Well, yesterday I put a new rainy day list together. And while to the idle listener it might sound similiar to others I've made this was vastly different. These songs, while beautiful, are meant to remind me where my focus should remain - in spite of sorrow.
I thought I'd share that playlist:
Held - Natalie Grant
Our Hope Endures - Natalie Grant
With Hope - Steven Curtis Chapman (recorded after the death of his daughter)
If You Could See Me Now - Mandisa (a song about heaven)
The Giving - Michael W. Smith
The Journey - Steven Curtis Chapman
Be Still and Know - Steven Curtis Chapman
I know this time will pass and we'll move on. Yes, I am terribly disappointed but I stand firm on God's promises for us.
Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see." To this we cling.
LOVE the list. I LOVE that you have playlists for emotional support. That is so TypeA and SO you.