At least it's not Monday anymore, right? :)
Don't ask me why I'm still awake. Munchkin was asleep by 9:30 which is a lot earlier than it's been lately. I have no idea why she is so adverse to sleeping but I suppose some wise person in my life would tell me it's just a phase and just to ignore her. (they are probably right, too, dang it.)
Today was a good day (well, yesterday now, since it's after midnight). Work went well. I had an extremely productive meeting this morning with a local business that seems to be very interested in all that we do at the Center. A relationship with this business would truly be an asset to our organization. Here's to hoping!
I talked to K. She's doing her thing on the West Coast and couldn't help but rub it in that the weather is cool and beautiful. So, it's 504 degrees here in steamy, Central Texas - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
Munchkin had a good day at school. I think we are finally on the right track with the potty training business. She seems to be (finally) buying into the program. I wonder if it helped to tell her that I was sure Cinderella, Jasmine, Belle AND Ariel all went to the potty. If you had said to me that I would be pondering the toilet habits of Disney characters, I would probably have laughed in your face and called you an idiot. But, mommy-hood is not always pretty.
I will say, though, that it was all worth it to hear bedtime prayers tonight and to prompt her to end with, "I love you, Jesus," and for her to say back, "I love you Jesus and Mommy." Wow. What's cooler than that?
Well, I guess this is as good a post as it's going to get tonight. I've been reading a lot of blogs lately and, while I'm probably not in the running for any awards for quality content (let's face it, I whine and post pictures most of the time) - at least I can say this nonsense doesn't stay stuck in my head making me crazier than I already am... Oh no, I've written it down and posted it to a PUBLIC forum for the entire world to read! ::laugh:: night, kids.
Oohhh...I love the new look to your blog! Did Blogger come up with some new templates? It's really pretty!
ReplyDeleteAnd CONGRATS on the potty training. Hey...if it makes you feel any better...Hannah's 4 1/2 yrs old and she JUST potty trained a few weeks ago. We've been out of diapers for 2 or 3 weeks now and I can't believe it's actually happened!!
It will happen one day and then you will, for a slight moment, think to yourself in a rather melancholic tone ..."'re past that stage now...*sigh*."
Oohhh...I love the new look to your blog! Did Blogger come up with some new templates? It's really pretty!
ReplyDeleteAnd CONGRATS on the potty training. Hey...if it makes you feel any better...Hannah's 4 1/2 yrs old and she JUST potty trained a few weeks ago. We've been out of diapers for 2 or 3 weeks now and I can't believe it's actually happened!!
It will happen one day and then you will, for a slight moment, think to yourself in a rather melancholic tone ..."'re past that stage now...*sigh*."
I cannot imagine EVER feeling the slightest bit melancholy about NOT having to clean up messes or "accidents" (they should just call them what they are - on purposes).
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement. Glad you like the new blog. Yes, I found a new blogger template site. It's They have a bunch of cute ones. I changed the CAC blog, too... It's really groovy!
I cannot imagine EVER feeling the slightest bit melancholy about NOT having to clean up messes or "accidents" (they should just call them what they are - on purposes).
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement. Glad you like the new blog. Yes, I found a new blogger template site. It's They have a bunch of cute ones. I changed the CAC blog, too... It's really groovy!