Fortunately, we have a terrific new admin and I was able to give her some of the smaller projects that had been given to me because our old admin wasn't quite up to the task. It helps that our new admin is my very good friend and I know that I can say, "K, this is what I need and this is how it should look and then is when I need it," and she will get it done - just like that. How coolio!

I've decided to re-decorate Baby Girl's bedroom. She wants to be Cinderella when she grows up, so I'm going to do a princess bedroom. I know, gag me with the pink, purple and yellow, but she'll go absolutely nuts for it when she gets home and it will make me happy, knowing I'm doing something really special for her. It will make the time go by faster, while she is gone.
Well, I know this is a TERRIBLY short update, but I'll write more when I get home tonight. Later, gators!
Awww...I want a room like that!!!