So, as you can imagine, we've been watching a LOT of soccer lately. I consider it part of my education. *laugh* I can't decide if Coach is laughing when I talk about soccer because he's happy I'm paying attention or if he's laughing at me. Either way, I guess it's a good thing. *laugh*
Here's what I've learned from watching this World Cup:
- There is very little (NO) accountability for sucky calls during games. No sanctions on the ref and no remedy for the teams/players that bear the brunt of the mistake. Oh, I understand that officials, like players, are human and are GOING to make mistakes but the arrogance involved in refusing to admit they've made a mistake is what draws the ire of the entire world. Dudes, if you're going to mess something up (and you will), man up and admit it.
- Taking a dive is apparently a completely acceptable way to waste time on the field. I love this exerpt from a blog I found called "The Beautiful Blog:"
Still trying to get over the disgraceful dive that cost Kaka an ejection in yesterday's Brazil-Ivory Coast game. Never known as a dirty player, Kaka used his arm to fend off an aggressive challenge by Kader Keita. Kaka's arm grazed his chest, but Keita went down clutching his face. The referee didn't have a clue, missing the dive and citing Kaka (who will miss the next game) for absolutely nothing. Time and again, you're seeing athletes trading their integrity for a yellow card. Or as Keita likes to say:
"Oh my God! It's my face! Hold on, it's my heel! Call an ambulance! I can't get up! Wait a minute, I've never been better!" - I still don't understand offside (or offsides; WHATEVER) calls. (I don't think I ever will)
- I'm pretty sure they will have vuvuzela
horns in hell. That is the most awful sound. I don't care if it's a part of their tradition; audiophiles around the globe groan and stick fingers in their ears, suffering through that racket just to watch the game. It's been likened to the singing/chanting that goes on during other games but I beg to differ. The monotonous drone is nothing like a song with some kind of melody. It's not the volume, it's the lack of tonal movement. Coach loves them. I hate them. There you have it.
- I'm glad France is doing so poorly. Serves them right. And why, on earth, do they have a chicken on their jersey?
- I want South Africa to do well, even though I know they probably won't.
- Of course I want the USA to advance but I really like watching England, Portugal and Argentina play. Does that make me a traitor? Maybe it's more that Portugal has Cristiano Ronaldo (he's just pretty) and Argentina has Messi and the nutzo antics of Diego Maradona - he's bananas!
- I think it's hilarious that the camera men zoom in on the players faces during the national anthems, trying to catch them crying like the North Korean player. I mean, you can see their pores. What's impressive is that the players seem to totally ignore the camera. You know, I consider myself pretty accomplished at not fixating on the camera during an interview but I don't know that I could resist looking if it was IN. MY. FACE. *laugh*
- I'm falling in love with this "beautiful game." Dangit. I hate it when Coach is right.
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