Thursday, August 5, 2010


I hate waiting.  I know it's better for her to be in there and she'll come when she's ready and it's almost time and it won't be much longer. blah. blah. blah.

No, I am not a patient person.  Yes, I am tired and cranky because I was up until nearly 2am with our "practice run" to the hospital.  Why is it that when you are at home the contractions are timing exactly as they should, bringing tears to your eyes and making you feel like you are actually getting somewhere?  BUT, when you get to the hospital, everything stops or slows down to just "irrritability" contractions - contractions that are still timing ok and have some strength to them but aren't long enough to really make progress.  I did laugh when she (the nurse) called them irritiable contractions - she was certainly right about that. 

By midnight, I'm a pretty irritable person.  By 1:15 am, if we aren't actively in labor, I want to go home and sleep.  And that's what we did - after a run to Jack in the Box.  *laugh*

Coach was a total champ last night.  He made me laugh - putting latex gloves on his head and telling his goofy jokes which, under the stress of the moment, made me laugh hysterically.  He held my hand when I cried out of frustration (I hate practice - I want the real deal). 

I will say this about practice though: we did have a chance to figure out our strategy for getting everybody in the car (including a very sleepy Munchkin), getting her to Mom & Dads, make a few phone calls on the way and get there in good time.  I guess that's something...

So, it won't be long.  We DO want her to stay in there as long as she needs so she will be healthy.  And I know she'll come when she's ready and that's ok with me.  Really.  But, Stowaway - can we please save our practice runs for daytime hours - Mommy is NOT a night owl like Daddy.  Thanks.  Love you.  I can't wait to meet you.

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