Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Wife #32 - Cool Beans!!

::giggle:: Ok, so he hasn't assigned all of the wives yet, but I'm one of them. And, he said, I may understudy Anna. ::grin:: I'm so glad to have that waiting OVER! I'm excited about the show. Can you see fridaynightgirl with dyed black hair and an asian accent? ::giggle:: What fun!

I hope I get to learn a little dancing, too. Actually, the wives don't sing much. I'm going to be in a musical and I won't sing very much at all! The wives are on stage a LOT but they don't have the burden of learning ALL of the lines and songs and dances - all at once.

It occured to me that the Director might have been doing me a favor by NOT casting me as Anna. It has, afterall, been eight years since I did a musical. That's a LONG time to be gone from the stage to try and step into a principal role in a BIG musical like The King and I.

I think this will be a lot of fun. K is one of the wives too, so I'll have a partner in mischief. And, if I get to understudy the role of Anna, I will be able to work toward a principal role in another show.

::clapping hands:: (did I mention that I hate waiting?)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Two Thumbs WAY Up

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Tonight, Mom and I went to see The DaVinci Code. Wow. It was great. What a great story - so many little twists and turns. Kind of like "National Treasure" but without all of the humor.

Now, it's my turn for disclaimers - I believe that the DaVinci Code is a work of FICTION - it is a murder mystery/treasure hunt/holy grail story. I do NOT believe that Dan Brown is a bible scholar and I CERTAINLY do not believe that Jesus Christ was anything BUT the Son of God, nor do I believe that he was married to Mary Magdalene.

Ok, having said that, let me return to my review. I have always been fascinated by the Holy Grail story, the Knights Templar and King Arthur. The Arthurian legends are some of my favorite stories and, with the exception of that AWFUL movie with Richard Gere and Sean Connery, I have almost always enjoyed books and movies on the subject.

In a way, this is the same thing. There are many who claim that the Holy Grail is real. They have spent their lives and fortunes looking for it. Whether it be the cup of Christ or some bloodline; it is the same fairy tale after which men have been chasing for centuries.

Let's look at this from another way. Take Braveheart for example. Yes, William Wallace, Edward I, Robert Bruce - these were all very real people. But Braveheart is far from historically accurate. It is just a really good story. The author took pieces of a real story and made it entertaining by combining a lot of myth, legend and some fairytales. Now, throw in a couple of really fun chase scenes (like where the chick drives BACKWARDS through the streets of Paris at 70 mph), Ian McKellen, Tom Hanks, oh let's not forget the grail lore and a pretty girl and you've got a formula for a blockbuster film like The DaVinci Code.

Now, the application: I think this movie gives Christians some very real opportunities to share what IS true. When asked about this movie because those around me know that I profess to be a Christian, I am given the opportunity to share what I believe. Where my faith and beliefs might not otherwise have been welcomed have become gateways to sharing the Good News. Praise God for Dan Brown! Even though some have been wrongly persuaded by their own wayward hearts by this work of fiction; others have come to see the truth and have been set free.

I believe that "through Christ all things are possible" (Philippians 4:13). I have been able to share the Gospel with people that have NEVER welcomed discussion of scripture. Hallelujah!

Ok, I'm off to bed. I still haven't heard about the audition results. ::sigh:: I hate waiting. ::grin::

Night, kids.

Monday, May 29, 2006


This is what fridaynightgirl looks like, waiting for casting call... ::pacing, pacing:: GAK!!

Sunday, May 28, 2006


I'd forgotten how fun the audition process is. Oh sure, nobody really loves to audition for shows; at least nobody I've ever met. But, the process itself; meeting new people, learning new dance steps, scene reads and, yes, even the singing is FUN!

Now that you officially think I've lost my marbles, let me tell you what I've been up to tonight. I don't think I've mentioned that I've been going back and forth for the past several months over whether I should audition for the big summer musical at the Civic Theatre. It's a big time commitment but I am looking for something to do while Munchkin is on her Big Trip. I have been out of the production process for so long that am just itching to do a show. I miss performing.

So, after months of being wishy-washy; I took the jump and auditioned tonight. I think that the audition went really well. Oh, I wouldn't be so presumptive as to make an assertion about my standing in the running for the female lead, Anna, but I think I can say that it went well without deluding myself if the truth was otherwise. Oh, did I mention? The musical is The King and I.

Fortunately for all involved, my prima donna days are long past me. If I am not cast as Anna, I can still be in the show and have just as much fun. I am really just looking for something fun to do this summer that gets me back on stage.

Speaking of doing fun things; I talked to Munchkin today and she sounded like the was having a good day. I know she and The Girlfriend ( True to the rest of my blog, I won't disclose her name but I think it a little premature to call her Stepmom-to-be) ::giggle:: (sorry ex, if you are reading this I hope that didn't give you a small aneurysm.)... Ok, anyway. Sorry about the aside. So, yesterday Munchkin and The Girlfriend went to pick strawberries. Here is a picture of Munchkin in action. The Girlfriend told me today that Munchkin didn't want to stop picking strawberries; even after they had something like five pounds of berries! ::grin:: My girl - the overachiever...

Well, tomorrow night is the second night of the open call for adult roles and Tuesday night is for the kids. Wednesday night is for call-backs, if necessary, and the first read-through is Thursday. So, as soon as I hear something, I'll post it here. Keep your fingers crossed!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I Guess I Miss Her Already

You know that part of "My Fair Lady" when Prof. Higgins sings the song about being accustomed to her face and her moods and her noise and ... Well, you know.

I guess I'm already missing my Munchkin. I know she is in good hands and I admit that it's nice being able to sleep until 6:45 because I don't have a wiggly Munchkin to feed and dress and herd out the door in the morning. It's nice being able to go to meetings and to stay at the office late if I need to because I'm working on a project. It's nice being able to eat cluck-u chicken leftovers three nights in a row because I don't have a Munchkin that needs well-balanced, non-spicy foods.

But all of that pales when I realize that I haven't heard her say bedtime prayers in six days. That I haven't held her in four days. I can't believe it's ONLY been six days. ::laugh:: I imagine I will be a raving lunatic by the middle of July. ICK.

Well, I guess I'm tired now. I've only got a few more pages to go in the last Left Behind book; Glorious Appearing. WOW. What a phenomenal series.

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
The Angels watch me through the night
Until I wake in the morning light

Night, kids.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Another Day

You know, when I started this blog, I called it "Another Day." Tonight, as I tore into my new Natalie Grant cd, I noticed that one of the songs bears the same title. So, I flip to it. The words of the song express so perfectly the aims of this blog that I thought I would quote the lyrics here.

Been driving through the night
I pull up and see the lights
This is the place that I call home
I watch you as you sleep
Think of all you mean to me
Touch your face Kiss you softly
Before I go to sleep I pray under the stars
Search my soul and check my heart
and thank God for
Another day

Another chance to love the ones I love
To find my way
To laugh, to dance
Watch the sun come up
Another day I get to live
As if
Every breath could be the last I take
I get another day

I've got a hand that I can hold
Someone who knows my soul
A safe place to lay my head at night
So why do I forget
How much I've been blessed in life
Forget what means the most to me
As I'm waking up again I feel my beating heart
So grateful that I've come this far
and thank God for
Another day
Another chance to love the ones I love
To find my way
To laugh, to dance
Watch the sun come up
Another day I get to live
As if
Every breath could be the last I take
I get another day

To make somebody smile
Go the extra mile
Take a wrong and make it right
And try to touch somebody's life
I get another day

I wish I could post a clip but I can't find one and I wouldn't know how to put it on here if I could. Click here to go to the website and listen to their clip from the "Awaken" cd. It is GOOD. The other songs on it are no less powerful. Take a listen to "The Real Me" - oh my that one drilled right into the center of me. Golly how often do I look in the mirror and think, "if they had any idea how fragile I really feel...."

Could I have become so accomplished at hiding my frailty that I don't even acknowledge it anymore? Hmmm... I am going to have to think on this one for a while.

That is what I love about songs like that - they pierce into the meat and get to the good stuff. No fluff here, buddy. That's a promise. And, as if the great lyrics and music weren't enough incentive to get excited about this album; I got it on SALE at Lifeway! WHOO HOO!!


Today has been a good day.

I worked almost a 12 hour day and it was great - I got almost my entire newsletter created today. It usually takes me three days to get it ready to go to the printer. I figure if I plan on doing this a few more times this week I should be all caught up on my projects. NIFTY!

Well, kids. I'm sleepy. Night, friends. God bless you.

::humming...What will people think When they hear that I'm a Jesus freak What will people do when they find that it's true ...::

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Safe and Sound...and back in Texas

The "big trip" went off without a hitch. Munchkin enjoyed the plane ride and I didn't get lost or lose anything! Munchkin's dad was a champ and I enjoyed the visit. The new girlfriend is a total gem and I liked her immediately.

Leaving Munchkin was REALLY hard and I had a little cry over it once I was alone, but I really am going to be ok.

Back to Left Behind. I'm up to Armageddon and I have about half of it left to go before The Glorious Appearing. I have to confess that I've not been as impressed with this book because they are hung up on Chloe's latest mis-adventure. If I was Rayford (her father and "leader" of the Tribulation Force) I would have set her down and laid out the rules - and included a good thump on the head for her lack of caution... Now, who knows how this is going to turn out? DON'T tell me; I want to discover it myself!!

Ok, I'm back to reading and relaxing - ahhh... so now I know what R&R means... ::giggle::

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Technological Advances

Ta Da! Now, you can subscribe to Another Day and receive email updates when I update the blog. Isn't that spiffy? It's free and easy. Just enter your email address and you will be taken to to finish the registration process.

I just figured it out for the work blog so I thought I'd take it over here too. Neato, huh?? ::grin::

Okey dokey! Have a great day!

Final Countdown

Do you remember that song? da-da-da-dum....da da da da dum...da da da dum... da da da da da da dum... Well, here - Link to Sound Clip.. ::giggle::

Ok, so now that you ALL think I'm a lunatic.

Well, I've started making my trip list. I have so much to do. Laundry, packing, shopping, organizing.... ICK.

I have another meeting tonight. Meetings, meetings.

Ok, ok.. I'm going. But I'll be back and I'll write more. Later, kids!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

As I sit here, listening to Munchkin whine from the bathroom that she "doesn't want to go potty," for what has to be the 806th time in a ROW, I wonder who invented Mother's Day and why. ::giggle:: I don't feel like being celebrated right now.

If you told me four years ago that I would become more comfortable talking about bodily functions than I am talking about chic flicks; I would never have believed you. In fact, I had some pretty stupid ideas on what being a mother is really about. Boy was I delusional.

I know I'm a terrible mother. I should be treasuring every moment of this stage, knowing that she will never be this young again and that her precociousness is precious in the eyes of God and I should see it the same way. All I can see, though, is this willful child who seemingly lives to test every boundary I set. It is like living with one of the raptors in Jurassic Park - only Munchkin isn't going to eat me if I let my guard down.

::sigh:: Five more days until The Big Trip. Munchkin is excited, her dad is really excited and I'm just feeling nervous. For the moment, I'm not really thinking about the two months she'll be away. I'm more nervous about flying alone with a very energetic three and a half-year old. I've never flown by myself except short hops for work. But our flight leaves so early on Friday morning. It's so much to remember and keep track of. The flights, the parking, the luggage and, oh let's not forget the wiggly little girl.

I won't sleep a wink Thursday night. I imagine this will be a angst-filled week as I'm rhuminating about the trip, but I trust you'll bear with me. ::watery smile::

Speaking of watery, we got more rain today! Yeah! We need the rain. My grandfather would always say we needed, "about two more inches." If he was Noah himself and it had rained 40 days and 40 nights - I promise you my grandfather would say, "about two more inches."

I'm into book seven of the Left Behind Series - The Assassins. I finished Nicholae, Soul Harvest, and Apollyon just yesterday. Wow.

::yawn:: Well, Munchkin is in bed. For the moment, at least. I think I'm going to turn in way early tonight too. 'night, folks.

Monday, May 8, 2006

I've been TAGGED!

This is my "MeMe"... (this is just for you, my friend)

I am – my own worst critic
I want – to see my daughter come to Christ
I pray – that God will use me to speak boldly the Good News
I hate – my own failings
I miss – my grandfather; we never know what we've got until it is gone.
I hear – the sounds of Cinderella - all day and night
I wonder – if I'll see my kitties in Heaven
I regret – missed opportunities to share the gospel
I am not – patient
I dance – when Munchkin dances
I sing – all the time
I cry – when I see a young child come forward to profess faith in Christ
I am not always – on top of everything
I make – really stupid decisions about my personal finances sometimes
I write – as often as I can get my hands on a keyboard
I need – thee every hour
I should – give more to missions
I start – worrying about things over which I have no control around 10:30 at night
I finish – my day by checking the locks, the air conditioner and one last kiss on Munchkin's head

Ok, Sarah - there you have it. I don't know anybody to "tag," so we'll just leave this as my daily update.

ps. I watched the movie Left Behind tonight - So many differences from the book. If you haven't seen it; stick to the book. It's better and has a lot more bible in it.

Sunday, May 7, 2006

Left Behind

I've just finished reading the first book in the Left Behind series. WOW. I am nearly speechless and I try and fathom that which I have just read.

To try and imagine what the rapture will be like from the standpoint of those who are not taken up to Heaven is a terrifying prospect. The book fills you with dread and despair. Thank God that there is hope in the story as many of the main characters come to Christ and are saved. I know this is a work of fiction but I believe that the Rapture will be a real event and that I, along with many others, will be among those taken up.

But as I read tonight, I could not escape thoughts of those that I know and care about who might be left behind. The urge to call them, even at 11:30 at night, was almost overwhelming. To ask them, "if the call came RIGHT NOW - are you ready to go?" Instead, I prayed that God would use me to be a voice in HIS time and according to HIS good purposes.

Whew. Ok, I'm going to bed. What an amazing weekend. Church was awesome this morning. The pastor preached on prayer. I just love my church. Then, this afternoon Munchkin, K and I went out to our department directors' house and swam in VERY cold water; in their pool. Munchkin LOVED it - she was completely conked out by 7:45. ::grin:: Water is good for the brain.

Good night, friends.

Animal Sounds

It has been a total zoo in our house this morning. Not in the chaos sense but in the sense that Munchkin has been making all different kinds of animal noises. At one point, she was acting like a dog and was "digging" holes in the floor so she could bury her bones... ::giggle::

What a ham!

I'm looking forward to church this morning.

Oh, did I mention that Munchkin likes The Chronicles of Narnia?? ::BIG smile:: Of course, there are lots of parts that I skip over but she really likes Lucy and Tumnus, the Beavers and, naturally, Aslan. I am THRILLED that she likes it. I can't wait until she is older and I can share those magical books with her.

My favorite is The Magician's Nephew. I hope they make that one into a movie. I've heard they are planning on doing all seven.

Ok, I'm off to get ready for church. Have a good day!

Friday, May 5, 2006

Storm Blowing In

Yee Haw! This is going to be a wild and wooley night! I'm glad I've got the car parked under the carport.

I'm sleepy. I hope I can get to sleep before the storm hits, so that way I have better chance of staying asleep. But, if it is too hairy - I'm sure to wake up just so I can check on Munchkin. Last week, she bolted right up in bed and said, "the thunder scares me." I don't guess she bought the whole "angels bowling" story. ::shrug::

Well, I said I would post the cover to the season catalog tonight but I've decided not to. It's still a secret. And, I'm not sure that I'm ready to reveal it. I haven't messed with it enough.

I picked up the new Casting Crowns cd tonight. It plays this great song, Praise You in This Storm. Wow - it blows me away at the truth. They have another song from their first album called, If We are the Body - yeah, that's another good one.

Anyway, I'm off to night night land. I hope I can sleep for a good L----O----N----G time.

night night.

Thursday, May 4, 2006

who IS fridaynightgirl?

::giggle:: I couldn't resist - isn't it amazing how we all, eventually, long to be recognized? So, with that in mind, I decided to step out from behind fridaynightgirl and show the "world" my face.

Ah ha - so here I am. For the past nine months, I have been quite anonymous behind the WW2 pinup, but I find that shoe just doesn't fit anymore. It's too much fun being me.

Fear not - fridaynightgirl is here to stay. I like the sound of it too much to give the identity up. The new picture is a Gordon Conway drawing called, That Red Head Gal - do you like her? I do; she's hanging up in my office.

So, today was a good day. The cover of my season catalog is almost finished and I am so excited! It is looking even better than I imagined. After it is finished, I will bring it home and post it - so you can all see it.

Last night, the girls from my bible study came over and watched Life is Beautiful. Wow. What a movie. If you haven't seen it; I hope you will. We laughed and cried.

They gave me some smell-pretty things from Bath & Body Works, some really cute stripe candles and a REALLY beautiful silver frame that is engraved with the quote,

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Henry David Thoreau

Who would have imagined that when I said I'd lead this bible study that I would be the one to get so much out of it??

Ok, so I have laundry to fold and totally mundane mommy-chores to do tonight, so I'll sign off for the night. Maybe I'll actually get into bed EARLY; what a concept. ::grin:: Toodles!

Monday, May 1, 2006

Out of Chaos Comes Order

Ah, the sweet joy of organizing. There is nothing quite like it in all of the earth. :)

Tonight, I bought a filing cabinet. Something in which to house my files. Nothing fancy, but oh so refreshing to get all of that JUNK out of the way and tucked very neatly into little color-coded file folders. ::giggle::

A giddy rush comes over me as I sort, glean and file. Don't ask - there are some things in this universe that aren't meant to be explained. Didn't your mother ever tell you that??

Today was a good day. The campaign brochure for my big corporate support campaign is ready and the first mailing will begin tomorrow. I am so excited! I think it will be a tremendous success; I just hope that I am as right as I think I will be. Nothing like this has ever been tried before and I think it is high time. I just can't believe I have this great job where my experience is respected enough to place that level of confidence in my abilities. ::teeter:: Don't get me wrong; I'm terribly nervous and, as is typical of my dysfunctional personality, terrified of failure. But, I really think that we have a good "product" and I have developed a good vehicle to deliver it to patrons. So, it evens out.

Ok, enough about work. I know you came to hear about a local art teacher who I enjoy looking at when he comes to the Center with his students. I would love it if he would ask me to coffee, but I am done taking the initiative with men. I've had my hand properly slapped and have been reminded that he should pursue me and NOT the other way around. So, I'll just keep about the business of making the Center lots of money and see what turns up. ::grin::

::yawn:: Well, my darling friends, you were right about me. I always write at night when I am the sleepiest. So, I'll sign off for the night. Wishing you the nicest of dreams.

night, night