Ok, I caved and created a MySpace profile. I don't really do much over there, but thought I'd throw it up here... *grin*
fridaynightgirl's MySpace Profile
Thursday, August 31, 2006
"Pirates" steals from Emmys...DUH!
Click Here for the link to the Washington Post Article
This article said that 10 million fewer viewers watched the Emmys, in favor of Pirates of the Caribbean, making the second lowest audience since 1990. Are you surprised?
Ok, let's do a little poll here:
Who liked The Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl?
Who likes award shows?
Does anybody see a no-brainer here? Let's see...Watch Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom (!!!) or watch a bunch of "I'd like to thank my mom, my managers, joey, stacy, kitty, my plastic surgeon...oh, and the Lord Holy Jesus." Again, I say, DUH!!! *giggle*
This article said that 10 million fewer viewers watched the Emmys, in favor of Pirates of the Caribbean, making the second lowest audience since 1990. Are you surprised?
Ok, let's do a little poll here:
Who liked The Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl?
Who likes award shows?
Does anybody see a no-brainer here? Let's see...Watch Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom (!!!) or watch a bunch of "I'd like to thank my mom, my managers, joey, stacy, kitty, my plastic surgeon...oh, and the Lord Holy Jesus." Again, I say, DUH!!! *giggle*
Have a happy day!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Not Hot!!
We came out of the house this morning and it was NOT HOT!!! Dude, I was so stoked!
When the weather begins to cool and the sun sets a little earlier, I am reminded that Fall is coming!! That means two things here, in Texas. Football and CRICKETS.
You could already see them, lining up to jump on you as you got to door. If you've never experienced a Texas September - don't. Unless, of course, you relish the sound of crickets ALL DAY and NIGHT.
The other thing about September that IS cool is FOOTBALL. I grew up a Tiger and a Tiger I'll be until the day I die. Now, my ex could NEVER understand the phenomenon that is high school football. These kids play with their hearts and souls. Their parents are all in the stands, the band rivalries... ah, youth. Best time of the year.
It's still not cold, though. But, it's coming. *rubbing hands together with glee*
When the weather begins to cool and the sun sets a little earlier, I am reminded that Fall is coming!! That means two things here, in Texas. Football and CRICKETS.
You could already see them, lining up to jump on you as you got to door. If you've never experienced a Texas September - don't. Unless, of course, you relish the sound of crickets ALL DAY and NIGHT.
The other thing about September that IS cool is FOOTBALL. I grew up a Tiger and a Tiger I'll be until the day I die. Now, my ex could NEVER understand the phenomenon that is high school football. These kids play with their hearts and souls. Their parents are all in the stands, the band rivalries... ah, youth. Best time of the year.
It's still not cold, though. But, it's coming. *rubbing hands together with glee*
Monday, August 28, 2006
One Year Later

Oh my! I just realized that fridaynightgirl is 1 year old! A year ago, I started blogging about nothing in particular and look where I am today - still blogging about nothing in particular! *grin*
In the past year, fridaynightgirl has changed jobs several times (even went without a job for a while); started and stopped dating and is considering dating again (we'll see); is STILL trying to finish potty training the Munchkin and rearranged all of the furniture in her little house about six times. Another Day, fridaynightgirl's virtual home has undergone several facelifts (it's a work in progress - This Old House would be proud) and is about to get another one.
To my friends who have been here the whole time - thanks a bunch! To the new friends that I have picked up along the way - stick around - you don't want to miss year #2! And, to the lurkers, the lights are on, dear ones! Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and let your voice be heard! *giggle* Ok, that's as close to the riding-in-front-of-the-army-monologue as I'll go for now.
Night, friends.
We have been clicking along on our happy little bedtime routine for a few days now (hey, it's progress) until tonight. Let me back up...
Munchkin was terrific today. We came home from school and actually played out in the yard. We are "supposed" to get some rain tonight, so it kept the temperatures down. Munchkin played in her swing and generally ran around in the freshly mowed grass (finally). After a good dinner, where she was funny, cute and polite (at the same time!), K & Munchkin went back out into the yard and played in the sprinkler for a little while, while I did dishes with the backdoor and kitchen window open and Beach Boys playing (loudly) in the background. It was the nicest evening I can remember.

So, an hour and fifteen minutes (and three trips to the potty) later, she's finally passed out. Mommy feels like she's been through D-Day and, I think, I won. I'm going to make my bed with my just washed sheets and go to sleep.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
The Occasional Serious Moment

I discovered this amazing site, Some Gave All, from one of my miscellaneous blogs that I read. To scroll down the page and read the names of those who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan is a little overwhelming. If you have a chance, go over and visit this site. You won't be sorry. While you are there, leave the ladies a comment - you can tell them fridaynightgirl sent you.
This site brought it into sharp focus that alot of my blog is about really trivial stuff and that occasionally I should use this forum to state those things about which I feel passionately.
I support our troops and the job they are doing all over the world. Whether they are in active combat situations or not, they still stand as the most visible reminders of the protector nation that is the United States. They go places that I will never see and do jobs that I would never hope to have to do and they do it with terrible compensation and almost no recognition.
Being a professional soldier is one of the more maligned careers. Soldiers receive awful pay, are constantly put in danger, are spirited all over the globe at little more than a moment's notice, are pulled away from family, friends, home and church to do their "duty." Not a single soldier in all of my acquaintance, though, complains about doing their job.
It is assumed that somebody only joins the military because they aren't fit for college or any other "real" career. I met somebody recently that purposely joined the military because that WAS what he wanted to be - a professional soldier. He is happy with his career and happy with his life. He is coming up on fifteen years in the military. I haven't kept the same job EVER for longer than 2 years (other than being a full-time mom) and I've reached the executive level in my chosen career.
Anyway, this is a fantastic site and I honor the men and women in the US Military. Wherever you are tonight, God Bless You and Thank you. I sleep safely knowing that you are out there, doing the job you do.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Yahoo! Answers
I found this cool thing on Yahoo! called Yahoo! Answers. You can post questions for the entire world to answer and, likewise, you can answer questions that others have posted. Some, well alot, of the questions and answers are dumb, but I've been watching the religion category and have been able to respond to some really good questions. Maybe I can be an instrument for change. Cool beans, huh?
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Driving MeMe
Thanks to 3x Thursday for this meme on driving.
1. Do you think you're a good driver? Do you drive defensively or offensively? Why?
I think I was a better driver when I lived in a larger, metropolitan, area. Now, I have lived in a more rural area for two years and my reflexes are slower. I'm a fairly defensive driver. I can say this because I am one, but I think women are worse drivers, in general, than men. It is in our nature to be habitually thinking and/or doing more than one thing at once and that's never a good state to be in while driving.
2. How fast do you normally drive? Do you always go the speed limit, or do you like to speed? Do you believe in the 'flow of traffic' method for speeding?
Oh, for the most part I go the speed limit, except on the highway where I have a tendency to drive about five over. I am a cruise control snob and I try and stay out of the way of those going way under or way over the speed limit.
3. What do you think of those people who drive while talking on the phone? Do you think it impairs their driving? Why/why not? Do you do it?
Well, this is a tricky question. I think that talking on the phone is no more dangerous than talking with another person in the car. Yes, I do talk on the phone while driving.
Bonus Question for Comments: What's one thing that just drives you absolutly bonkers that people do when their driving (or how their driving)?
When people fail on the service road fail to yield to offcoming traffic from the highway. GET OUT OF THE WAY, PEOPLE - we are driving 70 mph and you are going 45 - YOU do the math...
Oh, I have lots of pet peeves about driving. Like people who drive slower than the speed limit and refuse to move over into the right lane.
Like people who think they can bully you into going faster than is safe or driving recklessly just to get out of their way.

Like people who put the Christian Ichthus on the back of their car and then drive VERY rudely - that's a nice witness there, folks.
Add your comments to this post or link back from your own post! I like to read what other people think...
1. Do you think you're a good driver? Do you drive defensively or offensively? Why?
I think I was a better driver when I lived in a larger, metropolitan, area. Now, I have lived in a more rural area for two years and my reflexes are slower. I'm a fairly defensive driver. I can say this because I am one, but I think women are worse drivers, in general, than men. It is in our nature to be habitually thinking and/or doing more than one thing at once and that's never a good state to be in while driving.
2. How fast do you normally drive? Do you always go the speed limit, or do you like to speed? Do you believe in the 'flow of traffic' method for speeding?
Oh, for the most part I go the speed limit, except on the highway where I have a tendency to drive about five over. I am a cruise control snob and I try and stay out of the way of those going way under or way over the speed limit.
3. What do you think of those people who drive while talking on the phone? Do you think it impairs their driving? Why/why not? Do you do it?
Well, this is a tricky question. I think that talking on the phone is no more dangerous than talking with another person in the car. Yes, I do talk on the phone while driving.
Bonus Question for Comments: What's one thing that just drives you absolutly bonkers that people do when their driving (or how their driving)?
When people fail on the service road fail to yield to offcoming traffic from the highway. GET OUT OF THE WAY, PEOPLE - we are driving 70 mph and you are going 45 - YOU do the math...
Oh, I have lots of pet peeves about driving. Like people who drive slower than the speed limit and refuse to move over into the right lane.
Like people who think they can bully you into going faster than is safe or driving recklessly just to get out of their way.

Like people who put the Christian Ichthus on the back of their car and then drive VERY rudely - that's a nice witness there, folks.
Add your comments to this post or link back from your own post! I like to read what other people think...
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Random Thoughts
My brother called me this evening and said that, while stuck in traffic, he read this bumper sticker and thought of me. *grin* I'm not certain WHY he would think of me, but it is still a funny bumper sticker.
Today was a good day. LOTS of errands accomplished. I took season catalogs by several important stops, dropped off picture cd and made general hobnob visit, picked up my ticket to the Preview Gala the 9th, dropped off Artist for Hire stuff to KISD fine art building (hardest place in all of christendom to find!!) and had the tv spot converted to BETA format.
Not that this post was going to be about work - I'm just trying to illustrate that I'm feeling so much better. I even cleaned the kitchen tonight and am about to crawl into bed, where I plan on reading for a little while before turning in.
I still need to do laundry and something about the horrible mess that is the back yard. *sigh* I would plan on doing it this weekend, but 1. I'm wedding dress shopping with K and 2. it's still so blinkin' HOT! It was 105 again today. UGH.
I'm officially sick of the heat and humidity. Yes, I know I say that every year and yet I still choose to remain in Central Texas. (no, there is no logic forthcoming)
Well, I'm tired and, if I plan to get any reading done, had better sign off now. 'night, kids.

Not that this post was going to be about work - I'm just trying to illustrate that I'm feeling so much better. I even cleaned the kitchen tonight and am about to crawl into bed, where I plan on reading for a little while before turning in.
I still need to do laundry and something about the horrible mess that is the back yard. *sigh* I would plan on doing it this weekend, but 1. I'm wedding dress shopping with K and 2. it's still so blinkin' HOT! It was 105 again today. UGH.
I'm officially sick of the heat and humidity. Yes, I know I say that every year and yet I still choose to remain in Central Texas. (no, there is no logic forthcoming)
Well, I'm tired and, if I plan to get any reading done, had better sign off now. 'night, kids.
Not so Puny Today
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Sick of being Sick
So it's only been a day and a half. ugh. I'm so dizzy, sitting up makes my head spin. I feel loads better than I did last night but my equilibrium is still such that I feel all woozy when I walk from one room to another.
I cannot believe this is because I worked all weekend. I thought an honest day's work was good for you, or some such nonsense. Maybe I'm just soft. *grin*
Oh, I'm going to be in another wedding - did I tell you? My dearest friend, K, is getting married! Her very own Mr. Bingley proposed last week, in Seattle, while she was there visiting. (what a NON-surprise) I am, naturally, thrilled just to pieces for them. They are young and ridiculously in love and I think it's just adorable.
We are going for a first look at dresses on Saturday. *cringe* I hope being that close to so many wedding dresses doesn't give me hives. *giggle*
Oh, giggling makes my ears ring, so I'm going to break this distraction from the sickbed and return to being puny.
I cannot believe this is because I worked all weekend. I thought an honest day's work was good for you, or some such nonsense. Maybe I'm just soft. *grin*
Oh, I'm going to be in another wedding - did I tell you? My dearest friend, K, is getting married! Her very own Mr. Bingley proposed last week, in Seattle, while she was there visiting. (what a NON-surprise) I am, naturally, thrilled just to pieces for them. They are young and ridiculously in love and I think it's just adorable.
We are going for a first look at dresses on Saturday. *cringe* I hope being that close to so many wedding dresses doesn't give me hives. *giggle*
Oh, giggling makes my ears ring, so I'm going to break this distraction from the sickbed and return to being puny.

Saturday, August 19, 2006
Everything is ITCHY
My eyes itch
My ears itch
My nose itches
My throat itches
I feel wretched. How I went from feeling perfectly fine this morning to wretched tonight can be explained by my blasted allergies. I look positively dreadful, as my nose is red from sniffling all day and my eyes are red from incessant itching.
Until now, though, I've been too busy to actually take something, as it will most likely knock me out and that isn't conducive to a high level of productivity. *sniffle*
My ears itch
My nose itches
My throat itches
I feel wretched. How I went from feeling perfectly fine this morning to wretched tonight can be explained by my blasted allergies. I look positively dreadful, as my nose is red from sniffling all day and my eyes are red from incessant itching.
Until now, though, I've been too busy to actually take something, as it will most likely knock me out and that isn't conducive to a high level of productivity. *sniffle*
My Coffee is Cold!
This morning has been fairly quiet. Well, relatively speaking. We slept in this morning, which was a treat. Munchkin is playing with her legos, on my floor, while I drink my now cooling coffee (perils of pouring a cup of coffee BEFORE making humpty-dumptys). *sigh* It's a typical Saturday in that this is really the only day I have to do things around the house (like laundry) but I really would much rather get down in the floor, pour the legos out and play with Munchkin for the remainder of the morning.
This afternoon, I have the setup for Taste of the Town - a fundraising event for the Symphony. I am on the Steering Committee which, has been a rewarding endeavor. I've made lots of new contacts and it's always valuable to collaborate with other organizations. Like everything else I've undertaken in my job, though, I'm forging new ground and so I mostly feel my way in the dark. Ah, growth... *grin*
Well, I think I'll compromise and put a load of laundry in and then play with Munchkin. Now THAT is multi-tasking!
This afternoon, I have the setup for Taste of the Town - a fundraising event for the Symphony. I am on the Steering Committee which, has been a rewarding endeavor. I've made lots of new contacts and it's always valuable to collaborate with other organizations. Like everything else I've undertaken in my job, though, I'm forging new ground and so I mostly feel my way in the dark. Ah, growth... *grin*
Well, I think I'll compromise and put a load of laundry in and then play with Munchkin. Now THAT is multi-tasking!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
TOTAL Meltdown
Munchkin thought we would have a battle of wills tonight. I won. *whew*
After an hour and a half of screeching, wailing and much knashing of teeth, she finally wore out and I was able to go in and say bedtime prayers.

Oh, my ears are ringing. If she isn't a first soprano, I'll eat my hat. I think I'm going to put in Pride & Prejudice (because the music is soft and pretty) and work on going to sleep.
After an hour and a half of screeching, wailing and much knashing of teeth, she finally wore out and I was able to go in and say bedtime prayers.

Oh, my ears are ringing. If she isn't a first soprano, I'll eat my hat. I think I'm going to put in Pride & Prejudice (because the music is soft and pretty) and work on going to sleep.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
"I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"
At least it's not Monday anymore, right? :)
Don't ask me why I'm still awake. Munchkin was asleep by 9:30 which is a lot earlier than it's been lately. I have no idea why she is so adverse to sleeping but I suppose some wise person in my life would tell me it's just a phase and just to ignore her. (they are probably right, too, dang it.)
Today was a good day (well, yesterday now, since it's after midnight). Work went well. I had an extremely productive meeting this morning with a local business that seems to be very interested in all that we do at the Center. A relationship with this business would truly be an asset to our organization. Here's to hoping!
I talked to K. She's doing her thing on the West Coast and couldn't help but rub it in that the weather is cool and beautiful. So, it's 504 degrees here in steamy, Central Texas - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
Munchkin had a good day at school. I think we are finally on the right track with the potty training business. She seems to be (finally) buying into the program. I wonder if it helped to tell her that I was sure Cinderella, Jasmine, Belle AND Ariel all went to the potty. If you had said to me that I would be pondering the toilet habits of Disney characters, I would probably have laughed in your face and called you an idiot. But, mommy-hood is not always pretty.
I will say, though, that it was all worth it to hear bedtime prayers tonight and to prompt her to end with, "I love you, Jesus," and for her to say back, "I love you Jesus and Mommy." Wow. What's cooler than that?
Well, I guess this is as good a post as it's going to get tonight. I've been reading a lot of blogs lately and, while I'm probably not in the running for any awards for quality content (let's face it, I whine and post pictures most of the time) - at least I can say this nonsense doesn't stay stuck in my head making me crazier than I already am... Oh no, I've written it down and posted it to a PUBLIC forum for the entire world to read! ::laugh:: night, kids.
Don't ask me why I'm still awake. Munchkin was asleep by 9:30 which is a lot earlier than it's been lately. I have no idea why she is so adverse to sleeping but I suppose some wise person in my life would tell me it's just a phase and just to ignore her. (they are probably right, too, dang it.)
Today was a good day (well, yesterday now, since it's after midnight). Work went well. I had an extremely productive meeting this morning with a local business that seems to be very interested in all that we do at the Center. A relationship with this business would truly be an asset to our organization. Here's to hoping!
I talked to K. She's doing her thing on the West Coast and couldn't help but rub it in that the weather is cool and beautiful. So, it's 504 degrees here in steamy, Central Texas - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
Munchkin had a good day at school. I think we are finally on the right track with the potty training business. She seems to be (finally) buying into the program. I wonder if it helped to tell her that I was sure Cinderella, Jasmine, Belle AND Ariel all went to the potty. If you had said to me that I would be pondering the toilet habits of Disney characters, I would probably have laughed in your face and called you an idiot. But, mommy-hood is not always pretty.
I will say, though, that it was all worth it to hear bedtime prayers tonight and to prompt her to end with, "I love you, Jesus," and for her to say back, "I love you Jesus and Mommy." Wow. What's cooler than that?
Well, I guess this is as good a post as it's going to get tonight. I've been reading a lot of blogs lately and, while I'm probably not in the running for any awards for quality content (let's face it, I whine and post pictures most of the time) - at least I can say this nonsense doesn't stay stuck in my head making me crazier than I already am... Oh no, I've written it down and posted it to a PUBLIC forum for the entire world to read! ::laugh:: night, kids.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Tinkering with Layouts
I've grown bored of the three shades of green template for my blog. So, I've been tinkering. What do you think? I haven't decided yet if I like this one. It's very...well, it's different than the other one - that's for sure.
We'll see.
We'll see.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Pitiful Munchkin
You know, as a parent, we all have days where we just scratch our head and say, "huh?" Yesterday was one of those days. I just didn't have the energy to keep up with Munchkin's rambunctiousness. Normally she is a breeze but yesterday she was a little bit of a handful. I received a really snippy comment on yesterday's post that I will NOT be publishing but it is enough to say that the "anonymous" commenter obviously has no grasp on parenting because I don't know a single parent that DOESN'T occasionally have days where they just want to run off to the circus. Of course I'm glad she's home and of course I'm glad the play is over and I can spend more time with her. DUH.
Today, however, was a good day; filled with revelation. I slept terribly last night. I got a wrong number at 2:30am and had a terrible time getting back to sleep. When I finally did get back to sleep, I had awful dreams.
Munchkin didn't sleep well, either, and woke up on the wrong side of the bed and she picked at breakfast. (the first sign that something wasn't quite right) We got up and went on to church, though. She only made it through Sunday school and half of big church before needing to come home. I could tell she was just so tired.
So, after lunch, we both laid down for naps. She slept almost four hours - a total sleep-a-thon. She didn't get up from her nap until five o'clock! We had a quiet evening, but she was complaining of a stomach ache. ::cringe:: I hope she isn't getting sick.
She was pretty pitiful today. She finally perked up enough after her bath tonight to read a couple of stories before bed. Now, it's almost 10pm and she's finally quiet in there. I think I'm going to finish cleaning off my desk and then crawl into bed too.
Today, however, was a good day; filled with revelation. I slept terribly last night. I got a wrong number at 2:30am and had a terrible time getting back to sleep. When I finally did get back to sleep, I had awful dreams.
Munchkin didn't sleep well, either, and woke up on the wrong side of the bed and she picked at breakfast. (the first sign that something wasn't quite right) We got up and went on to church, though. She only made it through Sunday school and half of big church before needing to come home. I could tell she was just so tired.
So, after lunch, we both laid down for naps. She slept almost four hours - a total sleep-a-thon. She didn't get up from her nap until five o'clock! We had a quiet evening, but she was complaining of a stomach ache. ::cringe:: I hope she isn't getting sick.
She was pretty pitiful today. She finally perked up enough after her bath tonight to read a couple of stories before bed. Now, it's almost 10pm and she's finally quiet in there. I think I'm going to finish cleaning off my desk and then crawl into bed too.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Do Nothing Day
We've done almost nothing and I'm so tired. I miss the play and the constant activity. I felt like I had an almost endless source of energy that has dwindled away to nothing.
I'm sleepy. Is it time for Munchkin to go to bed yet? ::yawn::
I'm sleepy. Is it time for Munchkin to go to bed yet? ::yawn::
Thursday, August 10, 2006
I'm in Love
No, not THAT kind of love. ::rolling eyes::
I have a new favorite musical. Well, to call it the "favorite" might be a little rushed, but right away I felt the flutters of an "oh my!" when I first listened the CHARMING musical that is:

This is going to be my next audition. The Civic Theatre is putting it on in February and auditions are in December. I've already ordered the recording and I'm looking for the script and score.
I can't get the songs out of my head. Lines like, "my teeth ache/on the urge to touch her." Lord, who couldn't feel a little giddy? ::grin::
Me thinks (hopes) this is a phase. Mushy schmaltz was never my forte. But, all of the sudden, I'm smiling at these goofy romantic movies and I have the most amazing urge to watch When Harry Met Sally.
I have a new favorite musical. Well, to call it the "favorite" might be a little rushed, but right away I felt the flutters of an "oh my!" when I first listened the CHARMING musical that is:

This is going to be my next audition. The Civic Theatre is putting it on in February and auditions are in December. I've already ordered the recording and I'm looking for the script and score.
I can't get the songs out of my head. Lines like, "my teeth ache/on the urge to touch her." Lord, who couldn't feel a little giddy? ::grin::
Me thinks (hopes) this is a phase. Mushy schmaltz was never my forte. But, all of the sudden, I'm smiling at these goofy romantic movies and I have the most amazing urge to watch When Harry Met Sally.
Monday, August 7, 2006
King & I Pics - Part 3

My own little corner in the dressing room.

What most of us did the majority of the show - WAIT. It was fun, though, because it gave us an opportunity to really take "getting to know you" out for a spin. I was glad to "get to know" the gal in the blue dress - I've known her for ages but never really knew anything about her. Now, I have a new friend.

K getting ready for the show - it takes a lot of work to go from a little blonde anglo-saxon (or a red-headed scot-irish fridaynightgirl) to a dark headed asian princess. :)

The King, Mrs. Anna & Kralahome. Munchkin always remarked that her favorite part of the show was the King and that Kralahome scared her. ::grin::
What a fun summer! Now, for some SLEEP!!

King & I Pics - part 2

K & I (I'm the one in purple with the wicked tan)

The kids - told you they were cute!

me and my stage kiddo! When we were first paired up, he wouldn't even let me hold his hand but, by the end of the run, he would lay his head on my shoulder and smile his sweet little smile at me. He was adorable. It really helped that I had the youngest child, as I was badly missing my own little imp much of the summer. Thanks, Director!

Ah, I ran through that backstage hallway many times!

Pictures from King & I
As promised, here are some of the pictures that I took during the King & I. Most are random "hallway" snapshots but I thought they might be fun to share.
The hangout room for the kids.
Lun Tha and Tuptim; sorry Lun - this isn't so flattering for you; Tuptim, you look lovely!
Wives in royal favor with King
K with her stage kiddo!

The hangout room for the kids.

Lun Tha and Tuptim; sorry Lun - this isn't so flattering for you; Tuptim, you look lovely!

Wives in royal favor with King

K with her stage kiddo!

General American
Your Linguistic Profile: |
60% General American English |
30% Dixie |
5% Yankee |
0% Midwestern |
0% Upper Midwestern |
Thanks to Jane, I've been enlightened! ::giggle:: That's a funny little quiz.
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