Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Two Thumbs WAY Up

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Tonight, Mom and I went to see The DaVinci Code. Wow. It was great. What a great story - so many little twists and turns. Kind of like "National Treasure" but without all of the humor.

Now, it's my turn for disclaimers - I believe that the DaVinci Code is a work of FICTION - it is a murder mystery/treasure hunt/holy grail story. I do NOT believe that Dan Brown is a bible scholar and I CERTAINLY do not believe that Jesus Christ was anything BUT the Son of God, nor do I believe that he was married to Mary Magdalene.

Ok, having said that, let me return to my review. I have always been fascinated by the Holy Grail story, the Knights Templar and King Arthur. The Arthurian legends are some of my favorite stories and, with the exception of that AWFUL movie with Richard Gere and Sean Connery, I have almost always enjoyed books and movies on the subject.

In a way, this is the same thing. There are many who claim that the Holy Grail is real. They have spent their lives and fortunes looking for it. Whether it be the cup of Christ or some bloodline; it is the same fairy tale after which men have been chasing for centuries.

Let's look at this from another way. Take Braveheart for example. Yes, William Wallace, Edward I, Robert Bruce - these were all very real people. But Braveheart is far from historically accurate. It is just a really good story. The author took pieces of a real story and made it entertaining by combining a lot of myth, legend and some fairytales. Now, throw in a couple of really fun chase scenes (like where the chick drives BACKWARDS through the streets of Paris at 70 mph), Ian McKellen, Tom Hanks, oh let's not forget the grail lore and a pretty girl and you've got a formula for a blockbuster film like The DaVinci Code.

Now, the application: I think this movie gives Christians some very real opportunities to share what IS true. When asked about this movie because those around me know that I profess to be a Christian, I am given the opportunity to share what I believe. Where my faith and beliefs might not otherwise have been welcomed have become gateways to sharing the Good News. Praise God for Dan Brown! Even though some have been wrongly persuaded by their own wayward hearts by this work of fiction; others have come to see the truth and have been set free.

I believe that "through Christ all things are possible" (Philippians 4:13). I have been able to share the Gospel with people that have NEVER welcomed discussion of scripture. Hallelujah!

Ok, I'm off to bed. I still haven't heard about the audition results. ::sigh:: I hate waiting. ::grin::

Night, kids.


  1. It does sound fun, but I can't get past how mixed-up it has made my "backsliden" (if there really is such a thing) cousin.

    Jesus didn't have any children. If He had -- and since we know that the sin nature is passed through the father, and Jesus had no sin nature to pass -- that would mean there would be others who were without sin, and that it very clearly unscriptural.

    Not refuting anything you said, just a thought.

    I like your blog. I like your "sound effects," sometimes I remember *giggle snort* for no reason at all!

  2. It does sound fun, but I can't get past how mixed-up it has made my "backsliden" (if there really is such a thing) cousin.

    Jesus didn't have any children. If He had -- and since we know that the sin nature is passed through the father, and Jesus had no sin nature to pass -- that would mean there would be others who were without sin, and that it very clearly unscriptural.

    Not refuting anything you said, just a thought.

    I like your blog. I like your "sound effects," sometimes I remember *giggle snort* for no reason at all!

  3. I want to see the movie too - but haven't had time. I'll probably just rent it when it hits the DVD or maybe when it goes to the $1 movie or something.

    My Dad has taken the book literally though - so I can see how it can be dangerous to those with an unstable (unsaved) spirit.

  4. I want to see the movie too - but haven't had time. I'll probably just rent it when it hits the DVD or maybe when it goes to the $1 movie or something.

    My Dad has taken the book literally though - so I can see how it can be dangerous to those with an unstable (unsaved) spirit.

  5. ROFLOL @ 7*Hand
    It says, "Leave your comment" not "Leave your dissertation"

  6. .. good post... my Wife absolutely HATES Braveheart.... and she's Scottish!...


  7. .. good post... my Wife absolutely HATES Braveheart.... and she's Scottish!...


  8. ROFLOL @ 7*Hand
    It says, "Leave your comment" not "Leave your dissertation"

  9. Wow, seven star hand, the audacity of your name simply takes my breath away.

    I knew posting about the DaVinci Code was bound to draw a few nutballs, but I really got a zinger, didn't I? ::grin::

    Not only do you twist all of scripture out of context to "prove" that it is false, but the entire tone of your rhetoric is so hate-filled that there can be no true discernment within.

    I am not interested in why you think that Jesus Christ is anything other than the Resurrected Son of God, muchless a liar and a tool of deception, perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Church.

    I will pray tonight, seven star hand, that you will be convicted of the truth. I will pray that, in the same manner that Saul became Paul, you will have your own Damascus Road experience and will be confronted by the True God, I AM, and you will become a powerful speaker of what really is TRUE.


  10. Wow, seven star hand, the audacity of your name simply takes my breath away.

    I knew posting about the DaVinci Code was bound to draw a few nutballs, but I really got a zinger, didn't I? ::grin::

    Not only do you twist all of scripture out of context to "prove" that it is false, but the entire tone of your rhetoric is so hate-filled that there can be no true discernment within.

    I am not interested in why you think that Jesus Christ is anything other than the Resurrected Son of God, muchless a liar and a tool of deception, perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Church.

    I will pray tonight, seven star hand, that you will be convicted of the truth. I will pray that, in the same manner that Saul became Paul, you will have your own Damascus Road experience and will be confronted by the True God, I AM, and you will become a powerful speaker of what really is TRUE.

