Ok, so that's not how the song goes....
Mountain Cedar just might be the death of me. It makes my throat close up and I have this terrible cough and sore throat as the drainage...sorry, TMI.
Anyway. it's my birthday and I think all I want is Chinese food (maybe Thai), some new Tylenol Cough and Sore Throat and a new pair of pj pants. *laugh* Oh, and maybe this shirt....
32 candles...18 more and I'll have to have the fire marshall present. I read that somewhere. *giggle* I woke up this morning at a disgusting 6:30am (so much for sleeping in) and said, "I don't feel any older." I made myself a cup of hot tea and enjoyed the stillness of the morning.
Some interesting tidbits about the year of my birth:
January 30, 1976 - Live from Lincoln Center debuts - this just proves that it was in the stars that I would sing opera. *snort*
September 25, 1976 - Irish rock band U2 formed - which proves nothing; it's just interesting...
a gallon of gas cost $.86
All of this proves that it's good to be alive in 2008. I don't know, I'm rambling. Ok, folks - have a happy day - on me!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Wish I was there to share a piece of cake with you!!