my sweetest punkin' brains
That was one of the names I called you in the hospital. I will never forget the feeling when they gave you to me - a feeling of utter astonishment that I could have made something so beautiful. Do you know I still feel that way every time I see you? Just the other day I caught myself having that same feeling of breathless disbelief that something so wonderful could have, at one time, been part of my innermost parts.
Munchkin, you are my treasure. You are one of the very best things that has ever happened to me. I love everything about you. I love the way you make up silly songs. I love the way you dance through life. I love your pouts and dramatics. I love listening to you read. I love watching you sleep. I love listening to you breathe.
I know my being pregnant has caused you to question your place as the apple of my eye but I hope to show you every day that my heart is WAY big enough for everybody. The Stowaway is going to be just as precious to me, in her own way, but you will always be my first.
You were the girl who mailed her pacifiers to Santa Claus.
The girl who defied an entire school and potty trained when SHE, not some uppity woman, was ready.
The girl who decided one day to read and can now read anything you put in front of her.
The girl who is a dancer, singer, cheerleader, gymnast, acrobat and clown - all at the same time.
The girl who loves to laugh almost more than she loves to eat.
The girl who will slay a thousand dragons in her time because she's so smart, sassy and confident.
My girl.
I love you so much, Munchkin. You are the greatest gift God ever gave me and now He's giving me another one in your little sister. I can't wait for snuggles, kisses, headaches, tantrums, hysterical laughter, tears, jokes, songs, books - all of it - with BOTH my girls.
Love you lots and lots and lots,
awwww..... that was SOOOOO precious.... you are such a good mom