Sunday, August 14, 2011


Princess Crybaby had a spotty week. It started out well enough. Sunday, we went to Summer Fun with about half our church. By Wednesday, she was running a fever. Thinking it was teething, we started advil to keep her comfortable. Going into Thursday, she started refusing food, preferring an occasional bottle. Still going with the teething theory, I figured her gums were sore. I knew she wasn't getting dehydrated and I wasn't all that worried about the not eating.

Friday, the fever was gone but we noticed a small number of bumps on her legs and a runny nose. Now I knew we had something other than teething. Saturday morning, (Matt's birthday) the rash had spread all over her legs, onto her arms and her palms and soles of her feet. She was amazingly grumpy and had a really gross diaper, despite ating very little in the past few days. Have I mentioned how much I love google? I put in all her symptoms and came up with roseola; a virus. The symptoms matched. I wasn't alarmed, it's pretty minor and passes quickly, but I knew we needed to go to the doctor. The daycare would take one look at those bumps and freak out.

Fortunately, our pediatrician was working the walk-in clinic. He took one look at her and said it was Hand, Foot and Mouth. Same type of illness as roseola, so I was close. He said she was already on the back-end of it and would be fine for school Monday.

Apparently, if roseola is the harmless cousin of measles, hand-foot-mouth is the harmless cousin of chicken pox. It is called a "summer disease" and is easily spread in swimming pools. It is harmless and passes quickly.

Thank goodness.

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