getting stir crazy with only boring mommy & daddy for entertainment. And mommy needs something to do all day but pick up KIX cereal and bananas off the floor.
On the other hand, I love being home. This is the only time of year I see so much of everybody. During our regularly scheduled craziness, there just isn't time to sit on the couch and watch a movie together, or play a playstation game together unless we schedule it.
Munchkin is sitting on the couch, practicing her cursive in a notebook. She's ready to go back too. She's excited and curious to meet her new math/homeroom teacher. She's been reading like a true crazy-viller.
Princess Crybaby is currently wearing her coat. Not that we're leaving; she just wants to wear it. She's got her cup in her hand and she's dragging her ride-on whateveritscalled around. We should have gotten her a wagon.
Coach is playing his online game. He's like a level 75 super-hunter. I am a wimpy little level 22 (almost 23).
And yours truly is sitting on the couch, touching her blog for the first time since...well, before Christmas.
So, while I'm glad the cooking, endless cleaning (because you never know who's coming over) and wrapping and cleaning up presents is over, it's been simply heavenly to rest and recharge.
Tonight is New Year's Eve. As a family, we are setting goals tonight. Wellness, family time, and whatever else we think of. More on that later.
For now, toodles!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Flying Monkeys (a.k.a. air travel with young children)
Tips for toddler travel: lots of stuff to do. WAY more than you think they'll need. Headphones and a portable video device were a life saver when we traveled with Munchkin (3.5 hour flight to Jersey every year since she was 3). Color, read, play with dolls, look out the window, give them a disposable camera to play with, save a few things they've never seen (new coloring books, NEW crayons, Crayola Color Magic stuff, new story books, etc) for once you get in the air so you can capitalize on their curiosity with new things.
It was my experience keeping Munchkin up (trying to make them extra sleepy) backfired every time. Munchkin was so curious about the flight, even though she was exhausted, she would fight sleep. Then, she was a sleepy mess. I made sure she'd had extra sleep (just the opposite) so, even if she didn't sleep she wasn't tired and cranky. (one less thing to fight with) Oh, and snacks. LOTS of snacks.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Dig Deeper!
No, I'm not talking about Insanity workouts. I'm talking about education. This is a great article about the recent National Assessment of Educational Progress report. I am sick to DEATH of people making surface judgements without really digging into the data and waiting until they actually know what they are talking about before they start spinning those headlines. (or worse, knowing the facts and spinning those headlines anyway)
But really, this goes so far beyond education. In our lives, how often do we make surface judgements before we've even had a conversation with someone? Completely disregarded something because of a brief moment with it? Passed along some dumb email without checking the facts our ourselves simply because it came from somebody we trust? Smeared on some silly platitude based on selective scripture searches, rather than spending actual time getting to know the Word and, therefore, know what it REALLY says?
Dig deeper, people. Demand the truth; not headlines. NEVER accept what you read on the internet, in the newspaper or magazines as gospel. Do your own research.
The slant to the left or right in the media is not new. Media bias is as old as the craft itself. Why? Because people write it. That is not condemnation; it is fact. I'm not telling you to get out the tar and feathers or begin a denigration of media, in general. I'm telling you to recognize they are out to increase circulation, ratings and sell advertising. Yes, there are MANY reporters out there with a commitment to telling the story accurately and without bias. LOTS and LOTS and LOTS. But do your own research. Don't take their word for it. EVER. Don't take my word for it. DIG DEEPER!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
RLY? Pizza as a vegetable
According to Congress, it is. *snort*
Couple of problems with this. Mainly that Tomatoes are classified as FRUIT.
Second, that they are making this stretch to keep pizza on school lunch menus.
Brilliance. Sheer brilliance. And these are the people representing us in order to conduct the affairs of the Nation.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Indignation Station
In this spirit, I will post instructions on how to appropriately write a passive aggressive note. Because, if you are going to do it, at least have the decency to do it correctly. Whoever you are. *giggle*
Monday, November 7, 2011
I couldn't put it any better
Monday, October 24, 2011
A Great Opinion Post
- Our political system prefers rhetorical fairy tales to unpleasant budget realities.
- There’s no culture of moral accountability.
- On both left and right, myths persist of painless solutions: “eliminating waste” or “taxing millionaires.”
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Waiting for Superman
I read Waiting for Superman guessed made me mad. Will there ever be a day when we can have a logical conversation about education in this country: Communities and school districts on one side of the table - GOVERNMENT on the other side. What will it take to realize schools and school districts are NOT the bad guys?
It is so easy to point the finger of blame at "schools" for "failing kids." But, the reality is this: For a long time now, people hundreds and even thousands of miles away are legislating how teachers teach and how districts write curriculum. They grade them on some moving target standard that assumes all children have the same motivation, early learning experiences and levels of parent involvement. They assume all children are going to be college-bound when that has never been the case but they deny funding to schools, do mass firings of teachers who don't conform to the State and even shut down schools who don't meet these impossible standards.
They pit school districts against each other in a ratings cage match, reducing the CHILDREN in the buildings to data points on a color-coded chart all for the sake of some rating. This is a travesty.
All because some education lobby got in front of the legislators and told them this was "best for children," when, in reality, they were saying, "this is best for ME." What do they know about MY children? What do they know about our teachers? NOTHING. So, why have we allowed them to have so much power over something that should be solely a local decision?
Do I believe there is inequity in the education system? yes.
Do I believe there must be a way to hold schools accountable for educating children? yes.
Do I believe there will always be people in the wrong job? yes.
Do I believe schools sometimes make mistakes? yes.
Do I believe some POLITICIAN should tell me how my child should be educated? absolutely not.
Do I believe there is a conspiracy to dismantle public education in this country? absolutely.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Cereal Diaries - Another Christmas Story Reference
I NEVER thought this was funny...until NOW. Princess Crybaby used to eat everything you put in front of her. EVERYTHING. Now, it is a chore to find ANYTHING she will consistently eat. Even *gulp* mac and cheese is a toss-up. Cooked veggies - forget it. We have to hide them in something else. But before I get all frustrated because she won't eat anything resembling healthy, she won't really eat much that falls into the other category either. *sigh*
So, we've resorted to making noises and funny faces and whatever else we can think of to get her to give us her best little bird impression and gobble up her breakfast, lunch, dinner - SOMETHING.
Too bad she isn't old enough to teach the little piggy move.
Yes, mommyhood also has two purposes: to inform and entertain. And now, if you'll excuse me, that's my cue.
Friday, September 16, 2011
The Urge to Cut
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sunday night...really?
I made a little progress on the garage but only enough to create a path through the chaos. I swept the floors before we had three giggly, wiggly little girls over for Munchkin's birthday sleepover. HA. Sleep. Puh'Shaw. At 12:30, I came in and started threatening to put children in the crate with the dog if sudden sleep didn't overtake them! *giggle*
Princess Crybaby has been cranky McMuffin all day. (no, I don't know why I called her that, Sarah.) She wouldn't nap but 30 minutes at a time, wasn't interested in anything I fed her BUT teddy grahams and mandarin oranges. She ate about half a bowl of everything else before she started throwing it on the floor. *sigh*
She scraped her knee yesterday, at Nana's pool. I swear, this child is as accident prone as...well, me.
Coach is making progress with CC boys. They have a race Friday morning. The greatest part of this is having him (with the exception of a little while Friday night so he can go shoot volleyball) all. weekend. long. We may just turn the phones OFF Saturday and spend time together, as a family, in our pj's.
Today is the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Flight 93's crash in that Pennsylvania field. I've avoided coverage of the attacks all weekend. Knowing it was on nearly every channel meant I didn't watch very much TV this weekend.
Yes, I remember the exact moment. I've tried (and failed) avoiding re-living it this weekend as my facebook friends go back through the details of those days.
Ok. Here I go. *deep breath*
The Ex and I took an annual trip to his parents' house, in New Jersey. Historically, we flew because it was faster. Historically, the first day was getting settled and recovering from the flight. The second day of our trip, we always went in to New York City because I am a tourist and, dang it, I love that city. Historically, we took the train from Princeton (I think) into Penn Station. The last time we were in the City, we decided to start the day downtown, at the World Trade Center, so we could see the financial district and all that stuff down there first; then work our way back uptown.
Ok, so that gives you the background up to 2001. That year, we decided to drive - a cross-country road trip. It was a fun trip. We stopped in Nashville for a night, then Washington, D.C. (beautiful hotel) then on to NJ. We were in D.C. on September 9 & 10. September 9 was a Sunday. Monday, September 10, we talked about trying to get a room and stay another day and spending a little more time in D.C. because we didn't have time to really see/do much. But, wanting to stay on schedule, we decided to go on ahead to NJ. Traffic was so bad headed north, straight out of the city, we looped around in a big circle around the city, bypassing traffic. I snapped a shot of the side of the Pentagon as we drove past. I remember very clearly it was about 9:30 in the morning.
All the way to NJ that day, the Ex was adamant he did NOT want to go into NYC; he was tired of going into the city, it was expensive, boring, etc... We were already planning to drive to Montreal to meet/see his Canadian relatives and he didn't want to spend an entire day wearing ourselves out (and spending money) in NYC when we could wait and do the same thing in Montreal. He wanted to go ahead and go on to Canada Tuesday morning. I thought he was just being difficult and argumentative so I pouted and bickered. I agreed to let it drop (for the moment).
Very early Tuesday morning arrives and we are still bickering about NYC. I finally give in and agree we should go on to Canada; even though that means we won't make it into NYC at all this trip (dangit - I SO wanted to see Wall Street). Little did I know all that bickering and finally giving in probably saved our lives.
We get in the car around 7am Tuesday, September 11 and head north. Around 8:40am, I am changing CD's out and we hear (of all people) Howard "I am the Nastiest person ALIVE" Stern sounding VERY grave on the radio. Immediately sensing something was VERY wrong with this picture, we listen in horror as he recounts how, just two minutes earlier, a plane crashed into the side of the World Trade Center. Was it an accident? How had that happened? We found a roadside gas station a few miles down the road and watched, in HORROR, with the strangers in the gas station as the second plane hit Tower 2. The Ex and I looked at each other and said, "they are going to close the borders." We jumped back in the car and floored it for the Canadian border.
Sure enough, we were one of the last through the border before the country went on hard lockdown. We listened in terror as the towers fell, listened to the reports of the plane that smashed into the Pentagon and of the downed plane in the Pennsylvania field.
We stayed glued the rest of the day to the television, horrified at the pictures of the falling towers, the people jumping to their deaths, the flames and smoke filling the Manhattan skyline, the firefighters rushing in but not coming back out. It was a horrible day. The entire world was in shock. How could something like this happen in America?
Meanwhile, phones were totally useless. Family here in Texas had no idea where we were. We couldn't get through to tell them we weren't in NYC (remember our history). They had to wait in horrible suspense for the phone to ring. When that call finally went through sometime early the next day, I will never forget the sound of my mother's voice cracking on the phone when she cried in relief we were ok. I wanted to go home NOW.
The next few days were surreal. The borders were closed. We couldn't leave Canada. So, for the time being, we were supposed to act like normal tourists, enjoying a visit with family members. Sometime on that second day, the people around us, seemingly forgetting two AMERICANS were in earshot, started grandstanding that, yes, the attacks were terrible but, by god, this might teach "them" to stay out of everybody else's business and the deaths of innocent people "could have been avoided" and "maybe we'd listen" now. I saw red.
Fast forward to Friday. The borders were opening but with extensive security in place. It was quite the experience coming back in the US four days after the attacks - in a Tahoe with Texas plates, no less. The guards were, understandably, skeptical and asked us to pull "over there" for a more thorough inspection.
The day before we came home, I had all our pictures developed and, only then, discovered I'd taken a picture of the side of the Pentagon that was hit almost exactly 24 hours before the attack. The gravity of the realization we probably should have been in Tower 2 when the second plane hit hit me square in the face. The Ex's stubbornness probably saved our lives.
Driving back along the highway looking across the Hudson at Manhattan was sickening. Where the two Towers once stood, smouldering black clouds hung. Entrances to the city were completely blocked off to all but to emergency personnel. I have a picture from inside the car of the skyline.
Then, I started noticing something amazing. Flags. American Flags. First, here and there. Then, in every window. Every shop, house, car, and flagpole, proudly waved an American flag. There were MILLIONS of them. You couldn't buy a flag.
We were ready to come home - away from the epicenter. As we drove farther and farther West, we saw fewer flags and, while still sympathetic, fewer shocked/traumatized faces. Getting home, it was almost like nothing had happened. People here were so separated from the events on September 11, it was almost like we were talking about some OTHER country. Another world away from here.
Fast forward 10 years to today. Shock and grief still sucker punch me in the gut when I see images from that awful day. I can't watch video of the plane flying into Tower 2 or the towers falling, or smoke pouring from the Pentagon or read about those brave passengers on Flight 93 without feeling those sick feelings of shock and sorrow.
If the Ex hadn't been so adamant about not going into NYC that morning, we could have been there. We could have been injured or killed. No Munchkin. No Princess Crybaby. No second chances. No TISD. It would have been over. We would have been gone.
I now realize why my grandfather never talked about his service in WWII. It's not that he didn't want us to know about it but that living through it once was awful enough. He didn't need to see images of the atrocities of war to relive those things that may have haunted his dreams. He didn't want to talk about them because they weren't just nameless American soldiers in a "conflict" that happened a long time ago in a far away place. They were his friends. He could probably see their faces, remember the smells and sounds of battle.
While I do not know any particular person who died in the attacks, I can remember the smell of the air conditioning in the car. The hair that stood up on my neck when we realized what was happening, how time stood still as we watched the towers fall. Smelling the smoke in the air on the drive back into NJ from Canada. How angry I felt as Canadians bashed MY COUNTRY in her darkest hour.
It is enough to write it down and know I don't have to do it again. The world will let this go a few more years and I can put the memories aside. Give it a few more years to scab over. But, like an injury from which you never fully recover, I have a feeling I will always choke up when I watch the towers fall. Because I was there. I absorbed the grief of those around me. And I lived to tell about it.
For a brief moment, this country was great again. We put aside politics, agendas, manipulation and exploitation to grieve together. For the briefest moments, three horrible hours on a Tuesday morning would burn itself into the American psyche and we were united in a resolve to survive.
Perhaps, we will experience that again - I just hope it doesn't take another grievous tragedy to bring it about.
Friday, September 9, 2011
nothing to write about
It's Friday night, we're 30 minutes from leaving for some FOOTBALL. I know I usually talk about soccer (the game I'm sure Jesus would want to play) but tonight I'm going to talk about the wonderful magic that happens during FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS.
The thrill of the drumline, the way the Kittens sparkle, the perky little cheerleaders and increasingly growing to love all things about the Temple WILDCATS. The fans, the stadium, all of it.
I can't wait! Let's go CATS!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Silent Tribute
How can we objectively present an event that scarred our collective psyche just 10 years ago? I remember the moment it happened. I know what I smelled, what I heard, who I was with, where we were going...I remember crying until my eyes were red and swollen. I remember not being able to get through on the phone to the folks back in Texas (we were on the East Coast), I remember the sick feeling when I realized we should have been in the World Trade Center tower 2 when the plane hit but changed our plans that morning.
Munchkin just turned 9. Last weekend, there was a host of shows about 9/11 on tv and, naturally, she asked about it. I got out the newspapers and Time magazine I kept and looked through some of the pictures with her. I told her about Flight 93 and the courageous passengers who fought to the end. I told her about driving past the Pentagon just 24 hours before and having no idea what was coming.
How can I really explain what that day did to us as a nation?
How can I tell her in a way that honors those who died that day?
I imagine our grandparents pondering the same things about Pearl Harbor.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
That being said, I've been to 8 campuses so far. Tomorrow, I'll go to the southside campuses and snap pictures and video. It's been a good start. I'm ready to settle down a little bit, though, and get into some kind of routine.
I'm tired too. Did I mention that? I went home yesterday and sweetpea sat in my living room while I napped. I felt awful for falling asleep when I was so eager to visit but I could. not. keep. my. eyes. open.
I found two new projects. I'm excited too. A pair of sisters with sparks in their eyes. There is something special there that, I think, just hasn't been discovered yet. It's going to be a good year.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Friday, the fever was gone but we noticed a small number of bumps on her legs and a runny nose. Now I knew we had something other than teething. Saturday morning, (Matt's birthday) the rash had spread all over her legs, onto her arms and her palms and soles of her feet. She was amazingly grumpy and had a really gross diaper, despite ating very little in the past few days. Have I mentioned how much I love google? I put in all her symptoms and came up with roseola; a virus. The symptoms matched. I wasn't alarmed, it's pretty minor and passes quickly, but I knew we needed to go to the doctor. The daycare would take one look at those bumps and freak out.
Fortunately, our pediatrician was working the walk-in clinic. He took one look at her and said it was Hand, Foot and Mouth. Same type of illness as roseola, so I was close. He said she was already on the back-end of it and would be fine for school Monday.
Apparently, if roseola is the harmless cousin of measles, hand-foot-mouth is the harmless cousin of chicken pox. It is called a "summer disease" and is easily spread in swimming pools. It is harmless and passes quickly.
Thank goodness.
Friday, July 29, 2011
So much fun - a letter to Princess Crybaby
Yesterday, you tried out your first real temper tantrum; complete with tears! Your little face was so red! You didn't know it but I wasn't really ignoring you. I watched you the whole time, out of the corner of my eye.
I can't wait for your sister to come home and see how much you've grown. You and she will be like peas and carrots, I bet.
Some people say that the toddler years are the hardest. Some people say it's those rocky preschool years, or elementary, or middle or *gulp* high school... You get my drift.
You know what I think? I think every stage will have hard parts. I think there will times in every age that will scare us, hurt us and make us mad. There wil be phases where it will seem we are forever at odds and, I'm sure you'll inform us, we must hate you (that will NEVER be the case, my baby).
But. Do you know what else I think? Most of the time will be a lot of fun. Watching you make new discoveries, learn new things, meet new people, learn new skills and, in general, set the world on its ear.
I am so glad I'm your mommy and I have a front row seat at the greatest show on earth. Barnum & Bailey doesn't have anything on our Family Circus. I love you.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Happy Days
The anniversary of our wedding is a sweet reminder of a very special day but it is, after all, just Another Day. A beautiful day, no doubt. But the days that I live for are days we go shopping or, as Coach says, "looking." Days when we go to Pepper Creek Trail and I complain about the heat. Days when we sit on the couch and watch soccer. Friday nights when I'm in the stands and he's on the sidelines. And, yes, even those days when it seems he intent on losing his hands because he won't stop tickling me.
Of the myriad of gifts God has given me, the greatest is Coach. The only thing that is more precious to me is my salvation.
Today is a happy day.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
- Listen means turning off the iPad and phone, disconnecting my brain from the temptation to work and really engaging in conversation - investing in friendship.
- Overlook means keeping the good stuff in focus and it worrying so much about the other stuff.
- Value means caring enough to be sensitive to needs. I must communicate and model behavior I hope to see.
- Encourage is just that. I think I do can do a pretty good job at this but there is always room to improve.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
I spoke too soon
CONCLUSION #1: She is some kind of night-owl/morning person mutant.
She won't go to sleep before about 10 but she wants to get up with me at 6. Um, that would be ok if she was five or six but she still needs more sleep than that. So, by 10, she's ready to nap.
I know the right answer is the one that works so I'm trying diligently not to stress about this (as Coach likes to say).
Everything else is going super well. She screams like a velociraptor from jurassic park, eats anything you put in her mouth and is starting to walk!!! She's hilarious and affectionate and funny and exasperating. (does this remind anyone of descriptions of Munchkin?)
CONCLUSION #2: I see a trend in the personalities of my children: brilliant little whirlwinds that can make you want to laugh, cry, pull your hair out - all at the same time...
Yesterday, I started putting the spoon in her hand and letting her feed herself. Yes, it went right in her hair. It was great fun. Getting the spoon away from her to actually get some food into her mouth wasn't so fun [insert velociraptor screams here].
CONCLUSION #3: Bananas might not be the next big thing in hair gel but maybe they should be. They are quite...effective at freezing hair.
I intend to fill up her little pool this morning so we can put her in it later today. She loves the water.
Life is good.
That's just stupid
When did it become ok and even expected that people should be allowed to spew slander and attack personal creditability and integrity when something doesn't go their way?
That's just stupid. I'm just sayin'.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Update on sleeping
Tonight, i tried something different...
I gave pc her bottle, read her a bedtime story and said prayers with her (like always), and then sat there, rocking, until she was calm enough to put in her crib. Then, instead if leaving the room, I sat back down in the rocking chair while she played quietly another 20 minutes, or so. When she was ready for sleep, she began to fuss in that whiny, "mommy I'm so sleepy but I need a little more cuddling" cry. I picked her up and rocked her in the rocking chair about 10 minutes. She was out.
I'm about to go to bed - it'll be the first night in a week without a headache.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
For the birds
I sat on the floor, in front of her crib, and let her look at me until she fell asleep. she was hiccuping from crying son hard, but she was peaceful. When I picked her up to soothe her, her little body was clammy from the exertion. This is not the right way. At least, not for us.
I never let Munchkin cry it out and she is a great sleeper. There are some lessons about sleep we might have to wait to teach until she has more language. For now, we will work to find a more peaceful solution.
I downloaded The No Cry Sleep Solution by elizabeth pantley to my kindle app. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Here's hopin'!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
When I think back over time, food and my weight has been a touchy subject all my life. When I get busy, pre-occupied or anxious, I quit eating. Literally, I forget to be hungry. Now, that sounds crazy but it really is true. My mother was forever checking my collar-bones and grilling me about what I'd eaten. I was always very thin - sometimes to the point of concern. I never tried to be thin.
Then, somewhere in college, food became something else. It was almost a weapon I would use against myself if I was unhappy. (this conclusion was made upon looking back; when I was doing it, I was not aware of what I was doing.) This, combined with the party lifestyle I adopted, brought my weight to near dangerous levels. When I moved home to start UMHB, I was a size 4. I'm nearly six foot tall. In nobody's book is that considered healthy.
Then, as tends to happen, my metabolism slowed down in my mid-20s and I began to gain weight. Since the birth of my first child, I've hovered around the same weight. While I was working at the CAC, the workload, single parenthood and life, in general, triggered that no-eating cycle. I suffered terrible stomach pain - I thought I might have an ulcer. Everything I ate (besides ramen or salad) would hurt so I began to eat less and less. I got down to a 10; the smallest I'd been since college.
I didn't stay that small, of course. I started eating again eventually and didn't work out. Then, comes the second baby and that brings us to now.
My conclusions:
- I do not know how to lose weight in a healthy way.
- I have a love/hate relationship with food.
- I am not a stress eater. (thankfully)
- I am a stress-starver.
- I have a lot of stress in my life (even good stress is still stress; as my mother says).
What I'd like to do is lose the weight in a way I know how to lose it (control food intake) and then incorporate fitness to keep it off. But I know all my fitness friends are already shaking their heads and saying, "you must balance fitness and nutrition at the same time in order to achieve long-term goals." How I break this cycle and get to the weight I want without starving myself is the question of the year. I haven't had that epiphany yet. LOL
Thursday, June 9, 2011
that sad little song
Sunday, June 5, 2011
June - my least favorite month
It bears repeating.
I hate this time of year.
Walking in Circles
That time of year again
Graduation is in the books, along with another school year.
June 1 was my 4th birthday as a WILDCAT.
It's time to switch from school year omgosh-hair-on-fire-frantic to summer not-as-frantic-frantic.
Munchkin leaves for the East in 13 days.
Reorganizing and redecorating Munchkin's room begins in 14 days. (I'm really looking forward to this)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Rite of Passage
Munchkin is finally old enough to...gulp...get her ears pierced.
I've been telling her since she was old enough to notice earrings she could have them in third grade. Well, that was simply ages away so it felt like a nice, safe target. A few months ago, Munchkin pointed out to me that she would be a third grader at the end of this school year. Hmmm...true. Realizing there was no more putting it off, I set the appointment. And here we are.
This makes me think about how fast she's growing up. It seems like only yesterday she was learning to walk, talk, run, and all of the other milestones. Before I have time to take three breaths, it will be time to register her for high school, drivers Ed, graduation, college visits....ok, you get the idea...
How do we slow this down? I guess we can't. We take lots of pictures, keep a blog and stay on our knees so we have lots of guidance on raising uber-bright, exceptionally beautiful wunder-kids at the speed of light.
This summer, while she is gone, I will undertake my annual redecoration project in her room. She's decided she wants a "big kid" room. She has chosen only a few toys to keep, preferring to trade the space for a new art easel and a tv/dvd player. This year, she had a hand in choosing the colors and theme (turquoise and zebra print) - something I've always done for her.
This brings me back to today. She chose her new haircut (a cute little jaw-length layered bob).
My baby girl is growing up. Father, give me wisdom. Give me patience. Give me a sense of humor. AMEN.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
This is nuts
Waiting is fine. A lesson in God's timing? Maybe? I'm totally ok with that. But this is bananas.
In other news: Princess Crybaby has her first tooth! A little white tooth is poking through her tender little gums and giving her no end of fodder for whiny-ness.
In other, other news: The day after I soak the grass (which hasn't been watered since, oh, NOVEMBER) the sprinklers are working and the grass gets watered. It wasn't long so I don't know how much good it did. I imagine I will still run the little sprinkler a few days to help the ground soften up.
I've had an idea about putting paving stones around the "patio" in order to create little more usable space for the grill and maybe a couple of chairs. It would delay the need to replace dead grass that was killed by 1. sitting water last fall, 2. a total lack of water through the winter and spring and 3. the high traffic area by the back door (i.e. "patio).
I think we've decided to stay in our house, rather than taking over Mom's house. I know it would be a little more affordable and would have an extra bedroom (HELLO OFFICE!) but the drawbacks, while they are minor, would add hassle to our lives and that is counter-productive.
So, we're looking to improve on our great little house. YEAH! I love a project. (a major reason I love summer)
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Haha - the problem with working out at night
Workouts are going REALLY well. Last night I finished the entire Plyometric workout (well I skipped one of the warm up sets so I could make it through the entire circuit training but I don't feel too bad about that.). But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Let's back up to earlier in the week.
Day 3 - Cardio Recovery
I didn't know what to expect from this one because we didn't watch it before we did it. I was pleasantly surprised, them, to figure out it was going to be a break from the butt-kicking cardio for some deep-muscle yoga and stretching. well, wasn't as easy as I though it would be because 1. I was amazingly sore from the first two days of Insanity and 2. My core strength is pretty awful so yoga is REALLY hard. The result - almost as much sweating and groaning as the rest of the work-outs.
The end result, though, was great. My legs felt like jello but the soreness was GONE. I crawled into bed without Advil.
Day 4 - Pure Cardio
Only did 15 minutes of this one because my feet were hurting. It seems the Adidas Bounce shoes I've been wearing just aren't built to take the impact on my arches. Matt made me stop and that was wise. I looked at the Cardio Abs as maybe an alternative but it was Ahmed warm up set lot of jumping too; as least in the beginning so I just called it a loss.
Day 5 - Plyometrics Cardio Circuit
Back to the beginning. This time, I skipped the third warm up set to go on into the work out. I learned from the first time, the warm out wears me out and I had nothing left for the end of the circuit training. By skipping that set, I made it through the entire rest of the workout. I was hurting at the end but I did it.
Today is a rest day and I'm looking forward to taking it.
I'm enjoying it. I can't believe I'm saying that, but it's true. I can feel the difference. I'm sleeping better and I'm far more motivated to pass up the food that will undo all this hard word I'm doing. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up Jody's. IT JUST AIN'T HAPPENING.
Ok, son this an abrupt ending but my family is getting hungry and so am I. Enjoy your Saturday. I plan to enjoy mine.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Day 2 - Cardio Strength & Resistance
I know I have a long way to go and it's going to get a lot harder before it's over. It will continue to hurt. This program seems designed to kick your butt, no matter how fit you are.
I cannot do the moving push ups. No matter how hard I tried, I am just not strong enough yet to hold my body in the plank position AND move.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Ok - Day 1 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Over and over last night, we "dug deeper" and found just a little more inside that enabled us to hang in there a little longer. It wasn't pretty but we were doing it. K and I made it to the last two sets before we had to stop because we just couldn't go any further. I was in tears and my legs were so shaky I couldn't hold myself up for the last two rounds of exercises.
But, considering it's been more than two years (the lead-up to the wedding) since I've had any kind of fitness regimen, I'm pretty darn proud of our start.
I'm looking forward to getting stronger and leaner. K & I pinky promised to hold each other accountable for eating well because, frankly, the idea of eating something fattening and undoing all the torture we are putting ourselves through is worse than another circuit of Shaun T's suicide jumps or mummy kicks.
Speaking of Shaun T, I am REALLY impressed with his attitude. He's so encouraging. Even though you KNOW it's a DVD and he's talking to a camera, when you are in the middle of arguing with yourself whether you can do one more low plank oblique, he looks straight into that camera and says, "I know it's hard but you can do this." Corny? Maybe. Did it work? YES.
At the end, when we were sitting on the floor, crying and stretching because we couldn't finish, I felt a little sorry I couldn't find it in myself to push through to the end - it was only about 6 minutes when it all comes down to it. But I know it's also counter-productive to push past my ability and get hurt. I bet the next go around we WILL be able to finish.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Insanity - Day 1
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Well, it seems only fitting Insanity Workout should come to CrazyVille.
I will use this blog as a way to journal about my 60 day quest to complete Insanity. Oh, fear not, you can still count on lots of kid posts, as usual, just with a sprinkling of fitness here and there.
Starting tomorrow. *grin*. I'm too tired tonight.
Monday, April 25, 2011
New look - again
What do you think of the dandelions? They were from a really pretty image set from I hope they like how I've used them.
Not really, no
See how busy I am?
To Do List:
artwork to vendor - done
f/u on $830M DoE funds inquiry - done
pull last week's pictures off camera and post - done
water that sick looking little plant - done
arrange p/u of phone books for campus - done
And I've only been here since 9:30!
And yet....everytime my phone beeps I've got an email, I say a little prayer, let out the breath I sucked in and check it.
Ok. I'm going to take a little break and refill my coffee.
I CAN and WILL wait patiently.
I CAN and WILL wait patiently.
I CAN and WILL wait patiently.
I CAN and WILL wait patiently.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
huffing and puffing and...
Work is flying along at a frantic pace. We are down to two weeks until early voting and three weeks until regular voting. I hope people vote. I've blogged before about how I feel about civic responsibility so I won't belabor the point.
Family stuff is going well. Munchkin has straight A's and Em has tooth buds under her gums. Haha
We are doing some cool things for Holy Week this year. Sunday, munchkin and I decorated construction paper palm branches for palm Sunday. Yesterday, we learned about the Seder meal with some friends of Nana's. It was interesting. I'll have to do some follow up with munchkin because it wasn't really presented in a way she could understand what we were doing or why we were doing it. But it was still neat. Well, I thought so. I think the whole effort was lost on Coach.
Friday night, we are going to the Good Friday service at church.
I'm planning a big supper Sunday, after the traditional scavenger hunt at mothers house. Ham, mashed potatoes, French green beans, rolls and maybe a peach cobbler for dessert(with ice cream for the weird people). Yum!
Cereal Diaries - well kinda
She really is remarkable. It's so fun to watch her. it takes me back to the wonder of watching munchkin discover things.
I love being a mommy. It's the very best job in the entire world.
Munchkin is in the Easter Pageant at UMHB today. She's missing school which is against my personal policy, but this is a really great opportunity and she's only missed three days all year and we are down to the last six weeks of school and it's the last non-testing year and I'm rationalizing. Haha. Can you tell I work in school administration?
Ok, it's time to get ready to take the kiddo to Belton. Y'all have a great day!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Pole Position
I can remember that game - Pole Position - my brother and I played it all the time! (he almost always won) It was a cool racing game before racing games were cool. haha The point of the game, of course, was to maneuver your car into first place and win. You did this by racing around corners at badly animated speeds. (well, bad compared to now)
Looking ahead to this week, I can already see an exhausted me at the end of it. We've come to the part of the year where we have something almost every night; sometimes two or three things. It's pole position - just in real life; with better graphics, no music and people instead of cars - maneuvering around obstacles and insane curves (schedules), trying to get to the finish line (friday night).
Monday night, I have my standing meeting for the bond. (and there is a board meeting but I can't go to both) Wednesday after school is Munchkin's dentist appointment. Thursday before work is an appointment I'm looking forward to. Thursday afternoon is the egg stuffing party for our staff easter egg roll. This weekend already has plans rolling too.
We are less than a month from early voting. This rush of information has been good practice and helped me really hone my time-management and organizational skills. I've always had the ability and I really good at pulling off the impossible (most of the time) but I've certainly been able to put that ability on the test track with this bond to where it is an all-the-time endeavor, rather than a project-based focus.
Even though it's crazy busy, life is really good. I made an appointment at the end of May for an all-girl day with Munchkin before school is out. We'll go to lunch (anybody know a fru-fru place open on Saturdays, in Temple?), haircuts and new nail polish at the salon then, the day I've been promising for going on five years - I'm going to let M get her ears pierced. That way, she'll be a few weeks into the routine before she goes to her dad's house for the summer. We'll be a week from summer break (I told her she could get them the summer before third grade). It will be our special day. I will probably cry. (because I'm a sap like that)
I've got to get her registered for summer arts camp at the CAC before too long and find somewhere for Princess Crybaby to be during the summer since her daycare is through the school district and it's only during the school year.
Also on my Munchkin list - she is asking about baptism so we're going to make an appointment for her to sit down with Brother Andy (our pastor) to talk about what baptism is and why it's important. Then we'll know she's really ready.
*whew* I'm going to be ready for a vacation or something after May 14. Hold on, folks - here comes another corner!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Cereal Diaries - meat!
But, we DID try meat. And she loves it!
Only one store in town carries this brand *sigh* so we are pretty limited. The word from other moms in the aisle is the gerber stuff is pretty icky. This stuff is a combination of chicken, sweet potato and brown rice.. Pureed it tastes like....sweet potato grit. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure this is primo for baby food meat (let's be honest, chicken by itself tastes awful). Most importantly, Princess Crybaby thinks it's fantastic so I love it and we stick to this brand exclusively for our meat consumption..
Otherwise, eating is going well. She's not as roly-poly as she was because she is starting to scoot around. Not quite to crawling but she's getting really close.
Speaking of, I'd better jump off and check on her. Tata!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Cereal diaries - you tell me!
Ok blog lurker peeps: I need you to weigh in on the baby food meats.
I think we've done a great job with fruit and veggie picks but I can't remember what I did for meat. Not to mention baby food tastes better than it did when Munchkin was a baby.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Cereal Diaries - no, we're not counting anymore
Rice Cereal
Sweet Potatoes
Table food - we've tried a saltine cracker (or two) and little bites of plain mashed potatoes. She wasn't crazy about the potatoes at roadhouse but she liked my mashed potatoes just fine (probably because mine are finer and have butter).
She can sip (with great mess) formula out of a cup but she doesn't really understand what (or why) she's doing it.
She's truly a Corley - there isn't a food (so far) she hasn't liked. Now, we haven't tried green beans, squash or any of the other "hard core" vegetables. Or meat. I've been trying to stage into those, as her palette matures. I'll probably pick up a squash and a meat this week to try over Spring Break. (next week)
Wish us luck.
The choice has been made. Princess Crybaby has a Beloved. Before she was born, we found a bear made of the same nubby fabric as Munchkin's Bears. She likes him but her Beloved is Bunny.
Bunny is a girl, I guess. She used to have a pink bow but I cut it off because it didn't look safe. It goes everywhere we go; except for school.
I look forward to having conversations with and giving night-night kisses to Bunny.
Ah, sweet joys.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Haha - follow up
Ok, the great thing about dialogue is the realization things are not as they seem.
I received a very nice email from Munchkin's teacher this evening stating the issue with the conduct grade was a typo.
I reassured her the purpose of dialogue is discovery so all is well.
We are still going to meet to discuss the brilliant child. But I'm sure glad the conduct grade, at this point, is ok.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Wanting a Dr. Pepper and debating helicopter parenting
So, I get these wonderful grade triggers for Munchkin's grades. I have a trigger set to let me know when there is something that goes in so there won't be surprises at the end of the six weeks. 99% of the time, Munchkin's grades are stellar. Conduct grades seem to be the place where she struggles.
I've said a number of times I'm looking forward to not getting the "tattle-tale" sheet home every day with a smiley face (or something else). Yes, I know we can help reinforce good classroom behavior by being consistent with behavior at home. And we do. But, when push comes to shove, I'm NOT in that classroom from 7:30am-3pm and, therefore, am NOT in control of behavior - that's the teacher's world and her responsibility. Am I wrong here?
Frankly, I'm a little weary of getting the little notes home letting me know she "was a little too talkative" or "had a hard time sitting still" or, my favorite, "had a hard time getting along with classmates." That's not to say we won't hold her accountable for her behavior BUT what can I really do? The best discipline is immediate reinforcement. Up to eight hours after the whatever it was that irked the teacher that day is a little after-the-fact and totally counterproductive.
We've done retesting on her for our exceptionally gifted program. She was 10 points from qualifying. What that says to me is that, while I'm glad she's getting that enrichment one day a week, what happens the other four days when she's NOT getting that higher level of learning? Giving her extra work isn't the way to go either.
I don't know the right answer. I feel like it's my responsibility, as her mother, to make sure she's getting what she needs. I won't make excuses for her behavior but she is BORED. I've read enough about super-bright kids to know the danger we face if she remains habitually unchallenged at school. She will begin to check out.
I've asked/offered to send workbooks, story books, etc. to school with her but have been told they would be a distraction and my requests were always politely declined. I don't know what else to do at this point.
We will meet with her teacher, principal and the elementary advanced academic facilitator who tested her. Hopefully, between the group of us, we can figure out how to help Munchkin enjoy school and NOT be a fartknocker.
*sigh* This parenting gig is tricky, you know?
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Cereal diaries - NO NAP! Edition
OH this baby. She naps like a pro in the morning. But, come afternoon, when Mommy wants to nap, there comes a battle of wills. Oh, she's sleepy. There is much ado with yawning and eye-rubbing but she firmly refuses to actually go. to. sleep.
Good parenting tomes direct me to put her safe and snug in her bed and let her fuss it out. They've never met the iron will of my little tyrant.*laugh*
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
I Believe! (Devotional)
Passage Romans 10:8-17
Dear Father,May the word of Christ always be on my lips and in my heart. May I make known to everyone in every place that Jesus is Lord and that you have raised him from the dead. Remind me continually that I have no cause to be ashamed of my faith.Grant not only that I myself should believe but that I should also become partners with others in sending them to proclaim the Good News to the world.Thank you that Christ is preached. Thank you for the belief you have put into my heart. Thank you for the salvation that comes from this.In Jesus' name. Amen. #Bible
It's been a really hectic few months and my blogging has slowed down to a crawl.
I need to blog about Annie, the recent show I was just in. I need to give an update on the never-ending adventure in parenting. You get the picture.
For this morning, though, I really connected with this devotion and thought I'd share.
It is my prayer my words and actions would always reflect Christ. I know they don't but that is the sweet promise of the cross; despite our countless failings, we can rest safe in the arms of Redemption.
Have a great day! Be blessed!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Cold Weather
There's something about this crisp weather that makes the sky seem bluer, chili taste better and hot chocolate compliment every meal.
Some people love this weather. Brisk weather agrees with them.
Not me. I hate this weather. LOL
Hate is a strong word, I know. I'm a summer girl. That's all there is to that. I love hot days and balmy nights. This weather is only fit for hanging meat. Not wanting to liken myself to a slab of beef, I prefer to stay inside on days like today - 20 degrees with 25 mph winds.
Naturally, my best friend is a polar bear. He would have to be a coach of a sport that plays outside during the coldest time of year in Texas. I'm tellin' you, you've never been cold until you sit on metal bleachers. Thank goodness for hand warmers, sleeping bags and stadium chairs.
And, as much as I gripe about the weather, I'm looking forward to the games. Yes really.
I know. I'm goofy. But you're not surprised, are you?
Monday, January 31, 2011
Finding her way through the tangle
Have I mentioned Munchkin is one of the brightest children I've ever encountered? She loves bigger than most too. This can make for an explosive combination.
Last week, I was told I isolate myself. I have a theory about that and it comes from watching Munchkin try and find her way through the tangle of social relationships.
Munchkin often finds herself on the wrong side of a little disagreement between girls. All girls do this. But what few know, is that Munchkin, even when she instigated it, takes it very hard that she cannot figure out how to be with the "in" crowd.
I remember that sense of hurt and bewilderment that I'd somehow said something wrong - again. Even if I imitated behaviors I'd observed, when it came out of my mouth, it came across as bossy or mean-spirited.
As smart as I was, I often found myself alone because of this inability to translate the social behaviors of my classmates into my own personality. Books became my friends. I couldn't understand how to communicate my longing for friendship and so I tucked it away until I got older and could surround myself with like-minded people who understood my intentions, even when I didn't always say it right.
In some ways, it was a very lonely childhood. I am thankful God gave me a brother with whom I could truly be friends. I also had a few very close friends on whom I could truly rely.
Since Munchkin is already so much older than her sister, I trust God will bring her a friend; a sister of the heart.
I am still a solitary creature. Some of those childhood lessons left pretty painful scars that leave me cautious around those I don't know. I like to feel out the temperature of a room before I enter it. I try to avoid those who sow dissent and division. I despise duplicity. And while I have become very good at communication, my black and white perspective on character can still make me hesitant to reach out when I've watched them practice gossip, slander, selfishness, and all other manner of hatefulness.
People still confuse me. I hope she will do as a child what took me a lot longer to achieve: the ability to overlook the failings of the human heart; especially her own, in order to make friends.
Cereal diaries - day - oh we've been at it a while.
Successfully introduced cereal, bananas and now sweet potatoes.
She loves to eat. I am still figuring out the right amount to give her and when to time formula. Today, it felt like we either ate something or made a bottle every couple of hours.
Not an easy schedule when I stayed home sick today. But, it's still the best job in the world.
I had so much fun today, even though I felt awful.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Cereal diaries - day 19
monkeys at *giggle* you go...
The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here's a high level summary of its overall blog health:
The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow.
Crunchy numbers
A helper monkey made this abstract painting, inspired by your stats.
A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 6,200 times in 2010. That's about 15 full 747s.
In 2010, there were 75 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 464 posts. There were 47 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 11mb. That's about 4 pictures per month.
The busiest day of the year was December 4th with 284 views. The most popular post that day was Downhill Slide.
Where did they come from?
The top referring sites in 2010 were,,,, and
Some visitors came searching, mostly for monsters inc, monster inc, roz monsters inc, monsters inc roz, and roz from monsters inc.
Attractions in 2010
These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.
Downhill Slide December 2010
Goodbye November 2010
1 comment
Who is fridaynightgirl? September 2006
The problem with grief November 2010
stroller, diapers and wet wipes - oh my! August 2010
1 comment
**aside - when I think of monkeys crunching numbers about blog stats, for some reason, this comes to mind:
Friday, January 14, 2011
Cereal diaries - day 18
Solids just sailing along. I think we might try bananas this weekend.
I put a cheerio in front of her today, just to see what she would do. She picked it up, then dropped it. I wouldn't have let her eat it yet, but I was curious as to what she would do.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Lessons to learn before children
I found this on fb and it's hysterical. It's complete drivel but oh, so, funny. Parents, enjoy.
Lesson 1
1. Go to the grocery store.
2. Arrange to have your salary paid directly to their head office.
3. Go home.
4. Pick up the paper.
5. Read it for the last time.
Lesson 2
Before you finally go ahead and have children, find a couple who already are parents and berate them about their...
1. Methods of discipline.
2. Lack of patience.
3. Appallingly low tolerance levels.
4. Allowing their children to run wild.
5. Suggest ways in which they might improve their child's breastfeeding, sleep habits, toilet training, table manners, and overall behavior.
Enjoy it because it will be the last time in your life you will have all the answers.
Lesson 3
A really good way to discover how the nights might feel...
1. Get home from work and immediately begin walking around the living room from 5PM to 10PM carrying a wet bag weighing approximately 8-12 pounds, with a radio turned to static (or some other obnoxious sound) playing loudly. (Eat cold food with one hand for dinner)
2. At 10PM, put the bag gently down, set the alarm for midnight, and go to sleep.
3. Get up at 12 and walk around the living room again, with the bag, until 1AM.
4. Set the alarm for 3AM.
5. As you can't get back to sleep, get up at 2AM and make a drink and watch an infomercial.
6. Go to bed at 2:45AM.
7. Get up at 3AM when the alarm goes off.
8. Sing songs quietly in the dark until 4AM.
9. Get up. Make breakfast. Get ready for work and go to work (work hard and be productive)
Repeat steps 1-9 each night. Keep this up for 3-5 years. Look cheerful and together.
Lesson 4
Can you stand the mess children make? T o find out...
1. Smear peanut butter onto the sofa and jam onto the curtains.
2. Hide a piece of raw chicken behind the stereo and leave it there all summer.
3. Stick your fingers in the flower bed.
4. Then rub them on the clean walls.
5. Take your favorite book, photo album, etc. Wreck it.
6. Spill milk on your new pillows. Cover the stains with crayons. How does that look?
Lesson 5
Dressing small children is not as easy as it seems.
1. Buy an octopus and a small bag made out of loose mesh.
2. Attempt to put the octopus into the bag so that none of the arms hang out.
Time allowed for this - all morning.
Lesson 6
Forget the BMW and buy a mini-van. And don't think that you can leave it out in the driveway spotless and shining. Family cars don't look like that.
1. Buy a chocolate ice cream cone and put it in the glove compartment.
Leave it there.
2. Get a dime. Stick it in the CD player.
3. Take a family size package of chocolate cookies. Mash them into the back seat. Sprinkle cheerios all over the floor, then smash them with your foot.
4. Run a garden rake along both sides of the car.
Lesson 7
Go to the local grocery store. Take with you the closest thing you can find to a pre-school child. (A full-grown goat is an excellent choice). If you intend to have more than one child, then definitely take more than one goat. Buy your week's groceries without letting the goats out of your sight. Pay for everything the goat eats or destroys. Until you can easily accomplish this, do not even contemplate having children.
Lesson 8
1. Hollow out a melon.
2. Make a small hole in the side.
3. Suspend it from the ceiling and swing it from side to side.
4. Now get a bowl of soggy Cheerios and attempt to spoon them into the swaying melon by pretending to be an airplane.
5. Continue until half the Cheerios are gone.
6. Tip half into your lap. The other half, just throw up in the air.
You are now ready to feed a nine- month-old baby.
Lesson 9
Learn the names of every character from Sesame Street , Barney, Disney, the Teletubbies, and Pokemon. Watch nothing else on TV but PBS, the Disney channel or Noggin for at least five years. (I know, you're thinking What's 'Noggin'?) Exactly the point.
Lesson 10
Make a recording of Fran Drescher saying 'mommy' repeatedly. (Important: no more than a four second delay between each 'mommy'; occasional crescendo to the level of a supersonic jet is required). Play this tape in your car everywhere you go for the next four years. You are now ready to take a long trip with a toddler.
Lesson 11
Start talking to an adult of your choice. Have someone else continually tug on your skirt hem, shirt- sleeve, or elbow while playing the 'mommy' tape made from Lesson 10 above. You are now ready to have a conversation with an adult while there is a child in the room.
This is all very tongue in cheek; anyone who is parent will say 'it's all worth it!' Share it with your friends, both those who do and don't have kids. I guarantee they'll get a chuckle out of it. Remember, a sense of humor is one of the most important things you'll need when you become a parent!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
0 to 60 in 3.3 seconds
Solids going well. I can't wait to try bananas but intend to wait until I'm sure we've established the program and she's sold on the process.
Have I mentioned this child has a temper?