I am always amazed when the end of November rolls around and Texas finally realizes that it's not supposed to be 80 degrees out. Overnight, the temperature drops 50 degrees and the next morning you wake up to sleet on your car. AWESOME!
I'm listening to Perry Como sing the Latin text to O Come All Ye Faithful. It's actually kind of funny. Anybody that went through TMEA in 1994 remembers the voice on the TMEA accompaniment tapes and the pronunciation of the Agnus Dei, Kyrie, and other movements from Mozart's Requiem. It was awful (but hilarious).
I wonder if J is back yet from San Antonio. I hope he makes it back tonight. It's hard to believe I miss him already, since I just saw him on Monday. Oh, speaking of, he told me that he is being deployed to Kuwait in February and, from there, he'll go to Iraq for a year. *GULP* I'm not really ready to think about all of that at this moment and I don't really have to for a while. But I know that I've stopped denying to myself or anyone else (for that matter) that this guy is anything but the greatest thing since sliced bread to me. For the record, I'm in love. (DUH)
Ok, I'm going back to work. Now if I can only defrost my fingers... Time to turn on the heater!!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Ah, the joys of Public Life
Not that I'm a politician or anything, but I do have to watch what comes out of my mouth or, in the case of a blog, out of my fingers.

I had a scathing post all ready to go about my day at work. Today was a simple day. We decorated for Christmas. "How," you may ask yourself, "could that deserve anything deemed scathing?" Well, it's very simple. I, and one of my co-workers, have a VERY different opinion about how an arts center should be decorated for the holidays. And that is as far as I'm going to go. Otherwise, I might as well post the entire rant and then deal with the possible PR fallout if any one of our members or staff or board or well, you get the picture, wanders over to here. No thank you.
Anyway, suffice it to say that I would really love nothing more than to be at home, in front of my pretty tree.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
And They Danced
Saturday night, I had Mom & Dad over for a little holiday socializing. Mom is a regular fixture at the house, but Dad is more formal and isn't as comfortable just "hanging out," preferring an actual invitation. So, bearing that in mind, I invited them over for music, food and a movie. I pulled out all the stops, setting the table with a pretty Christmas tablecloth, using all of the holiday dishes to serve little snacks. Mom discovered a really yummy hickory smoked cheese ball, coated in sliced almonds - YUM!!
We sat and ate and visited - it was so fun...
Then, I put on my vintage CD and my dad just lit up. He really loves Big Band, you see. It was fun watching him smile and hum along with the tunes. When the last song came around, "It's Been a Long, Long Time" by the Harry James Orchestra, I slyly suggested to Mother that she and Dad should dance. You should have seen the look on his face. And then, they danced. It was so sweet. Sweet doesn't even begin to grasp the scope of the emotion. I left them to their dance and the music and went into the other room.
Things haven't always been easy for them and it was so great to be a part of such a tender moment. Thank God for Dancing.
We sat and ate and visited - it was so fun...
Then, I put on my vintage CD and my dad just lit up. He really loves Big Band, you see. It was fun watching him smile and hum along with the tunes. When the last song came around, "It's Been a Long, Long Time" by the Harry James Orchestra, I slyly suggested to Mother that she and Dad should dance. You should have seen the look on his face. And then, they danced. It was so sweet. Sweet doesn't even begin to grasp the scope of the emotion. I left them to their dance and the music and went into the other room.
Things haven't always been easy for them and it was so great to be a part of such a tender moment. Thank God for Dancing.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
On Your Mark...
Get set... GO! Tomorrow is Monday of a super short holiday week. As if that didn't guarantee an insane day add on top that I've been out of the office since LAST Tuesday! WHEW! I am tired and it's still Sunday!
It was a good weekend. Rested quite a bit, as I certainly won't get another chance once the week starts. I think I'm back to "normal" (whatever that means). Still feel a little woozy at times but I hear antibiotics will do that.
You should see K and Munchkin. K is putting every clip and hair barrette in Munchkin's hair. Munchkin looks a little like a blonde Fraggle.

I made some cards today. Have I mentioned that I had the crack-headed idea to make my own Christmas cards this year? (don't ask) Well, I'd already bought all of the stamps, ink and paper when I counted up my list. If I actually make all of the cards for everybody on the list, I have 80 cards to make. EIGHTY! Are you kidding?!? I'm doing pretty well if I get eight cards made in a sitting because I run out of patience and it's hard for me to sit still for more than about an hour and a half.
So, I figure if I make at least eight cards EVERY DAY for the next two weeks, I'll have all of the cards made in time to send them out the first weekend of December. HA. Me? Actually stick to a schedule? Yeah, more likely I will be sitting at She Loves Me auditions, putting together cards because I waited until the very last minute - as usual.
Anyway, it's getting time for a certain spaz (um, I mean Munchkin) to get ready for bed.
Wish me luck tomorrow!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
You know you're sick when...
1. almost 31 years old, the first thing you think to do is call your mother and cry into the phone.
2. even with a massive hero complex, you plan on missing at least two days of work.
3. you pass on mom's humpty dumptys.
4. you don't check your email or blogs ALL DAY.
5. you actually break down and go to the doctor.
I have strepp throat. That's why I've had this dry, scratchy cough, sore throat, chills and fever for the last week. great.
Yesterday was the worst day. I felt like I'd been hit by a train. It hurt to move, blink or breathe. Taking one look at me, K said, "you are NOT going to work." (as if that was possible) I called my mother and, when she saw me she said, "you are going to the doctor." Well, you know what I told her? "yes ma'am."
The upside was that I finally met my new doctor. *whistle* Boy, he's a looker. (not that I was really looking because I felt like run over maltomeal and probably looked the part, too) Mother was certain to mention, "he's not wearing a ring." *grin* What is this with everybody "mentioning" single men to me? What about J you say? Well, you know the phrase, out of sight.... They never see him so they never think of him. We're going to have to do something about that soon, I think. But, when I'm feeling puny and needy is NOT the time to think about it.
Today I feel better. Still weak and achy, but nowhere near as bad as yesterday. I'm glad I don't have to try and work feeling like this, even though I have an entire newsletter to do.
Ok, I've been sitting upright for 10 minutes and I'm worn out. Going back to the couch.
2. even with a massive hero complex, you plan on missing at least two days of work.
3. you pass on mom's humpty dumptys.
4. you don't check your email or blogs ALL DAY.
5. you actually break down and go to the doctor.
I have strepp throat. That's why I've had this dry, scratchy cough, sore throat, chills and fever for the last week. great.
Yesterday was the worst day. I felt like I'd been hit by a train. It hurt to move, blink or breathe. Taking one look at me, K said, "you are NOT going to work." (as if that was possible) I called my mother and, when she saw me she said, "you are going to the doctor." Well, you know what I told her? "yes ma'am."
The upside was that I finally met my new doctor. *whistle* Boy, he's a looker. (not that I was really looking because I felt like run over maltomeal and probably looked the part, too) Mother was certain to mention, "he's not wearing a ring." *grin* What is this with everybody "mentioning" single men to me? What about J you say? Well, you know the phrase, out of sight.... They never see him so they never think of him. We're going to have to do something about that soon, I think. But, when I'm feeling puny and needy is NOT the time to think about it.
Today I feel better. Still weak and achy, but nowhere near as bad as yesterday. I'm glad I don't have to try and work feeling like this, even though I have an entire newsletter to do.
Ok, I've been sitting upright for 10 minutes and I'm worn out. Going back to the couch.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Weekend Update

Overall, a great weekend. The weather was pretty, church was good and we got the house all decorated for Christmas (well, the inside anyway).
Munchkin and her Nana went to see a live production of Cinderella and, according to my mother, Munchkin really enjoyed it. (naturally) She's looking forward to Snow White coming sometime around Christmas.
I felt rather under the weather for part of the weekend but it didn't keep me from enjoying it anyway. I've been sick a lot this fall and I don't know if it's that my allergies are worse this year than in other years or if there is some psychosomatic reason that I haven't thought of yet.
Well, I'm off to enjoy a nice, quiet HOT bath and then I think I'll tuck myself into bed. 'night, kids.
Friday, November 10, 2006
feel like...
..curling up in bed and sleeping for three days
..running off to the circus (except that would mean working harder than I already do)
..cutting my nose off to get the congestion out of my head
My throat hurts. I'm tired. It's hot. It's only 3pm. I haven't seen J in almost a month. Wah.
This weekend is going to be fun. It will be even more fun if J can come along. I hope he'll be home in time to join us.
Oh, I can't wait to go to bed. My ears hurt. Don't you just hate that feeling?
..running off to the circus (except that would mean working harder than I already do)
..cutting my nose off to get the congestion out of my head
My throat hurts. I'm tired. It's hot. It's only 3pm. I haven't seen J in almost a month. Wah.
This weekend is going to be fun. It will be even more fun if J can come along. I hope he'll be home in time to join us.
Oh, I can't wait to go to bed. My ears hurt. Don't you just hate that feeling?
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
December 3
Mark your calendars, people - the Theatre has announced auditions for She Loves Me (finally). December 3 & 4 at 7pm. The show I've been listening to and falling in love with since July is finally upon us. Oh, I hope I get the part.
Anyway, work is good. Busy crazy hectic insane frustrating maddening but good. *laugh* I hope that makes sense.
J is terrific. We were supposed to get together last night but work interfered - again. *sigh* Story of this romance, I think. That's ok. We are going to try again this weekend. SSHHHH! I can't say it too loudly or Uncle Sam might hear! *giggle*
Anyway, work is good. Busy crazy hectic insane frustrating maddening but good. *laugh* I hope that makes sense.
J is terrific. We were supposed to get together last night but work interfered - again. *sigh* Story of this romance, I think. That's ok. We are going to try again this weekend. SSHHHH! I can't say it too loudly or Uncle Sam might hear! *giggle*
Monday, November 6, 2006
vote for fridaynightgirl!
Sunday, November 5, 2006
Ok, so I'm a pushover

We're decorating for Christmas next weekend. K is having a get-together and I thought that the very least I could do was offer a cute holiday house. Actually, it really isn't for K at all, if I'm honest with myself.
I have this thing about first impressions. Most of these people will be people with whom I interact at work; volunteers, friends, and even (maybe) some board members - most of whom have never seen my house. *gulp*
I have this thing about first impressions. Most of these people will be people with whom I interact at work; volunteers, friends, and even (maybe) some board members - most of whom have never seen my house. *gulp*
Because I am such a public person during the week, I am intensely private at home. I love opening my home but it is always a very planned affair. So, I was surprised when K told me she'd booked a jewelry party and planned to invite all of these people. *grin* Have I mentioned how I am with surprises? Not to say that this won't be fun but I am still adjusting to sharing my space with another human and I still like to call the shots around the house. Have I also mentioned that I'm rather possessive? *giggle*
Now, I have a verycute little house. It's a "charmer" as the real estate ads might say. The rooms are all painted in very cheerful colors and the closeness makes it cozy. The house is not the problem. Ok, let me explain.
When I was married, we had a gorgeous house. It was big, new and most of the furniture was brand spankin' new. What wasn't new was beautiful so nobody noticed anyway. My ex had (has) fabulous taste in home decor and we always had lots and lots of fun decorating. Needless to say, I never worried about having guests because I lived in a showplace. Being an at-home mommy, the house was immaculate. (yes, even with a very young child at home)
Now is quite a different story. When I left, I left it all - he bought most of it anyway, so I didn't feel like I should take it. So, putting a house together has been a piece at a time. I've got my bedroom and Munchkin's room the way I want it but my living room is still pieced together with furniture that doesn't all match and a sofa that has seen better days. I have a beautiful pedastal dining room table but mix and match chairs. Some would say that the mix and match is oh so shabby chic but I just see it as a project unfinished and, for an uber-perfectionist like myself, that just IRKS me.
I guess it's a pride thing. I don't make the money I need to have extra left over to make improvements to the house (like the floors) or make big purchases like six matching dining room chairs and a new sofa (actually, I want a loveseat and big chair).
Not to mention that I'm working full-time so the house is NOWHERE near as clean as I kept it when I wasn't working. There is always laundry to do or floors to sweep or trash that needs to be taken out. *sigh*
So, to compensate, I will decorate for Christmas and keep everyone, as much as possible in the kitchen. *grin* It's the cutest room in the house, anyway.
All that aside, I'm really stoked about getting the Christmas stuff down! *giggle* I'll post pictures when I'm done.
Friday, November 3, 2006
Celebrity Lookalike
Thanks to Chilihead for this post - isn't this funny? Silly. THIS is what I do on Friday nights. Isn't it sad?
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Four Things
FOUR THINGS you may not have known about me.....
A) Four Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Marketing Director for a non-profit arts center
2. Nursing Recruiter
3. Employee Benefits Broker
4. Wal-mart cashier (my very first job)
B) Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Band of Brothers
2. Lord of the Rings (entire trilogy)
3. Chronicles of Narnia
4. Pride & Predjudice
C) Four places I have lived:
1. Allen, Texas
2. Bedford, Texas
3. Belton, Texas
4. Huntsville, Texas
D) Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Washington, D.C.
2. New York City
3. Galveston, Texas
4. San Antonio, Texas (love that city!)
E) Four web sites I visit daily?
1. dooce
2. Everyday Mommy
3. Sarah's Blog
4. CAC
F) Four of my favorite foods:
1. Starbucks - Cafe Mocha
2. Chicken Parmesan
3. A nice fresh salad with all the fixin's (bacon bits, cheese, croutons, cucumbers and LOTS of ranch!)
4. Steak
G) Four places I would rather be right now...
1. At home - in bed
2. At home - on the couch
3. At home - playing with my stamps (thanks a LOT, K)
4. Hobby Lobby (K says they've put out their new scrapbook stuff!!)
A) Four Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Marketing Director for a non-profit arts center
2. Nursing Recruiter
3. Employee Benefits Broker
4. Wal-mart cashier (my very first job)
B) Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Band of Brothers
2. Lord of the Rings (entire trilogy)
3. Chronicles of Narnia
4. Pride & Predjudice
C) Four places I have lived:
1. Allen, Texas
2. Bedford, Texas
3. Belton, Texas
4. Huntsville, Texas
D) Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Washington, D.C.
2. New York City
3. Galveston, Texas
4. San Antonio, Texas (love that city!)
E) Four web sites I visit daily?
1. dooce
2. Everyday Mommy
3. Sarah's Blog
4. CAC
F) Four of my favorite foods:
1. Starbucks - Cafe Mocha
2. Chicken Parmesan
3. A nice fresh salad with all the fixin's (bacon bits, cheese, croutons, cucumbers and LOTS of ranch!)
4. Steak
G) Four places I would rather be right now...
1. At home - in bed
2. At home - on the couch
3. At home - playing with my stamps (thanks a LOT, K)
4. Hobby Lobby (K says they've put out their new scrapbook stuff!!)
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