I love going over to my in-laws' house. They are such sweet people and I consider myself super lucky to have them. As if scoring Coach wasn't great enough (he really is the greatest thing since sliced cheese and chick-fil-a waffle fries), he came with a pair of parents who are a delight.
So, we try to go over there at least once a week just to visit. We don't always get over there during the school year but we've been pretty regular lately. *laugh*
We have a little added bonus for visiting - the Little Man. Coach's sister had her second little boy around Mother's Day and he is a snuggle bunny. I love holding him. He's got that new baby smell and it is exactly what all these pregnancy hormones need. Who needs to eat when you can hold the Little Man?
I love babies - always have. Since becoming a mommy, though, I know how hard it is to break one so they aren't scary anymore. *laugh* Since the Little Man was born, I can't hardly keep my hands off of him. I'm a complete hog with him. Coach laughs and asks if he'll ever be able to hold the Stowaway once she gets here. I tell him, sure, I'll have to go to the bathroom and shower every once in a while. (just kidding, honey)
I think my fixation on the Little Man is two-fold. First, I'm VERY pregnant and can't hardly stand waiting until our little one gets here so holding the Little Man is a nice way to top off my happy mommy endorphins. There is just something about holding a snuggly little baby that smells so sweet that makes all the achy joints, stretched and itchy skin and lower back ache go away for a little while.
Second, had Riley survived, he and the Little Man would have been born about the same time; within a few weeks of eachother, actually. Now, I don't think about Riley everytime I hold the Little Man. I look forward to holding the Stowaway and know that Riley is in Heaven, fishing with Paw-Paw.
I have plenty of love for all these babies. We were remarking last night how neat it will be that the Little Man and the Stowaway will be so close in age and will get to grow up together.
Speaking of previews, I had to laugh at 3:30 this morning when I was awake, trying to get comfortable. I realized that the Stowaway was also awake, kicking around happily in there. I told Coach to expect to see that time of day again. *laugh*
Normally, I can fall back to sleep in 20-30 minutes but I could not get back to sleep. My left hip hurt terribly and I could not find a comfortable way back to sleep. I finally moved out to the couch around 4:30 and fell back to sleep around 5. *sigh*
I could hug my Asst Supt of HR for coming up with the 10-3 work schedule idea. Not having to be up and at'em at 6:30 this morning would have been delightful. And, if I'm going to be this uncomfortable the last 7 weeks of my pregnancy, starting July 1 (new fiscal year) is going to be an amazing blessing (thanks Boss!).