But like any extended period of stress, I see things through a haze of exhaustion and it colors everything I do. Rolling out of bed at a normal time has been quite the chore this week and we've been almost late to school twice this week. Have I mentioned how much I hate being late? The feeling of being rushed is one of the most unpleasant feelings I know.
Anyway. Other than the fact that I feel run down, things are getting back to normal. Munchkin is getting so close to reading. It was amazing to hear her sounding out words last night. Her teacher has started sending homework so they can get extra practice on skills they will need in kindergarten next year. Munchkin LOVES it. Even before we get to the car in the afternoons, she's pulling out her worksheets and showing me her "homework." *grin* She loves school and that warms my heart.
So, it occurs to me that I'm moving in a little more than a month and I should probably start getting things organized. This weekend, we're going to take down what's left of the Christmas decorations (I planned to do it last week but...) and I'm endeavoring to go through the closets in my bedroom and the bathroom cabinet and throw away everything that I haven't looked at in six months.
Well, I'd better get at it. Have a happy day!
Hey! I can't believe Munchkin is starting to read! Hannah is miles ahead of the kids in her class - I'm astonished at what they teach them in public school at such an early age. Hannah, too, LOVES home work. I have to find stuff for her to do while Adri (4th grade) does his home work or she gets her feelings hurt! The stuff they are learning in Kindergarten is actually 1st grade level. It's really amazing.
ReplyDeleteBTW - have you heard of this : http://www.k12.com/tx
It's Public (funded home) Schooling. Available right now in Houston, Dallas and Fort Worth
I am both excited and reserved at the same time. I have some thoughts formulating and will be blogging about it soon....