Woke up this morning with an uneasy feeling; like time is running out and I still don't have all the stuff I know I need to do done.
Have I mentioned I hate moving? Oh, the packing and unpacking is tedious and exhausting but that's not the moving part. It's all the formalities: deposits, leases, documents, details, details, details.... (and you know how much I love details)
transferring services like electricity and cable has proven to be more impossible than it should have to be because the house is brand new. TXU can't see the house because they don't have the meter in the system. Even though Oncor has been out to install the permanent meter now, TXU's website still couldn't find the address.
This probably wouldn't be an issue but for the fact that the house is going to be ready earlier and we are going to try to move a week sooner than originally planned. This is wonderful news because I've been getting antsy to get out of this awful, cramped, chaotic MESS of an apartment - the sooner I get out of here, the better.
I hate mess. Oh, I'll never go back to the frantic clean-freak I was but not having enough space to keep things straight is maddening. (aside - that frantic clean freak business wasn't really me anyway; it was a manifestation of terrible anxiety) I can't stand stuff just put somewhere because there is nowhere else to put it. Or stuff that "temporarily" locates somewhere that comes to live there on a permanent basis. Unfortunately, one of the perils of late pregnancy is that drain of energy that leaves you feeling somewhere between an overcooked spaghetti noodle and wilted lettuce. Combine that with the energy-sucking feeling that happens every time you walk into a cluttered apartment and 'VOILA' you have a perfect recipe for general disquiet.
But I digress. I will call all the utilities today and try to figure out what we need to do to get stuff up and running next week because moving with no electricity is NOT going to be fun. I'm certain once I get the utilities squared away, I will feel all better about everything.
Speaking of electricity, our electric bill jumped $50 during the month of June. Maybe I need Starbucks this morning.
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