Wednesday, April 20, 2011

huffing and puffing and...

Well, you get the idea.

Work is flying along at a frantic pace. We are down to two weeks until early voting and three weeks until regular voting. I hope people vote. I've blogged before about how I feel about civic responsibility so I won't belabor the point.

Family stuff is going well. Munchkin has straight A's and Em has tooth buds under her gums. Haha

We are doing some cool things for Holy Week this year. Sunday, munchkin and I decorated construction paper palm branches for palm Sunday. Yesterday, we learned about the Seder meal with some friends of Nana's. It was interesting. I'll have to do some follow up with munchkin because it wasn't really presented in a way she could understand what we were doing or why we were doing it. But it was still neat. Well, I thought so. I think the whole effort was lost on Coach.

Friday night, we are going to the Good Friday service at church.

I'm planning a big supper Sunday, after the traditional scavenger hunt at mothers house. Ham, mashed potatoes, French green beans, rolls and maybe a peach cobbler for dessert(with ice cream for the weird people). Yum!

1 comment:

  1. Update on the meal:
    pork tenderloin
    mashed potatoes
    sauteed garlic asparagus
    french cut green beans
    key lime pie

    It was a hit!
