She has a wonderful imagination and her creations WILL delight even the most grown-up of grown-ups.
She CAN cook (even though she doesn't really like to) and her humpty-dumpties are my very favorite breakfast on earth.
She has been my counselor, therapist, personal maseusse, principal and friend.
She never wavered in her commitment to raise us to know the Lord.
She never buckled when the pressure to "just let siblings be siblings" crept into our house and threatened the relationship between my brother and me.
She avoids conflict but is fierce in a fight.
She endured a bout with Death and lived to tell about it. Eight years ago, she had radical surgery to save her life. The treatment alone nearly ended it. That was such a hard time for us. I could not be near her and I felt, for many years after, I had abandoned her.
She is a terrific Nana. She loves her grandgirl, Munchkin, and the feelings are definitely mutual. She delights in hearing about our plans and dreams for the Stowaway and is waiting with breathless anticipation for her arrival.
She is a fabulous teacher. I have watched her reach down into the abyss of a child's wounded heart and draw out joy. I have seen her stand in the gap for children with no allies. I have seen her battle dragons in defense of a struggling child. I have watched her create a masterpiece out of nothing but what some would call scraps. Her greatest gift and legacy are the children who have been indelibly changed by her work.
I love my mother. I think she is one of the most beautiful women I've ever known. Her beauty is a light that radiates from her.
Happy Birthday, Mommy.
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