Thursday, May 4, 2006

who IS fridaynightgirl?

::giggle:: I couldn't resist - isn't it amazing how we all, eventually, long to be recognized? So, with that in mind, I decided to step out from behind fridaynightgirl and show the "world" my face.

Ah ha - so here I am. For the past nine months, I have been quite anonymous behind the WW2 pinup, but I find that shoe just doesn't fit anymore. It's too much fun being me.

Fear not - fridaynightgirl is here to stay. I like the sound of it too much to give the identity up. The new picture is a Gordon Conway drawing called, That Red Head Gal - do you like her? I do; she's hanging up in my office.

So, today was a good day. The cover of my season catalog is almost finished and I am so excited! It is looking even better than I imagined. After it is finished, I will bring it home and post it - so you can all see it.

Last night, the girls from my bible study came over and watched Life is Beautiful. Wow. What a movie. If you haven't seen it; I hope you will. We laughed and cried.

They gave me some smell-pretty things from Bath & Body Works, some really cute stripe candles and a REALLY beautiful silver frame that is engraved with the quote,

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Henry David Thoreau

Who would have imagined that when I said I'd lead this bible study that I would be the one to get so much out of it??

Ok, so I have laundry to fold and totally mundane mommy-chores to do tonight, so I'll sign off for the night. Maybe I'll actually get into bed EARLY; what a concept. ::grin:: Toodles!


  1. I LOVE this movie - one of my all time favorites.

  2. I LOVE this movie - one of my all time favorites.
