This baby is pushing in ways that are amazingly uncomfortable. Doesn't she realize I have an entire torso where she can spread out? Apparently not, if this OMGosh tight stomach is any indicator.
I called the 3D/4D ultrasound place today. I can't wait to see this baby's face. I was a total non-believer until I saw the video and pictures from SIL's 4D. Oh, WOW, you could see his little face and, in that moment, I knew we wanted one when our turn came around.
I have no idea why but Munchkin has been tearful all afternoon. *sigh* I don't know how to help her cheer up. She had a good day at school and that's great. She was very excited about her work today which is a first in a while. She's a brilliant child and I love hearing about how she learns.
Munchkin is standing over my shoulder, talking to me about her favorite websites and I can smell the meatloaf in the oven. 20 minutes left on the timer and I still have to come up with sides. I'm thinking mashed potatoes and some kind of beans...or maybe corn. corn and potatoes and meatloaf is always a good combination.
I guess I'll get back to being mommy and get ready for dinner.
Maybe another post later, after bedtime.
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