Saturday, March 17, 2007

You know you're a grown-up when...

1. You wake up at 7:45am and call that "sleeping in."
2. You would rather have a cup of coffee over a margarita
3. The first thing that enters your mind on a lazy Saturday is, "great! I can wash all of the bedding, turn the mattresses, put out the new candles, do the floors and air out the house!"
4. When talking to friends or family about the above-mentioned Saturday you say you really didn't do anything.
5. You know that, if money were no object, you'd spend a ton on your house, rather than expensive vacations or shopping sprees.


Ok, so maybe that's not all grown-ups. Maybe I'm just weird.

Have a happy Saturday! I don't have much planned except rearranging the living room, airing out the house, buying new candles, working a little in the yard (very little, mind you), straightening up the house... You know, barely more than sitting around on the couch all day! *grin*

Have a happy Saturday, y'all!

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