We're decorating for Christmas next weekend. K is having a get-together and I thought that the very least I could do was offer a cute holiday house. Actually, it really isn't for K at all, if I'm honest with myself.
I have this thing about first impressions. Most of these people will be people with whom I interact at work; volunteers, friends, and even (maybe) some board members - most of whom have never seen my house. *gulp*
I have this thing about first impressions. Most of these people will be people with whom I interact at work; volunteers, friends, and even (maybe) some board members - most of whom have never seen my house. *gulp*
Because I am such a public person during the week, I am intensely private at home. I love opening my home but it is always a very planned affair. So, I was surprised when K told me she'd booked a jewelry party and planned to invite all of these people. *grin* Have I mentioned how I am with surprises? Not to say that this won't be fun but I am still adjusting to sharing my space with another human and I still like to call the shots around the house. Have I also mentioned that I'm rather possessive? *giggle*
Now, I have a verycute little house. It's a "charmer" as the real estate ads might say. The rooms are all painted in very cheerful colors and the closeness makes it cozy. The house is not the problem. Ok, let me explain.
When I was married, we had a gorgeous house. It was big, new and most of the furniture was brand spankin' new. What wasn't new was beautiful so nobody noticed anyway. My ex had (has) fabulous taste in home decor and we always had lots and lots of fun decorating. Needless to say, I never worried about having guests because I lived in a showplace. Being an at-home mommy, the house was immaculate. (yes, even with a very young child at home)
Now is quite a different story. When I left, I left it all - he bought most of it anyway, so I didn't feel like I should take it. So, putting a house together has been a piece at a time. I've got my bedroom and Munchkin's room the way I want it but my living room is still pieced together with furniture that doesn't all match and a sofa that has seen better days. I have a beautiful pedastal dining room table but mix and match chairs. Some would say that the mix and match is oh so shabby chic but I just see it as a project unfinished and, for an uber-perfectionist like myself, that just IRKS me.
I guess it's a pride thing. I don't make the money I need to have extra left over to make improvements to the house (like the floors) or make big purchases like six matching dining room chairs and a new sofa (actually, I want a loveseat and big chair).
Not to mention that I'm working full-time so the house is NOWHERE near as clean as I kept it when I wasn't working. There is always laundry to do or floors to sweep or trash that needs to be taken out. *sigh*
So, to compensate, I will decorate for Christmas and keep everyone, as much as possible in the kitchen. *grin* It's the cutest room in the house, anyway.
All that aside, I'm really stoked about getting the Christmas stuff down! *giggle* I'll post pictures when I'm done.
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