What do you think of the dandelions? They were from a really pretty image set from http://www.obsidiandawn.com/. I hope they like how I've used them.
Monday, April 25, 2011
New look - again
What do you think of the dandelions? They were from a really pretty image set from http://www.obsidiandawn.com/. I hope they like how I've used them.
Not really, no
See how busy I am?
To Do List:
artwork to vendor - done
f/u on $830M DoE funds inquiry - done
pull last week's pictures off camera and post - done
water that sick looking little plant - done
arrange p/u of phone books for campus - done
And I've only been here since 9:30!
And yet....everytime my phone beeps I've got an email, I say a little prayer, let out the breath I sucked in and check it.
Ok. I'm going to take a little break and refill my coffee.
I CAN and WILL wait patiently.
I CAN and WILL wait patiently.
I CAN and WILL wait patiently.
I CAN and WILL wait patiently.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
huffing and puffing and...
Well, you get the idea.
Work is flying along at a frantic pace. We are down to two weeks until early voting and three weeks until regular voting. I hope people vote. I've blogged before about how I feel about civic responsibility so I won't belabor the point.
Family stuff is going well. Munchkin has straight A's and Em has tooth buds under her gums. Haha
We are doing some cool things for Holy Week this year. Sunday, munchkin and I decorated construction paper palm branches for palm Sunday. Yesterday, we learned about the Seder meal with some friends of Nana's. It was interesting. I'll have to do some follow up with munchkin because it wasn't really presented in a way she could understand what we were doing or why we were doing it. But it was still neat. Well, I thought so. I think the whole effort was lost on Coach.
Friday night, we are going to the Good Friday service at church.
I'm planning a big supper Sunday, after the traditional scavenger hunt at mothers house. Ham, mashed potatoes, French green beans, rolls and maybe a peach cobbler for dessert(with ice cream for the weird people). Yum!
Work is flying along at a frantic pace. We are down to two weeks until early voting and three weeks until regular voting. I hope people vote. I've blogged before about how I feel about civic responsibility so I won't belabor the point.
Family stuff is going well. Munchkin has straight A's and Em has tooth buds under her gums. Haha
We are doing some cool things for Holy Week this year. Sunday, munchkin and I decorated construction paper palm branches for palm Sunday. Yesterday, we learned about the Seder meal with some friends of Nana's. It was interesting. I'll have to do some follow up with munchkin because it wasn't really presented in a way she could understand what we were doing or why we were doing it. But it was still neat. Well, I thought so. I think the whole effort was lost on Coach.
Friday night, we are going to the Good Friday service at church.
I'm planning a big supper Sunday, after the traditional scavenger hunt at mothers house. Ham, mashed potatoes, French green beans, rolls and maybe a peach cobbler for dessert(with ice cream for the weird people). Yum!
Cereal Diaries - well kinda
She's crawling!!! About two weeks ago, she decided she'd had enough of this sitting around business, by golly, and started scooting around. Fast forward two weeks and she's crawling and pulling up to standing on anything sturdy enough to hold her weight.
She really is remarkable. It's so fun to watch her. it takes me back to the wonder of watching munchkin discover things.
I love being a mommy. It's the very best job in the entire world.
Munchkin is in the Easter Pageant at UMHB today. She's missing school which is against my personal policy, but this is a really great opportunity and she's only missed three days all year and we are down to the last six weeks of school and it's the last non-testing year and I'm rationalizing. Haha. Can you tell I work in school administration?
Ok, it's time to get ready to take the kiddo to Belton. Y'all have a great day!
She really is remarkable. It's so fun to watch her. it takes me back to the wonder of watching munchkin discover things.
I love being a mommy. It's the very best job in the entire world.
Munchkin is in the Easter Pageant at UMHB today. She's missing school which is against my personal policy, but this is a really great opportunity and she's only missed three days all year and we are down to the last six weeks of school and it's the last non-testing year and I'm rationalizing. Haha. Can you tell I work in school administration?
Ok, it's time to get ready to take the kiddo to Belton. Y'all have a great day!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Pole Position
I can remember that game - Pole Position - my brother and I played it all the time! (he almost always won) It was a cool racing game before racing games were cool. haha The point of the game, of course, was to maneuver your car into first place and win. You did this by racing around corners at badly animated speeds. (well, bad compared to now)
Looking ahead to this week, I can already see an exhausted me at the end of it. We've come to the part of the year where we have something almost every night; sometimes two or three things. It's pole position - just in real life; with better graphics, no music and people instead of cars - maneuvering around obstacles and insane curves (schedules), trying to get to the finish line (friday night).
Monday night, I have my standing meeting for the bond. (and there is a board meeting but I can't go to both) Wednesday after school is Munchkin's dentist appointment. Thursday before work is an appointment I'm looking forward to. Thursday afternoon is the egg stuffing party for our staff easter egg roll. This weekend already has plans rolling too.
We are less than a month from early voting. This rush of information has been good practice and helped me really hone my time-management and organizational skills. I've always had the ability and I really good at pulling off the impossible (most of the time) but I've certainly been able to put that ability on the test track with this bond to where it is an all-the-time endeavor, rather than a project-based focus.
Even though it's crazy busy, life is really good. I made an appointment at the end of May for an all-girl day with Munchkin before school is out. We'll go to lunch (anybody know a fru-fru place open on Saturdays, in Temple?), haircuts and new nail polish at the salon then, the day I've been promising for going on five years - I'm going to let M get her ears pierced. That way, she'll be a few weeks into the routine before she goes to her dad's house for the summer. We'll be a week from summer break (I told her she could get them the summer before third grade). It will be our special day. I will probably cry. (because I'm a sap like that)
I've got to get her registered for summer arts camp at the CAC before too long and find somewhere for Princess Crybaby to be during the summer since her daycare is through the school district and it's only during the school year.
Also on my Munchkin list - she is asking about baptism so we're going to make an appointment for her to sit down with Brother Andy (our pastor) to talk about what baptism is and why it's important. Then we'll know she's really ready.
*whew* I'm going to be ready for a vacation or something after May 14. Hold on, folks - here comes another corner!
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